Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Improve Endurance And VO2max Fast And Naturally With ... Breathing Retraining

YouTube link - improve cardio endurance fast and naturally.

Breathing retraining provides many amazing benefits to improve high-level cardiovascular endurance fast and naturally with an increase in VO2max for professional athletes and even beginners in long-distance running, cross-country skiing, triathlon, cycling and swimming.

Dr. Artour Rakhimov, a former individual coach of two World Champions (may years ago), is a breathing practitioner and trained world-class athletes and endurance athletes. How can breathing retraining help people that practice endurance sports? Such sports include triathlon, cycling, long-distance running and cross-country skiing. The effects are enormous because people will run and perform faster with breathing retraining. This occurs if they change their unconscious or automatic breathing patterns.

This is a tricky topic. People believe if they breathe more they get more oxygen. When people hyperventilate, we get less CO2 and this causes a constriction of blood vessels. Therefore, we get less oxygen. The hard part of training is if we breathe too much we get less CO2. We also get negative effects of oxygen delivery. Athletes do not forcibly try to hyperventilate. If they try to breathe too little that would create too much air hunger and oxygen would also not be delivered. The process of breathing retraining takes a lot of time.

If you take someone that is performing a moderate amount of exercise. For example, one hour of running. This average person takes about 3 hours to perform a marathon. If they practice breathing retraining they can shorten this time by 10 to 15 minutes. This occurs just by changing the way they breathe at rest. If someone over breathes at rest and this includes even top athletes, they breathe about 12 litres per minute. If they start running, their breathing intensifies by about 10 times, they breathe 120 litres per minute.

Yoga masters from hundreds of years ago would breathe about 4 litres per minute. There are medical studies that show people breathing from about 90 years ago. Many athletes have won races on the highest level with 100% breathing with the nose. If they breathe easily at rest and they have 50 to 60 seconds for the body-oxygen test, this makes it easy to perform nasal breathing and exercise at the same time. Many of Dr. Artour Rakhimov's top students changed their breathing and they started to enjoy exercise. When they start running, they naturally breathe through their nose without noticing it.

More about how to how to mprove cardiovascular endurance with breathing retraining - https://www.normalbreathing.com/cardiovascular-endurance.php .

Many athletes were studied in one race and about 3 people in a thousand were breathing through their nose. The rest were mouth-breathing.

Many sick people that achieve 50 to 60 seconds for the body-oxygen test or the control pause test, they can start doing long distancing running. They exercise for 2 to 3 hours a day with nasal breathing. They have a very quick recovery time. Their immune system functions better. Sleep improves to 4 and a half hours naturally. They have a lot of energy.

Breathing retraining would provide numerous and tremendous benefits to endurance athletes. It would take a lot of time to change these breathing patterns at rest. When achieving high levels for the CP test, it is best to gradually increase intensive exercise because the joints and other parts of the body have to get stronger as well.

The YouTube URL of this video is: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3xV8kmbu-h8 /.

The video features Volker Schmitz (Buteyko breathing practitioner from Hamburg, Germany) and Dr. Artour Rakhimov (Buteyko Practitioner Master Trainer from Toronto, Canada).

The video description was created with participation of Chris Prokop (Mississauga, Canada).

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Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Tai Chi Super Health Comes With Breathing Retraining: Up to Incredible 50-90 s for Body Oxygen Test

The practice of Tai Chi boasts body-oxygen levels and breathing retraining provides improvements in your Tai Chi practice - Tai Chi - Breathing Benefits. Volker Schmitz is a Tai Chi teacher for over 15 years.

In this video, Dr. Artour Rakhimov and Volker Schmitz discuss this topic: How do Tai Chi and breathing retraining benefit each other? Tai Chi depends a lot on the ability to breath a relatively small amount of air during practice. In Tai Chi, relaxation is focused on and structural corrections. Proper body positions balance the nervous systems. It provides a high-quality posture and helps with muscular tensions. This leads to better (easier and slower) breathing.

