Monday, October 31, 2016

How breathing relates to sleep duration and quality – Interview with Dr. Artour Rakhimov Artour Rakhimov

How to sleep less and better naturally? Do sleep duration in hours relates to breathing rates in breaths per minute? Can one sleep only 4 or even 2 hours? The answers are in this video: Breathing and duration of sleep.
You can find the Sleep Table on this page
The Spanish version of this page is “Duerma menos (solo 4.5 horas) y trabaje mejor naturalmente” - Factores de estilo de vida a corto plazo para tener menor tiempo de dormir

Dr. Artour Rakhimov gives his personal example of his previous sleep patterns. He started practicing the Buteyko method about 15 years ago. His results for the body oxygen test or CP (control pause) was about 8 to 10 seconds. While his sleep quality was horrible and he would regularly sleep over 10 hours. Artour would wake up a few times during the night with nightmares and it would be difficult to fall back asleep.

With a higher CP, sleep duration shortens and the quality of sleep improves. When the CP gets over 20, sleep starts to shorten to 7 and a half hours. With over 30 seconds for the CP, sleep gets down to about 6 hours. This CP allows more time for physical exercise and in turn a higher CP. When you get over 50 to 60 CP, there are no chronic diseases and you sleep from 4 to 4 and a half hours (with maybe a 5 to 10-minute nap). These higher CPs are considered the golden standard by Dr. Buteyko. Dr. Buteyko had his sleep shortened to 2 hours per nigh with breathing retraining.

That also allows to treat sleep apnea naturally, eliminate any signs or symptoms of snoring or bruxism (tooth grinding). Sleep paralysis and sleep walking also disappear completely.

In yoga books written 60 to 70 years ago, yoga masters would only have 2 hours of sleep. During this time period, yogis had a proper understanding of pranayama or breath control. Soviet doctors studying the Buteyko Method came to the same conclusion about only needing 2 hours of sleep for practitioners. Other factors that affect sleep duration include controlling your thermoregulation at night, grounding and having sufficient nutrients.

Dr. Artour Rakhimov teaches groups of students and Buteyko practitioners when traveling to New York City and Los Angeles. These classes include the standard NormalBreathing course (about 12-15 hours), as well as lessons for future practitioners. His method includes all the essential elements of the classical (original) Buteyko technique as well as additional elements such as using breathing devices.

A fundamental part of the NormalBreathing teaching is the CP test or body oxygen test. The first requirement for the test is to take it on an empty stomach. You simply sit for about 5-7 minutes. After this time has passed wait for the next natural exhale, pinch your nose and count how many seconds pass until the natural feeling to inhale occurs. The desire to inhale will be felt coming from the diaphragm or throat. The breath holding time should not be extended for as long as possible. Be sensitive to stop breathing when the body desires to breathe. The CP is most significant when measured first thing in the morning. Since at this time, most people's CP has a tendency to drop. This is mainly due to sleep positions and many other lifestyle factors as mentioned in the previous videos.

Along with a higher CP comes greater health and specific benefits for each stage. Over 50 seconds for the CP allows one to breath without any effort through the nose. There is a strong desire to exercise and it is enjoyable to do so. The mind is focused and able to clearly concentrate on tasks. The desire to eat unhealthy foods is eliminated and in particular foods with a high sugar content. Likewise, addictions to smoking, drugs and alcohol disappear. While a natural tendency to eat raw foods develops. Additionally, proper posture starts to happen naturally and the duration of sleep greatly shortens.

Dr. Artour Rakhimov's book on Amazon Sleep Better and Less - Naturally: Cure Chronic Insomnia and Boost Body-Brain O2 Levels: . All the sleep factors are included in this book such as grounding, supplements, air quality etc. See website for many free tips.

Our YouTube Channel:

The YouTube URL of this video is: /.

The video features Dr. Artour Rakhimov, health educator, writer, breathing teacher and trainer, and the author of the website

The video was edited and produced by Chris Prokop with changes by Dr. Artour Rakhimov..


Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Sleeping sitting instructions - Interview with Dr. Artour Artour Rakhimov

Sleep positions and postures for people with COPD, diabetes, HIV-AIDS, cancer, epilepsy, asthma and many other diseases. What tools are helpful for changing sleep positions? How long does it take to get used to sleeping sitting and how does this position affect people with diseases?

