Friday, May 18, 2018

Wim Hof's Breathing Method vs. Dr. Buteyko's Method

Dr. Artour Rakhimov and Volker Schmitz discuss Wim Hof's method and the method of Dr. Buteyko that transformed the health conditions of thousands of people worldwide. Does Wim Hof's breathing have a relation to Buteyko breathing? It looks like a completely opposite idea as Wim Hof has people breathe a lot of air or hyperventilate. Dr. Artour Rakhimov made a separate web page about this topic. Dr. Buteyko's method relates to our unconscious or automatic breathing patterns throughout the day and night. The purpose of the Buteyko method works by slowing down our breathing to improve oxygen levels. People breathe more than the medical norm nowadays. They achieve small levels for the body-oxygen test. When people breathe too much air, they have less oxygen in their body. Dr. Buteyko restored the health of thousands of people with his method. When people restored their breathing, they had an excellent quality of life.

The Wim Hof method works by hyperventilation. Free divers have similar methods. The Wim Hof method does deliberate hyperventilation for temporary oxygen increases. Both methods have an area that includes adapting to cold. Dr. Buteyko would lay in the snow without any clothes. When people achieve higher levels for their body-oxygen test or control pause test, they enjoy the cold much more.

With having less than 20 seconds for the CP test they should not engage in any kind of ice baths or similar things. It can be very dangerous at those levels. Dr. Artour Rakhimov has procedures on his website that outlines how to prepare yourself for these activities in the cold. Being in the cold makes you want to hyperventilate and it becomes very tempting. If you are underwater as well it becomes even more dangerous.

Secondly, it is important to have a gradual transition to activities in the cold such as taking a cold shower. When taking a cold shower start with washing your limbs one by one. This gradual transition helps from being warm and then cold. For certain people they should not do any activities in the cold. People that are very sick have 10 to 15 seconds for the CP test. Dr. Artour Rakhimov knew a few people with this type of CP, they also tried cold showers and experienced infections. With more than 20 seconds for the CP test having a cold shower is very healthy for the body's oxygen levels.

Brown fats cells are needed for a healthy body. Humans are born with about 8 to 10 percent of these cells. The cells can generate heat by themselves. Polar bears have a lot more brown fat cells. When we are not exposed to the cold for a long time, our brown fat cells completely disappear. Online there are dozens of studies looking how to generate fat brown cells in the body. We just need more cold exposure to create them. Having lots of brown fat cells prevents cancer, diabetes, and many more health conditions. Also, it creates better breathing patterns. Having a cold shower is beneficial to increase body-oxygen levels.

Here is more about Wim Hof's breathing method vs Buteyko's Method: .

The YouTube URL of this video Wim Hof's Breathing vs. Dr. Buteyko's Method is .Thanks for watching!

The video features Volker Schmitz (Buteyko breathing practitioner from Hamburg, Germany) and Dr. Artour Rakhimov (Buteyko practitioner trainer from Toronto, Canada).

In this German webpage, Zwerchfellatmung: Techniken und Anleitung zur Wiederherstellung der Zwerchfellatmung you can find more info about diaphragmatic breathing.

In this Spanish webpage, IncreĆ­ble dispositivo de respiraciĆ³n DIY you can find more information about the relation of the Buteyko method to an amazing DIY breathing device. .

The video description was created with the participation of Chris Prokop (Mississauga, Canada).


Wim Hof, Wim Hof review, Wim Hof vs. Buteyko Method, Wim Hof benefits, Wim Hof vs. Buteyko technique, Buteyko's method vs. Wim Hof's breathing, Wim Hof's breathing technique

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Stretching and Breathing Mutual Benefits: Interview with Volker Schmitz

Volker Schmitz and Dr. Artour Rakhimov talk about how stretching exercises help breathing patterns and vice-versa. Volker has been teaching yoga, breathing exercises, kung fu and tai chi for over 15 years. Stretching can enhance breathing retraining and the other way around. The discussion on stretching for breathing begins first. In martial arts and yoga, there is a lot of stretching. Stretching can be intensive and in that case, it will enhance breathing retraining. Bob Cooley's book and website for this type of stretching. Volker advocates more intensive stretching.

Another layer has to do with energy channels. These are believed to exist in China and India. We can put it into perspective if we equate it with muscular or structural chains as they connect the whole body. This can be enhanced with stretching. The type of stretching is very important. In China, they were looking at nature to find out what animals were doing. For example, a cat uses a lot of force at the moment of the stretch. Check out Bob Cooley's book and website for this type of stretching. He spends a lot of time on this topic.