Volker measures his body-oxygen levels or his control pause before and after practice. He noticed that his oxygen increases with only doing his Tai Chi practice and doing no breath holding practice at the same time. There are mutual benefits to breathing retraining and Tai Chi. From his breathing practice, Volker lost weight and his concentration improved. For Tai Chi you need lots of concentration for the postures and the relaxation. Unconscious breathing improves a lot from Tai Chi. From breathing retraining, your concentration or mind force improves and it leads to more chi or more energy.

More about Tai Chi breathing benefits https://www.normalbreathing.com/tai-chi-benefits.php .

Many of Dr. Artour Rakhimov's students were Tai Chi students and they were among his best breathing students. They did a lot of practice around 5 to 6 times a week with 2 to 3-hour sessions of Tai Chi. It is very common for the general population that they hyperventilate or they breathe twice more than the medical norm. The average person is more prone to stress, anxiety, panic attacks and other negative emotions.

How would this hyperventilation influence the practice of Tai Chi? What would you see in these students? They can reach a decent level of Tai Chi. Many people have a CP of 20 or 25 seconds. This is instead of 40 to 60 seconds the medical norm or what most people had hundreds of years ago. After practice, they can have 30 to 35 seconds for the CP test. In the morning, if they practice they can improve their breathing for half the day or the whole day. Maybe during the night is when they lose all their progress during the night.

They will never reach the highest levels of breathing retraining and Tai Chi practice. This is due to sleep or other lifestyle factors. We want to change this and ideally when they start with 20 seconds, to later get 30, 40 seconds and so forth.

Their chi would be much stronger at those higher body-oxygen stages. Your reaction time would be much better at those higher levels. Their fighting skills would improve, as well as their posture and their ability to put their strength to use. Their energy would improve and their body regeneration. Also, their meditation practice and health would improve.

Volker's master of Tai Chi was not sick for over 30 years. This is quite common. The next thing is meditation. It feels really good. You can feel a harmonious energy in the body.

The YouTube URL of this video is: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5-UggH675Zw /.

The video features Volker Schmitz (Tai Chi teacher, yoga teacher and Buteyko breathing practitioner from Hamburg, Germany) and Dr. Artour Rakhimov (Buteyko Practitioner Master Trainer from Toronto, Canada).

The video description was created with participation of Chris Prokop (Mississauga, Canada).

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Thursday, February 15, 2018

Males Can Also Suffer from First Love Breakups: Heal Relationship Traumas With NDT - Interview with Lynn Himmelman, NDT Master Trainer

Men that experienced a traumatic first love breakup in their relationships can grow from this with the help of the New Decision Therapy. - First love breakup for males

In this video, NDT teacher's Dr. Artour Rakhimov and Lynn discuss this topic. Guys can have a similar, as females, type of trauma related to their first love breakups in their relationships. Many men are struggling with this. Also, many men have been sexually assaulted. It could have been by an older woman or sometimes by another man. Collectively, male and female and whatever sexual preference someone is NDT applies to anyone that has gone through a trauma and is still feeling stuck in their lives.

Experiencing a traumatic situation with a first love relationship breakups or other events has a drastic effect on our body-oxygen levels due to increased breathing days and nights. When we participate in the New Decision Therapy, our emotional pain can be healed. This has a considerable effect on improving our mental and physical health as well with reduced symptoms for many chronic diseases. In the holistic view, our emotions are connected to our physical and mental well-being.

Being overwhelmed with emotions such as anxiety, fear, anger, guilt, depression and other similar emotions from a traumatic experience, such as first love-breakup for males and females, limit our potential to fully live.

These emotions are stored deeply in the subconscious from a traumatic event and they contribute to decreasing body-oxygen levels and a state of health. People that frequently experience these emotions tend to over-breathe when measuring their unconscious breathing patterns.

Overbreathing occurs by taking large frequent inhales and by mouth breathing. Overbreathing, because of reduced body oxygen content, encourages chronic diseases such as asthma, diabetes, bronchitis, cancer and many other diseases to persist. That leads to an overall decline in people's state of health. This creates a cycle where their poor physical makes it harder to have clarity, positive emotions and to concentrate.

Dr. Artour Rakhimov, apart from teaching the NDT to his breathing students, focuses on slowing down unconscious breathing patterns and this improves your state of physical health. Improving body-oxygen levels will limit any damage created by traumatic past experiences. With an increase in body-oxygen levels, there is an increase of positive emotions and it becomes easier to concentrate and increase your clarity.