Chris Prokop interviews Dr. Artour Rakhimov, a teacher and trainer of Buteyko breathing practitioners. The question addressed is “techniques for sleeping sitting”.

To adapt to sleeping sitting takes about 1 to 2 months. Patience is an important factor to get used to the process in sleeping sitting. The reason being that most people have become used to lying down to sleep. Having a circular pillow (used on airplanes) around the neck helps for comfort and prevents mouth breathing during sleep. Additionally, having comfortable arm rests under the elbows supports the weight of the shoulders. Putting your legs on some type of trunk may be used but is not necessary. Most importantly, the spine should be straight. If you lean back too far that will increase your rate of hyperventilation. There are pillows that are comfortable for you to lay forward on them or you can also rest forward onto a table with a pillow underneath your head. Consequently, these sleep conditions will allow you to have fewer health problems at night and your MCP (morning control pause) will be higher.

“How the Buteyko method improves body oxygen levels” - this topic is explained in this article: .

According to most leading Soviet Buteyko breathing practitioners (over there, they are medical doctors), sleeping sitting is the best position for health. It will allow you to maintain the same CP you had before falling asleep at night. While for most people their CP drops in the morning because of improper sleep positions that cause hyperventilation. The MCP is the main criteria of being healthy. Keeping a high MCP greatly increases the time your body has to recover from any health problems. In turn, your CP during the day will grow a lot faster.

In contrast, supine sleep has harmful effects on breathing and health. Dr. Buteyko and about 200 doctors (Buteyko practitioners whom he trained) noticed that when the lungs are unrestricted during supine sleep it intensifies breathing. 25 Western studies came to the same conclusion about supine sleep. Additionally, the CP test shows about a 30% drop when sleeping in the supine position.

Sleeping sitting also prevents epilepsy seizures during sleep. See more on this page /.

For the overview of training of Buteyko practitioners ()who does, where and other factors), visit this page: .

The NormalBreathing teachings include a variety of breathing techniques. One of the widely used techniques is the Buteyko Method. The method has shown practical credibility being used on more than 100,000 asthmatics, 30,000 people with cardiovascular problems and on many other conditions (liver cirrhosis, apnoea, bronchitis). There has been shown to be a 90% reduction in medication for asthmatics by 6 Western randomized clinical studies on asthma. The Buteyko Method has been approved by the Russian Ministry of Health. Its effectiveness has been shown during Soviet trials when it was used on patients with HIV-AIDS, metastatic cancer (6 times reduction in 3-year mortality), hepatitis B and more diseases. Dr. Artour Rakhimov also had students who achieved clinical remission from symptoms of cystic fibrosis, epilepsy, and many other conditions.

Other breathing techniques used are the Amazing DIY device and the Frolov device. The Amazing DIT device is one of the inventions of Dr. Artour Rakhimov, a trainer of Buteyko practitioners. For details of his training, visit this page: /.

Breathing devices are found to be easier for beginning students and have greatly effective results. Managing sleep positions and retraining breathing patterns, form the foundation of NormalBreathing teachings. These factors lead to efficient breathing and improved overall health.

Our YouTube Channel:

The YouTube URL of this video is: /.

The video features Dr. Artour Rakhimov, health educator, writer, breathing teacher and NormalBreathing trainer, creator of courses for Buteyko practitioner training, and the author of the website

The video was edited and produced by Chris Prokop.

Friday, October 21, 2016

Why Best Sleep Position is Sitting - Interview with Dr. Artour Rakhimov Artour Rakhimov

Sleep positions and postures for diabetes, sleep sitting for lupus, HIV-AIDS, leukemia, cancer, IBD, cardiovascular disease, epilepsy, COPD, asthma and many other diseases.

In this video, Chris Prokop interviews Dr. Artour Rakhimov. Today's question is are there any benefits in sleeping sitting? The sitting position provides even better oxygen levels, according to the CP (control pause) test. Dr. Buteyko and Soviet doctors extensively studied sleep because the majority of people with diseases had an increase of their symptoms during sleep. Managing sleep factors is an important part of Buteyko's teachings.
Some of the sleep lifestyle aspects, include having proper thermoregulation, preventing mouth breathing and more. Most Buteyko specialists, including Dr. Andrey Novozhilov, the chief doctor from the Buteyko Clinic in Moscow, believe sleeping sitting is the best position for health. Sleeping sitting will allow you, to gain the highest CP results. It will also, make it possible for you to keep the same CP that you had before falling asleep.

