Friday, September 25, 2015

New 3D Asthma Medical Animation (Causes and Treatment) Artour Rakhimov

This 3D medical animation provides a general overview of asthma, the clinical condition of the upper respiratory airways. The video includes details related to symptoms of asthma, as well as its causes and treatment.

If you like this animation, share this video URL on your Facebook, Google plus, Twitter, and other social networks.

Asthma is a lung disease that is accompanied by inflammation and narrowing of the airways. It can be managed with medication, avoidance of triggers, elimination of inflammation, and breathing exercises that increase amounts of CO2 (carbon dioxide) in the airways and alveoli.

As some official medical sources from the NHS ( claim, "Asthma ... can be managed but not cured". However, these medical sources in their YouTube 3D animations and videos do not provide educational details about the treatment of asthma using the Buetyko breathing exercises. This therapy was tested in 6 controlled randomized clinical trials conducted in Western countries. More about clinical trials .

Bronchospasm, due to asthma, is caused by 3 factors:
- Swelling of cells in the lining of airways due to chronic inflammation
- Constriction of smooth muscles that are located around bronchi and bronchioles (also known as bronchoconstriction)
- Production of additional mucus (or phlegm) due to inflammation and triggers of asthma.

As a result, asthmatics suffer from these classical symptoms of asthma
- wheezing (whistling or rattling sounds in the chest)
- coughing
- chest tightness
- difficulty breathing.

Common asthma triggers include following factors: pollen, house dust mites, mold, cigarette smoke, and pet dander.

However, there are many other factors that can trigger an asthma attack. These include lower respiratory infections, overeating, anxiety, psychological stress, exercise, and even laughter.

Acute asthma exacerbations (asthma attacks) and even deaths are most likely to occur during early morning hours or from about 4 to 7 am during sleep.

There are two lifestyle factors that dramatically increase chances of these problems at night. These are:
- sleeping on the back (supine sleep)
- and mouth breathing.

The common approach to asthma is to use bronchidilator medication (such as Ventolin)
that relaxes the smooth muscles of airways and dilates them allowing easier air flow.
Bronchospasm can be reversed with avoidance of triggers or elimination of inflammation.

Apart from using medication, 6 randomized controlled clinical trials showed that people with asthma can reduce or eliminate their symptoms of asthma and main bronchodilator medications by about 90% using breathing exercises to slow down breathing back to the medical norms.

This method of alternative medicine is called the Buteyko breathing technique. It has rating from the British Thoracic Society showing much higher efficiency of this method for asthma than yoga, meditation, nutritional intervention, or any other tested complimentary therapy.

Our YouTube Channel:

The URL for this video is: .

This video is created by Dr. Artour Rakhimov, an author of 11 Amazon books and the creator of

Monday, June 8, 2015

Dr Artour Rakhimov Interview: How To Breathe For Health (Buteyko Method)

Dr. Artour Rakhimov Interview: How To Breathe For Health (Buteyko Method)

This is Dr. Artour Rakhimov's Interview for Extreme Health Radio The title of this show was “How To Breathe For Health: Buteyko Method”.

During last 100 years, humans experienced large changes in the way they breathe. Modern people breathe nearly 2-3 times more air than people living at the beginning of the 20th century. Dozens of clinical studies showed that people with chronic diseases breathe even heavier. All these basic facts related to breathing can be found on the Homepage of

What are the effects of over-breathing or breathing too much air (known as hyperventilation)? Breathing more air at rest decreases CO2 levels in the lungs and body cells. As a result, arteries and arterioles constrict causing decreased oxygen transport for tissues of the body.

These physiological facts were known to Dr. Buteyko who developed the Buteyko breathing technique to treat chronic diseases. He trained over 150 medical professionals to apply this natural healing therapy on nearly half million of people in the USSR and, later, Russia.

The Buteyko technique is popular for asthma and other respiratory conditions, as well as infections. See also our chest infections remedy. But other conditions, even cancer and diabetes can be addressed as well.

Dr. Artour Rakhimov created and developed world's largest website devoted to breathing retraining. About 500 web pages of this site provides analysis and practical tools related to lifestyle factors and how they interact and influence our breathing. This relates to physical exercise, sleep, diet and many other factors of life.

Meditation and mindfulness are also parts of these breathing exercises.

You can find more information about this show on Extreme Health Radio website:

Our YouTube Channel:

The YouTube URL of this video is: /.

The video features Dr. Artour Rakhimov, health educator, writer, breathing teacher and trainer, and the author of the website to fight chronic diseases naturally with breathing and other natural health tools.

Buteyko Practitioner Training Testimonial (by Misha Sakharoff)

Misha Sakharoff Testimonial about His Buteyko Practitioner Training and Courses with Dr. Artour Rakhimov

This is a video testimonial from  a Buteyko breathing teacher and educator Misha Sakharoff (, who lives near Copenhagen, Denmark. Misha Sakharoff tells us about his experiencec about his breathing Buteyko trainer Dr. Artour Rakhimov (

Misha Sakharoff says that he got a lot of inspiration from Artour Rakhimov and discovered new ideas and techniques related to exercise, sleep, diet, and other lifestyle factors. All these factors help to slow down breathing at rest and increase body oxygen levels to higher numbers. This causes a profound effect on easing or disappearance of symptoms and chronic diseases.

Slower breathing and better body oxygenation is a great natural home remedy that helps people with blocked or stuffy nose, chronic cough (even at night), insomnia, constipation, and many other common symptoms. However, the main power of breathing retraining (permanent changes in automatic breathing patterns) relates to its ability to cure or treat chronic diseases. Breathing exercises are similar to ancient meditation mindfulness methods.

Misha Sakharoff currently specializes on application of breathing retraining to cancer (oncology) and other serious health problems while cooperating with medical doctors and health specialists.

More details about training of Buteyko practitioners by Dr. Artour Rakhimov (courses and classes for Buteyko breathing teachers) can be discovered on this webpage .

This video appeared on NormalBreathing Channel by Dr. Artour Rakhimov ( Our YouTube Channel URL is .

The YouTube URL of this video is: /.

The video features Misha Sakharoff who speaks about Dr. Artour Rakhimov, health educator, writer, breathing teacher and trainer of Buteyko practitioners, author of

Saturday, May 30, 2015

Buteyko Practitioner Training (Testimonial by Volker Schmitz)

Volker Schmitz Testimonial about His Classes and Courses (Buteyko Practitioner Training) with Artour Rakhimov

This is video testimonial from Volker Schmitz (, a Buteyko breathing practitioner from Hamburg, Germany. His testimonial is about his classes with his breathing teacher Dr. Artour Rakhimov (

Volker Schmitz tells that he was quite healthy at the beginning of his breathing retraining. However, he still experienced many benefits from getting 60 seconds for the morning CP (control pause) or body oxygen test.

These benefits included naturally short sleep (less than 4 hours in his case), increased emotional stability, faster recovery from strenuous exercise and other health effects. For good sleep hygiene tips see 

Breathing retraining also helps to people with diseases of civilization of chronic diseases such as asthma, bronchitis, heart disease, diabetes, cancer, and many others.

This video appeared on NormalBreathing Channel by Dr. Artour Rakhimov ( .

The YouTube URL of this video is: /.

The video features Volker Schmitz who shares his testimonial about Dr. Artour Rakhimov, health educator, writer, breathing teacher and trainer.