The medical norm for breathing is 40 seconds according to the control pause test or your body-oxygen levels. These levels will create a resiliency to face any stressors. Also, the willingness to balance life is greatly improved. People with body-oxygen levels of 40 to 60 seconds experience many health benefits such as sleeping less, having more energy and having a desire to exercise. These benefits help to further increase body-oxygen levels and minimize the effects of negative emotions on our well-being.

More about first love breakups and their healing with the NDT (New Decision Therapy) for both, males and females can be found on this page - https://www.normalbreathing.com/ndt/1-first-love-breakup.php .

The title of this video series is "Trauma Release with Forgiveness Using NDT (New Decision Therapy): Energy Healing Technique".
Dr. Artour Rakhimov interviewed Lynn Himmelman in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

Lynn Himmelman, B.Sc., B. Mus.
NDT Certified Master Practitioner (Trained by Kandis Blakely, creator of the New Decision Therapy)
NDT Master Trainer & Certifier of NDT Practitioners
Kantillation Practitioner and Trainer

Playlist for Part 1 of this video series: Trauma Release with New Decision Therapy: Forgiveness Body Energy Trauma-Healing Technique - Interview with Lynn Himmelman, NDT Master Trainer
12 videos uploaded: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLrtVGVhjonCAdB8JHwIh0tBfqjRXURQzx /.

This YouTube description was partially created with participation of Chris Prokop (Mississauga, Canada).

The YouTube URL of this video is https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y42CSvJDI50 . Thanks for watching!

first love break up advice, how to get over your first true love, first major break up, first breakup is always the hardest, first breakup, how to deal with your first breakup, first love break up, first breakup male, first love break up male, ndt, new decision therapy, kandis blakely, forgiveness, trauma release, emotional trauma, psychological trauma,lynn himmelman,


Friday, February 9, 2018

Three Main Patents of Dr KP Buteyko (USSR/Russia), as Key Discoveries of the Buteyko Technique

- Buteyko Breathing Patents: Russian and Soviet Authorship Certificates of by Dr. K.P. Buteyko https://www.normalbreathing.com/more-russian-buteyko-patents.php .

The significant aspects of Dr. Buteyko's discoveries are discussed and why the Buteyko Table of Health Zones is the most significant one according to Dr. Artour Rakhimov. The 3 discoveries are similar to patents in the West.

In the Soviet Union, there was no exact equivalent of a patent. It was a Communist regime and people could not have their own patents. If there was a really big discovery in different sciences a person would be given a registration number, a date and a priority date. Dr. Buteyko applied for 3 different patents. 

The first patent was about treating low levels of carbon dioxide in the body. The patent application was written for the treatment of hypocarbia and asthmatics. The goal of this therapy was to get up to 45 and 55 millimetres mercury of CO2 in the alveoli of the lungs. If we look at the Buteyko Table of Health Zones this is a very high number.

The second patent was for detecting how much CO2 people have in their lungs by using the CP test. Dr. Artour Rakhimov knows many Buteyko practitioners around that world that teach Buteyko breathing. In his experience, all of them used the CP test. It is very reliable to measure a person's state of health. People with 10 seconds will have a very poor health state and many health complaints. 20 seconds will be a moderate health state that includes people with diabetes and asthma. Cancer patients will probably have around 15 seconds to 10 seconds. With higher and higher numbers the health state gets better.

Western students like the CP test and use it frequently. In Russia, there is a Buteyko clinic where Buteyko's son a professor works there. His wife Marina is a medical doctor. This clinic does not use the CP test. They practice reduced breathing and lifestyle factors. Marina's approach is not to use the CP test, but the majority of Buteyko teachers in the former Soviet Union make use of it. Thus, the CP test is not absolutely necessary to be used.

The last among key Dr. Buteyko patents is the most important one according to Dr. Artour Rakhimov. There are photos with Dr. Buteyko in the Moscow State University with the Buteyko Table of Health Zones. That was the main point for his third patent called the method of assessment for human health. According to this discovery, he found the relation of human health according to the parameters of respiration. It shows how people breathe at rest or their automatic breathing patterns. There were five different levels of health states related to super health and seven levels of poor health. He divided this Table based on his research. He found that for each stage there are specific changes occurring in the body. This Table is the foundation of the Buteyko Method to assess health.