This web page explains factors related to good sleep hygiene

The Spanish version of this page ash the title “Higiene de buena dormida | Cómo dormir” and is here:

Our most recent accessible information about how people slept, is from the early 20th century. Most books do not describe such details about sleep conditions, but some museums contain historical beds. Having a thicker mattress is a relatively recent lifestyle change that started around the 1930's or 1940's. Older beds before that were around one meter in length. It was only possible to sit while sleeping in these beds. Even myths existed that lying horizontally in bed, will have your body taken over by a spirit that would eventually kill you.

Various doctors and studies found out that supine sleep has drastic effects on breathing and health. Dr. Buteyko and around 200 doctors came to the conclusion that when the lungs are unrestricted during supine sleep, it intensifies breathing. The same outcome was determined by 25 Western studies. According to the CP test, there is about a 30% drop when sleeping in the supine position.

Preparation of proper sleep conditions and sleep positions are a key part of the NormalBreathing teaching. Measuring the MCP (morning control pause) first thing in the morning shows the effects of sleep on your oxygen levels. The MCP is the most important breathing test because over night is when oxygen levels usually drop. Keeping the same CP in the morning as it was during the night, allows the body to have more time to maintain a high level of health. This also makes your breathing progress a lot more effective. Additionally, the MCP is used as a goal to achieve higher levels of health, energy and many more benefits.

Sleeping sitting is hard and challenging, but it provides best results for the morning body oxygen test. With slower breathing (that may take weeks or months), people naturally sleep better and require less time for sleep. For example, all NormalBreathing students who got over 60 s for the body oxygen test in the morning required no more than 4.5 hours of sleep. Dr, Buteyko himself achieved up to about 2 minutes and 30 seconds for the CP test and had only 2 hours of sleep naturally.

More about sleep and the Buteyko method is here:

The YouTube URL of this video is: /.

The video features Dr. Artour Rakhimov, health educator, writer, breathing teacher and NormalBreathing trainer, and the author of the website

The video was edited and produced by Chris Prokop.

Monday, October 17, 2016

How to avoid supine sleep (prevent sleeping on the back) - Interview with Dr, Artour Artour Rakhimov

How to prevent supine sleep? One can avoid sleeping on one's back with the methods and techniques suggested here

In this video, Chris Prokop interviews Dr. Artour Rakhimov. The question addressed is, “How can we avoid sleeping on the back?”.

One such technique for preventing sleeping on the back is attaching a tennis ball to your back. The discomfort of sleeping on your back prevents you from sleeping in the supine position. While having a backpack on during sleep would keep you on one side, but it would prevent you from moving around. Moving around during sleep is beneficial because it allows circulation.

Another technique is to take a scarf about a meter and a half long and making a knot with it on your back. This would prevent the ingrained habit at night time of moving back into the supine position.

Find other details for prevention of supine sleep on this page “Why and How to Prevent and Stop Supine Sleep (on the Back)”:of NormalBreathing site The Spanish version of this page is “Por qué y cómo prevenir y parar de dormir en forma supina (boca arriba)” - .

Sleeping on the back is very common in hospitals and it occurs in 90% of people with severe health problems. Breathing retraining students with over 30 seconds on their CP test naturally do not sleep on their back. They will sleep on their chest, left and right sides. For people that have their heart on their left side and if they sleep on their left side or their chest, they will have a higher result on the CP (control pause) test. While sleeping on their right side, will give them a slightly lower level on the CP test.

Preventing sleep on the back is taught to NormalBreathing students. Additionally, the sleep quantity of students naturally decreases over time.

Research undertaken by Dr. Buteyko and about 200 doctors found out, sleeping in the supine position is the worst position for breathing. 25 Western studies determined the same results from their research. When laying on the back during sleep there is about a 30% drop on the CP test.