We have fascia that grows at night. It has to be dissolved. Stretching seems to be the most effective way to do this and this leads to better blood flow. There is also the nervous functioning that can be enhanced with better oxygen supply.

Next, is breathing for stretching. When you do breathing exercises, it increases oxygen supply to the organs of the body and muscles. It will lead to better brain function and concentration. Concentration is very important for movement. You need to do it with good technique and use a lot of force. You can only do this when your nervous system is prepared for these types of movements. These are only a few things that breathing can do. There is a layer of endurance that is also improved. With having 60 seconds for the control pause test or body-oxygen level you sleep less and have more time for stretching.

People these days breathe too much. In these talks, it refers to breathing at rest or automatic breathing patterns. This is discussed in detail on Dr. Artour Rakhimov's website There are dozens of historical studies from 100 years ago that people breathed a lot less. Dr. Buteyko's norm was 60 seconds for the CP level and that is 8 breaths per minute at rest. When people achieve higher levels of oxygen they have much less sleep, more stamina, more concentration, more energy, extra motivation and exercise becomes a joy. With 15 to 20 seconds for the CP test, people complain about having chronic fatigue.

Here is more about Stretching-Breathing Benefits .

The YouTube URL of this video Stretching and breathing benefits is .Thanks for watching!

The video features Volker Schmitz (Buteyko breathing practitioner from Hamburg, Germany) and Dr. Artour Rakhimov (Buteyko practitioner trainer from Toronto, Canada).

In this German webpage, Yoga – was sind die Ziele traditionellen Yogas? Welche Unterschiede gibt es zum modernen Yoga? you can find more info about yoga and breathing.

In this Spanish webpage, Yoga you can find more information about yoga and breathing. .

The video description was created with the participation of Chris Prokop (Mississauga, Canada).


 breathing during stretching, inhalation stretching, exhalation stretching.

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health, fitness, exercise, gymnastics, buteyko method, buteyko breathing, buteyko method, buteyko technique, buteyko

Thursday, May 10, 2018

Clinical Trials of Buteyko Breathing Method in USSR/Russia

A variety of Russian trials for Buteyko Method is discussed. The first studies to be discussed are from 1990 in Kiev the Shevchenko Central hospital. People effected by the Chernobyl disaster were tested. They had symptoms related to their nervous system, blood pressure and so forth. Out of 50 people with radiation disease, 82% had improvements. These improvements were measured from their blood parameters and cardiovascular perimeters. They reduced their medication and there were no side effects. The Buteyko Method improves breathing closer to the medical norm. Slowing down breathing helped these people to recover.

The next clinical trial was for people with HIV-AIDS. Even though there were only 7 young people with AIDS the results were really good because they managed to get rid of their symptoms. Symptoms such as mood instability, fears and digestive complaints. The trial was for 3 and up to 7 to 9 days. People with 60 seconds for the body-oxygen test or control pause test can have a normal life quality. Complaints of the cardiovascular system, digestive health and other health complaints go away. People with later stages of HIV have about 10 to 15 seconds for the CP test. After the Buteyko technique, they would not need medications anymore. You can find translations of this trial on Dr. Artour Rakhimov's website

The next trail was conducted in 1991in Kiev. It was done with people having hepatitis B and liver cirrhosis. They had acute or chronic hepatitis. 28 out of 30 people had remission of their symptoms. They showed improvements in their blood test results. There was a 93% percent success rate for hepatitis b and liver cirrhosis. Liver cirrhosis is relatively easy to solve with breathing retraining. Western medicine provides only medication for these health conditions.

There was a clinical trial for cancer in 2001 that was published in an official Ukrainian oncology journal. A direct student of Dr. Buteyko, Dr. Pashinka applied the Buteyko technique on 120 students that had the initial stages of breast cancer. This is when a tumour goes from the breast to the lymph nodes. In 3 or 5 years, up to 25% of these people would die even though they would apply surgical removal of their tumour. The next step would be radiation and chemotherapy that has good clinical research to live longer. It also has criticism from alternative medicine that people feel awful during this time. All these techniques were applied, but they also applied breathing retraining of 2 hours for 3 years.

In 3 years, the control group had a mortality rate of 25%, but the group with breathing retraining had only 5% or 6%. The Buteyko rate was reduced by 6 times and used by a huge amount of people. Dr. Pashinka wrote that he only lost 2 patients in his group. These patients also had diabetes and heart disease. All students started with 10 seconds CP, this is a very low health state. Other students achieved 50 to 60 seconds CP.