The YouTube URL of this video is: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4pMKoVpkPgo /.

The video features Volker Schmitz (Buteyko breathing practitioner from Hamburg, Germany) and Dr. Artour Rakhimov (Buteyko practitioner trainer from Toronto, Canada).

The video description was created with participation of Chris Prokop (Mississauga, Canada).

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Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Female Relationships Problems Are Usually Due to Unresolved First Love Breakup Trauma


Interview with Lynn Himmelman, NDT Master Trainer

The New Decision Therapy helps to heal from a traumatic first relationship to allow yourself to live life to the fullest. In this video, New Decision Therapy practitioners Dr. Artour Rakhimov and Lynn discuss this topic of first-love breakups for females. This is another type of common trauma when someone breaks up with their first boyfriend and later on it can cause a vicious cycle of unhealthy relationships.
Do you find that quite common for people that come to the NDT? It shows up for a lot of males and females that have the misfortune of going through relationship after relationship and so forth. They get really downhearted and without hope. It usually stems from a first love or there could have been some kind of sexual harassment or molestation that occurred before their first relationship. This infers with making proper choices in who a person decides to be with.
The NDT helps to heal any emotional abuse. In the holistic perspective, when someone's emotions are healed they will improve spiritually and physically as well. Dr. Artour Rakhimov teaches about the world-renowned Buteyko method and his own invention the do-it-yourself device to increase body-oxygen levels or control pause test levels.
Dr. Artour Rakhimov's breathing retraining course includes many important lifestyle factors to keep high oxygen levels within the body for the whole day and night. Some of the lifestyle factors include diet, physical exercise, proper sleep conditions, grounding, supplements, focal infections and other points. When increasing body-oxygen levels or the CP, it helps to make you more resilient to stress.

Additionally, concentration, focus and clarity are greatly improved. With higher body-oxygen levels it helps to improve sleep quality and shorten the amount of time needed for restful sleep. Performing physical activity becomes much easier to do and it becomes desirable and even needed to do any physical activities. This creates a healthy cycle to further increase body-oxygen levels and find healthy relationships in future.
Digestion becomes considerably improved and less food is now needed to feel full. Also, raw foods become desirable. Maintaining a proper posture becomes natural and this, in turn, helps to improve CP levels. Many of these changes occur unconsciously once a higher body-oxygen level has been achieved.
Problems in personal relationships make people more susceptible to having anger, depression and other strong or negative emotions that contribute to overbreathing. This, in turn, reduces body oxygenation and promotes chronic diseases, such as cancer, heart disease, asthma, COPD, etc. As a result, we can apply breathing retraining to reduce negative effects of these emotional problems and first love breakups on our emotional and physical health. .
The Buteyko method has become very popular in Russia, Australia and many other countries. Many critical and various health conditions are treated with it. Some of these include asthma, bronchitis, liver-cirrhosis, HIV-AIDS, cancer, diabetes and many others. There are lots of medical studies on Dr. Artour Rakhimov's website www.normalbreathing.com. Many articles and discussions can be also be found there as well. Additionally, there are many more discussions involving a variety of topics on his YouTube channel.
More about effects and treatment of first love breakups with the NDT (New Decision Therapy) for both, males and females - https://www.normalbreathing.com/ndt/1-first-love-breakup.php .
The title of this video series is "Trauma Release with Forgiveness Using NDT (New Decision Therapy): Energy Healing Technique".
Dr. Artour Rakhimov interviewed Lynn Himmelman in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

Lynn Himmelman, B.Sc., B. Mus.
NDT Certified Master Practitioner (Trained by Kandis Blakely, creator of the New Decision Therapy)
NDT Master Trainer & Certifier of NDT Practitioners
Kantillation Practitioner and Trainer