Proper sleep positions and preparations before sleep are a fundamental part of the NormalBreathing teaching. Sleep positions can be a key part of what is holding your oxygen levels lower as measured by the CP test. The MCP (morning control pause) is the main parameter to assess your health. If your body has a lower MCP result, it only has time during the day to improve or maintain your health. This occurs in large part due to incorrect sleep positions and in turn heavier breathing overnight.

Prevention of supine sleep also helps to sleep less and better . More details in this Amazon book (paperback) and

NormalBreathing teaches breathing retraining with various methods. This includes the Buteyko Method, a method approved by the Russian Ministry of Health and one that is growing across the world. It has been used successfully on over 30,000 people with cardiovascular issues, more than 100,000 asthmatics and many other conditions (sleep apnoea, bronchitis, liver cirrhosis). In 6 Western randomized clinical trials on asthma, there has been more than a 90% reduction in medication with the Buteyko Method. While Soviet trials have used it on HIV-AIDS, hepatitis B, radiation disease, metastatic cancer (a 6 times reduction in 3-year mortality) and more.

Additionally, breathing devices such as the Amazing DIY device and the Frolov device are taught on The devices are found to be easier to use for beginners.

Our YouTube Channel:

The YouTube URL of this video is: /.

The video features Dr. Artour Rakhimov, health educator, writer, breathing teacher and trainer, and the author of the website

The video was edited and produced by Chris Prokop.

How to avoid supine sleep (prevent sleeping on the back) - Interview with Dr, Artour Artour Rakhimov

How to prevent supine sleep? One can avoid sleeping on one's back with the methods and techniques suggested here

In this video, Chris Prokop interviews Dr. Artour Rakhimov. The question addressed is, “How can we avoid sleeping on the back?”.

One such technique for preventing sleeping on the back is attaching a tennis ball to your back. The discomfort of sleeping on your back prevents you from sleeping in the supine position. While having a backpack on during sleep would keep you on one side, but it would prevent you from moving around. Moving around during sleep is beneficial because it allows circulation.

Another technique is to take a scarf about a meter and a half long and making a knot with it on your back. This would prevent the ingrained habit at night time of moving back into the supine position.

Find other details for prevention of supine sleep on this page “Why and How to Prevent and Stop Supine Sleep (on the Back)”:of NormalBreathing site The Spanish version of this page is “Por qué y cómo prevenir y parar de dormir en forma supina (boca arriba)” - .

Sleeping on the back is very common in hospitals and it occurs in 90% of people with severe health problems. Breathing retraining students with over 30 seconds on their CP test naturally do not sleep on their back. They will sleep on their chest, left and right sides. For people that have their heart on their left side and if they sleep on their left side or their chest, they will have a higher result on the CP (control pause) test. While sleeping on their right side, will give them a slightly lower level on the CP test.

Preventing sleep on the back is taught to NormalBreathing students. Additionally, the sleep quantity of students naturally decreases over time.

Research undertaken by Dr. Buteyko and about 200 doctors found out, sleeping in the supine position is the worst position for breathing. 25 Western studies determined the same results from their research. When laying on the back during sleep there is about a 30% drop on the CP test.

Proper sleep positions and preparations before sleep are a fundamental part of the NormalBreathing teaching. Sleep positions can be a key part of what is holding your oxygen levels lower as measured by the CP test. The MCP (morning control pause) is the main parameter to assess your health. If your body has a lower MCP result, it only has time during the day to improve or maintain your health. This occurs in large part due to incorrect sleep positions and in turn heavier breathing overnight.

Prevention of supine sleep also helps to sleep less and better . More details in this Amazon book (paperback) and

NormalBreathing teaches breathing retraining with various methods. This includes the Buteyko Method, a method approved by the Russian Ministry of Health and one that is growing across the world. It has been used successfully on over 30,000 people with cardiovascular issues, more than 100,000 asthmatics and many other conditions (sleep apnoea, bronchitis, liver cirrhosis). In 6 Western randomized clinical trials on asthma, there has been more than a 90% reduction in medication with the Buteyko Method. While Soviet trials have used it on HIV-AIDS, hepatitis B, radiation disease, metastatic cancer (a 6 times reduction in 3-year mortality) and more.

Additionally, breathing devices such as the Amazing DIY device and the Frolov device are taught on The devices are found to be easier to use for beginners.