Dr. Artour Rakhimov wrote a book about this subject called doctors that cure cancer. With recent discoveries in the ketogenic diet, the success rate of cancer is even more successful. Cancer feeds on blood glucose. When people eat glucose, their cancer even gets cancer. While eating a ketogenic diet prevents this from occurring.

Here is more about Trials of the Buteyko Method in Russia: /.
The YouTube URL of this video is: /.

The video features Volker Schmitz (Buteyko breathing practitioner from Hamburg, Germany) and Dr. Artour Rakhimov (Buteyko practitioner trainer from Toronto, Canada).

The video description was created with the participation of Chris Prokop (Mississauga, Canada).

buteyko method, buteyko technique trials,buteyko technique russian trials,buteyko breathing,buteyko method,buteyko technique, buteyko

Monday, May 7, 2018

Calisthenics, Acrobatics and Gymnastics Amazing Benefits from and for Breathing Retraining

Calisthenics, acrobatics, and gymnastics provide outstanding advantages compared to other activities by increasing body-oxygen levels. Volker Schmitz has been teaching Chinese calisthenics, acrobatics, and gymnastics for many years. Together with Dr. Artour Rakhimov, they discuss the questions, “How can breathing retraining help people practice these moving arts?” and “How these moving arts can improve their health and their body-oxygen levels?”

On the one hand, there are improvements in the muscular structure and oxygenation and regeneration of the muscles. We also have improvements in the psychological functioning and the ability to concentrate. Also, in joint functioning and the strength of the joints improves in gymnastics.

Proper breathing helps to physically recover faster from acrobatics, calisthenics gymnastics. This type of breathing is described as when we breathe much less in our unconscious or automatic breathing patterns. Most people over-breathe twice in their body-oxygen levels according to the medical norm. A hundred years ago, breathing 10 to 12 breaths per minute was the norm. Nowadays people's mental states include a lot of anxiety, panic attacks, depression etc.

What is the benefit for people that slowed down their breathing to the medical norm in relation to these moving ? Many people have more access to the muscles from improved nerve functioning. You do not only need big muscles for exercises, but proper breathing helps your performance by using all your muscles together.

The other benefit relates to losing weight. Even if you are a few kilos above weight it is very difficult to do a front flip. Also, endurance and sleep are improved by breathing. People that hyperventilate oversleep. Students with 60 seconds for the body-oxygen test sleep 4 and a half hours. They crave physical exercise and they do not complain about fatigue. They have joy from exercise.

All these kinds of acrobatic movements have a lot to do with the core of the body. For flips and handstands, you need a whole muscle chain that depends on core strength. Generally, gymnasts develop much faster in breathing retraining because of their control of the body and strength of their diaphragm. In the higher stages of calisthenics, they have a lot of mental strength. This mind state also shows up in breathing retraining. This allows you to relax.

The functionally of the muscles is the next point. Calisthenics with breathing retraining prevents scar tissues and helps with the improvement of the joints. Breathing retraining is a difficult process. Breathing retraining can be easily intellectually understood, but it takes considerable effort for oneself to improve. In general terms of time and efforts, if you are starting with 20 seconds for the body-oxygen level or the control pause test you can go to the norm of 40 seconds in 1 or 2 months. This is a very fast rate.

For some other students, it can take about half a year to reach 40 seconds. It depends on their age and weight. For someone that is practicing calisthenics, their improvement would be much faster because of their control of the body and a lot of enhanced functioning of the body. The practice of daily exercise greatly helps to have a higher body-oxygen level.

You can find more details about acrobatics, calisthenics and gymnastics breathing benefits here:

Volker has many students for a long time and he compares people that are solely bodybuilders to calisthenic students. The calisthenic students have a very large advantage in breathing retraining performance compared to bodybuilders. He would suggest for bodybuilders to include calisthenic exercises to enhance muscle functioning and to reduce scar tissue. Sometimes they like having bigger muscles, but they would not be as strong as people involved in calisthenics.

The YouTube URL of this video "Acrobatics, calisthenics gymnastics breathing benefits" is /.

The video features Volker Schmitz (Kung Fu teacher and Buteyko/NormalBreathing practitioner from Hamburg in Germany) and Dr. Artour Rakhimov (Buteyko Practitioner Master Trainer from Toronto, Canada).

The video description was created with the participation of Chris Prokop (Mississauga, Canada).