Playlist for Part 1: Trauma Release and Healing with New Decision Therapy: Forgiveness Body Energy Trauma-Healing Technique - Interview with Lynn Himmelman, NDT Master Trainer
11 videos uploaded: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLrtVGVhjonCAdB8JHwIh0tBfqjRXURQzx /.
This YouTube description was partially created with participation of Chris Prokop (Mississauga, Canada).
The YouTube URL of this video is https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p3EQka6-i1w . Thanks for watching!

first love break up advice, how to get over your first true love, first major break up, first breakup is always the hardest, first breakup, how to deal with your first breakup, first love break up, first breakup female, first love break up female, ndt, new decision therapy, kandis blakely, forgiveness, trauma release, emotional trauma, psychological trauma,lynn himmelman

Friday, February 2, 2018

Which Yoga Lifestyle Factors (Sleep, Exercise, Diet) Provide Best Health Benefits [Use DIY Body Oxygen Test]

Lifestyle factors in yoga (sleep, diet and exercise) greatly help to improve body-oxygen levels and in turn, they benefit your yoga practice. In this video, Dr. Artour Rakhimov and Volker Schmitz, a yoga teacher with years of experience discuss this topic. Changes in our unconscious breathing patterns help with our yoga practice and vice versa. Which yogic lifestyle (sleep, diet, exercise) changes can help people that practice yoga improve their body-oxygen level?

The most important are taping of the mouth for sleeping. This is to prevent mouth breathing at night. Sleep positions are also important. Sleeping on the back should be avoided. There are five most important lifestyle factors. Movement is one of them. Physical exercise is important. Doing 1 hour of yoga daily is not enough to change unconscious breathing patterns. Learn more about how to get fantastic benefits from yoga from their Amazon book: https://www.amazon.com/Yoga-Benefits-Are-Breathing-Less-ebook/dp/B007MS6CS2 .

How much movement is necessary to change breathing patterns? Dr. Artour Rakhimov's students practice 2 to 3 hours of exercise a day. This helps to achieve normal breathing patterns according to Dr. Buteyko's medical norm. That standard equals to having 60 seconds for the control pause test or 8 breaths per minute in our unconscious breathing patterns. Some exercise can be easy, but most of it will be strenuous. You can do less strenuous exercise, but you would have to increase the amount of exercise.

One hour of yoga practice and 3 hours of walking would that be enough? Yes as long as lifestyle conditions are taken care of as well. Grounding especially during sleep helps to improve body-oxygen levels. Previously in history, yoga practice was performed on insulating mats. People need grounding or physical contact with the earth.

The next factor is related to diet. There are two directions. One would be to achieve no soiling or residue on toilet paper after defecting. An additional comment would be to achieve a healthy weight. Almost all yoga books in history say you should not start yoga if you are too overweight. A ketogenic diet helps a lot. It especially helps people with inflammatory conditions.

Specific lifestyle factors can be beneficial for specific people. People wearing too many clothes at night decreases body-oxygen levels. Also, carpets with dust can be very damaging to specific people. Other people talk too much to decrease their CP. Certain nutritional supplements would be needed for some people such as fish oil, magnesium and others. There is a 3-day test that would reveal if it is needed.

The 3 most important initial lifestyle conditions are mouth breathing at night, sleep positions and the amount of daily physical exercise one practices. Physical breathing is done with nose breathing only. Oxford dictionary relates mouth breathing as someone who is a moron. Volker usually asks children, “How does it look when you breathe through your mouth?” And they reply, “It looks weird.” Other factors include cavities, foot mycosis and others. Some people would require a breathing practitioner to know all the lifestyle conditions which should occur. It helps for people to start moving in their breathing practice to achieve higher levels of health and make their yoga more goal oriented.

More about yogic lifestyle changes: “Yoga Lifestyle (Sleep, Exercise, Diet) Works [Only if You Gradually Breathe Less]” https://www.normalbreathing.com/yoga-lifestylexercisedietlsleep.php .

https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLrtVGVhjonCA-GmcOJGPYUtKM-GdpwFN6 .

The YouTube URL of this video is: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a1T3UALm8FQ /.

The video features Volker Schmitz (yoga teacher and Buteyko breathing practitione from Hamburg, Germany) and Dr. Artour Rakhimov (Buteyko practitioner trainer from Toronto, Canada).

The video description was created with participation of Chris Prokop (Mississauga, Canada).

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