Our YouTube Channel:

The YouTube URL of this video is: /.

The video features Dr. Artour Rakhimov, health educator, writer, breathing teacher and trainer, and the author of the website

The video was edited and produced by Chris Prokop.

Monday, October 10, 2016

Nocturnal Hypoxemia and Mortality Caused by Supine Sleep Position (on Back): Interview with Dr. Artour Artour Rakhimov

What is the impact of sleep positions and especially supine posture on health of people with diabetes, HIV-AIDS, cancer, epilepsy, coronary disease, bronchitis, COPD and many other diseases? Why have many family physicians, nurses, and general practitioners noticed that sleep affects COPD patients, patients that experience coronary spasms and patients with sudden cardiac deaths? How does sleeping on one's back cause changes in health and breathing or your oxygen level, as measured by the CP(control pause) test? This effect is also known as nocturnal hypoxemia.

In this YouTube video, Chris Prokop interviews Dr. Artour Rakhimov about sleeping on one's back (supine sleep) and causes of worse health and nocturnal hypoxemia when a person sleeps on his or her back.

Your breath is unrestricted, when sleeping on your back. So it helps to sleep prone, or on the left and right sides because your body weight, restricts your breathing. Most sick patients in hospitals are commonly seen laying on their backs. The patients hyperventilate and breath about 3-4 times more than the medical norm causing nocturnal hypoxemia.

There are NormalBreathing web pages that relate to this topic. One of them is “Supine Sleep Position and Nocturnal Hypoxemia”

The Spanish version of this page is “Por qué y cómo prevenir y parar de dormir en forma supina (boca arriba)” .

Dr. Buteyko and over 180 Soviet breathing retraining doctors did extensive research on sleep positions. They found out that, the supine position or laying on the back was the worst position. A drop of 30% occurred, with the CP (control pause or body oxygen) test. 25 independent Western clinical studies also researched sleep positions and viewed the same drastic effects of supine sleep.

Early morning hours have shown to have the worst effects on over breathing, causing exacerbation’s of peoples diseases and they have the highest mortality according to various published medical studies. Asthma was one such disease, that became aggravated during early morning hours with nocturnal asthma. The Buteyko Method has immediate and long term lasting effects for treating asthma. It has been shown in, 6 Western randomized clinical trials on asthma, to have more than a 90% reduction in medication. The Buteyko Method received a much higher rating in comparison to meditation, yoga, various nutritional interventions and programs or other complementary therapies by the British Thoracic Society.

People with hypertension, anxiety disorders and many more diseases, have a low CP. In contrast, people with 40 seconds have good health, and people with over 60 seconds do not suffer from any chronic conditions. The website helps people in achieving a higher CP with information on breathing exercises and lifestyle factors.

Great body oxygen also eliminates all symptoms of chronic bronchitis as this page also suggests.

Sleep positions and postures, form the basis of the breathing retraining lifestyle. Sleep positions have a direct impact on your MCP (morning control pause), the main parameter of health. If your sleep positions cause you to over breathe, it will limit your overall CP growth, as the body will be working to recuperate, from the harmful effects of the night. Many people experience, a drop in their CP over night. The MCP may be easily measured at home, just after waking up, to test the effects of various sleep position, on your oxygen levels preventing nocturnal hypoxemia.

Breathing retraining exercises encouraged by include the Buteyko Method. This medical and Alternative Health method has been used on over 100,000 asthmatics, more than 30,000 people that have cardiovascular problems and many other conditions (sleep apnoea, bronchitis, liver cirrhosis). The Buteyko Method has been approved by the Russian Ministry of Health. Additionally, Soviet trials have used the Buteyko Method on HIV-AIDS, radiation disease, hepatitis B, metastatic cancer (with a 6 times decrease in 3 year mortality) and more.

Devices are also used, for the breathing exercises and are found to be easier for beginning students. Such devices include the amazing DIY device and the Frolov device.

The YouTube URL of this video is: .

The video features Dr. Artour Rakhimov, health educator, writer, breathing teacher and trainer, and the author of the website The video was edited and produced by Chris Prokop.

Friday, October 7, 2016

Best sleep positions: Left or right side? Back or chest? Interview with Dr. Artour Artour Rakhimov postures and positions (left or right, supine vs. prone) for people with asthma, COPD, cancer, HIV-AIDS, cardiovascular disease, epilepsy, diabetes and many more diseases. Can sleep positions affect the health of people with these various diseases? Chris Prokop, from the NormalBreathing team, interviews Dr. Artour Rakhimov about best sleeping postures and medical research that compared various sleep poses by testing effects of sleeping on the left side vs. the right side as well as comparing supine sleep (on one's back) vs. prone (or on the chest or stomach). Results were consistent. For Western medical research, see this page: The Spanish version of the same page is here "Mejor Posición para Dormir y el Dormir Boca Arriba": You can also have it in German "FORSCHUNG ÜBER DIE BESTEN SCHLAFPOSITIONEN: AUF DEM RÜCKEN, BAUCH, DER LINKEN ODER RECHTEN SEITE": . According to research done by Dr. Buteyko and over 200 doctors, supine position is the worst position for breathing. Similarly, 25 Western studies came to the same conclusion, that sleeping on the back is the worst position. Sleeping on the back, was tested using the control pause test, measuring your oxygen levels. There is about a 30% drop in the CP test (body oxygen test also known as the Control Pause), when laying on the spine. Meanwhile, most medical websites suggest supine sleep as the best sleep posture! Therefore, Dr. Artour Rakhimov published a press release "Best Sleeping Position Myth: Mass Media Disinformation" here: Individuals with hypertension, anxiety disorders and numerous other diseases, have an already low CP. While people with a 40 seconds CP, have good health and people with over 60 seconds, do not have any chronic health conditions. Learning about proper sleep positions and sleep conditions, you will be able to apply changes to a foundational part of being healthy. Maintaining your CP from the previous night, allows you to have a greater MCP (morning control pause), which is the most important part of improving your health. While, many people have a drop in their CP test overnight. If your CP rises a lot during the day, but the MCP is neglected it will keep you, at a lower CP because the body has a limited time to recover. Additionally, sleep positions and their effect on your CP, can be easily measured at home, to notice the important differences. By taking measures to apply proper sleeping positions, breathing exercises and other lifestyle factors, you will improve your overall CP. Breathing exercises include the Buteyko Method, that is approved by the Russian Ministry of Health. It was also used on more than 100,000 asthmatics, 30,000 plus people with cardiovascular problems and many more other conditions(liver cirrhosis, bronchitis, sleep apnea). The Buteyko Method was tested, by 6 Western randomized clinical trials on asthma (more than a 90% reduction in medication) and Soviet trials on HIV-AIDS, hepatitis B, metastatic cancer(by 6 times reduction in 3 year mortality), radiation disease and more. Furthermore, breathing devices are found to be easier to practice. The devices include among others, the Amazing DIY device or the Frolov device. Our YouTube Channel: . The YouTube URL of this video is: /. The video features Dr. Artour Rakhimov, health educator, writer, breathing teacher and trainer, and the author of the website In this video, he was interviewed by Chris Prokop, his breathing student and trainee. Other videos of the NormalBreathing Channel provide further details about best sleep postures (since sleeping sitting is even better!)

Monday, October 3, 2016

Best sleep positions: Left or right side? Back or chest? Interview with Dr. Artour Rakhimov

Sleeping postures and positions (left or right, supine vs. prone) for people with asthma, COPD, cancer, HIV-AIDS, cardiovascular disease, epilepsy, diabetes and many more diseases. Can sleep positions affect the health of people with these various diseases?

Chris Prokop, from the NormalBreathing team, interviews Dr. Artour Rakhimov about best sleeping postures and medical research that compared various sleep poses by testing effects of sleeping on the left side vs. the right side as well as comparing supine sleep (on one's back) vs. prone (or on the chest or stomach). Results were consistent.

For Western medical research, see this page:
The Spanish version of the same page is here "Mejor Posición para Dormir y el Dormir Boca Arriba":

According to research done by Dr. Buteyko and over 200 doctors, supine position is the worst position for breathing.  Similarly, 25 Western studies came to the same conclusion, that sleeping on the back is  the worst position.  Sleeping on the back, was tested using the control pause test, measuring your oxygen levels.  There is about a 30% drop in the CP test (body oxygen test also known as the Control Pause), when laying on the spine.

Meanwhile, most medical websites suggest supine sleep as the best sleep posture! Therefore, Dr. Artour Rakhimov published a press release "Best Sleeping Position Myth: Mass Media Disinformation" here:

Individuals with hypertension, anxiety disorders and numerous other diseases, have an already low CP.  While people with a 40 seconds CP, have good health and people with over 60 seconds, do not have any chronic health conditions.

Learning about proper sleep positions and sleep conditions, you will be able to apply changes to a foundational part of being healthy.  Maintaining your CP from the previous night, allows you to have a greater MCP (morning control pause), which is the most important part of improving your health.  While, many people have a drop in their CP test overnight.  If your CP rises a lot during the day, but the MCP is neglected it will keep you, at a lower CP because the body has a limited time to recover.  Additionally, sleep positions and their effect on your CP, can be easily measured at home, to notice the important differences.

By taking measures to apply proper sleeping positions, breathing exercises and other lifestyle factors, you will improve your overall CP.  Breathing exercises include the Buteyko Method, that is approved by the Russian Ministry of Health.  It was also used on more than 100,000 asthmatics, 30,000 plus people with cardiovascular problems and many more other conditions(liver cirrhosis, bronchitis, sleep apnea).   The Buteyko Method was tested, by 6 Western randomized clinical trials on asthma (more than a 90% reduction in medication) and Soviet trials on HIV-AIDS, hepatitis B, metastatic cancer(by 6 times reduction in 3 year mortality), radiation disease and more.  Furthermore, breathing devices are found to be easier to practice.  The devices include among others, the Amazing DIY device or the Frolov device.

Our YouTube Channel: .

The YouTube URL of this video is: /.

The video features Dr. Artour Rakhimov, health educator, writer, breathing teacher and trainer, and the author of the website In this video, he was interviewed by Chris Prokop, his breathing student and trainee.  Other videos of the NormalBreathing Channel provide further details about best sleep postures (since sleeping sitting is even better!)

Do sleep positions really matter? Interview with Dr. Artour Rakhimov Artour Rakhimov

Sleep positions, sleeping postures for people with cancer and diabetes.  How patients with heart disease and asthma should sleep?  Do postures during sleep influence health of people with COPD and HIV-AIDS?  Can sleep positions influence heart attacks and stroke, as well as acute exacerbations with seizures, due to epilepsy?

Details how poor sleep hygiene causes health problems The same page in Spanish "Respiración rápida al dormir (La respiración pesada reduce el O2 corporal)" .

Various Western clinical studies show that early morning hours (about 4am-7am), people with chronic diseases commonly experience the highest exacerbations of their diseases, and they have the highest mortality rate, due to hyperventilation or breathing more than the medical norms.

Asthma attacks and deaths have the highest chance of happening during these early morning hours.  Fortunately, breathing exercises have shown, to be able to lower or completely get rid of asthma symptoms, and lessen the use of the main bronchodilator medications (such as Ventolin) by about 90 percent. This was shown with the Buteyko breathing technique in 6 randomized controlled clinical trials. The British Thoracic Society gave it a much higher rating, in comparison to meditation, nutritional invention, yoga methods, or any other tested complementary therapy.          

Similarly, in COPD patients, sleep has harmful effects on their breathing and gas exchange (see Urbano & Mohsenin, 2006).  Likewise, Coronary spasm occurs, after night fall to early morning hours (Yasue & Kugiyama, 1997). This happens as a result of patients hyperventilating.  While American cardiologists from Georgetown University Medical Center, found that for the majority of patients, who died suddenly, “there was a circadian variation of all tested SCDS”(sudden cardiac deaths) (see Behrens et al, 1997). The deaths of these patients occurred during the morning hours as well.

More about good sleep hygiene and how to create better conditions for sleep The same page in Spanish "Higiene de buena dormida | Cómo dormir" .

Our YouTube Channel:

The YouTube URL of this video about sleep postures and their importance for health is:

The video features Dr. Artour Rakhimov, health educator, best selling Amazon writer, breathing teacher and trainer, and the author/creator of the popular website

His Amazon book about sleep "Sleep Better and Less - Naturally: Cure Chronic Insomnia and Boost Body-Brain O2 Levels". Have a great sleep!