Saturday, November 21, 2020

Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Breathing Retraining (Buteyko Method) for Anxiety: Dr. Artour at Relationship Anxiety Summit


How breathing retraining and the Buteyko method solve problems with anxiety including relationship anxiety: Dr. Artour Rakhimov speaks at Relationship Anxiety Summit (organized by Sergey Shevtsov).

In this video, Buteyko Method practitioner and health educator, Dr Artour Rakhimov, talks to us about how the Buteyko method can be applied to support individuals who suffer from anxiety due to overbreathing. Dr Artour highlights how significant changes to human breathing have occurred in the past century, with the average person breathing far greater volumes of air at rest than the medical norm. How we breathe correlates with how well we oxygenate our body and mind, and as Dr Buteyko’s work demonstrates, the more we breathe, the less oxygen we retain.

 The brain is one of the organs which works hardest at rest, constituting up to half of our daily energy expenditure. When our body oxygenation is low, the brain is impacted by four negative downstream effects: reduced blood supply, reduced oxygen supply, reduced supply of energy, and reduced carbon dioxide. It is important to understand that carbon dioxide is crucial for normal brain function, as carbon dioxide is required to transmit signals throughout the nervous system. For signals to travel from one nerve cell to another across synapses, there is a certain threshold of excitability which must be met. If the signal is too low, it isn’t transmitted. Evolution designed the nervous system to function in this manner to prevent the amplification of unwanted signals and to ensure a level of stability in the nervous system. The normal functioning of the nervous system hence requires normal breathing - .

Modern people, however, breathe twice the medical norm. How does this impact brain function? The threshold of excitability gets lower, and all types of abnormal signals can be amplified, giving the individual the impression that the external world is dangerous, and requires vigilance. Across our society, with the deterioration of our breathing has come a range of lifestyle diseases like social anxiety and panic attacks. Such disorders were virtually unheard of in medical journals 100 years ago. In the low oxygen state of modern times, anxiety disorders have become common. Breathing retraining through the Buteyko method offers individuals the ability to overcome the hyperventilation which drives many mental health conditions and restore balanced, normal brain function.

Quoting a journal of experimental brain research, Dr Artour cites a group of Finnish neurology researchers who claimed the following: “Hyperventilation lead to the spontaneous and asynchronous firing of neurons”.

Dr Artour believes this quote captures the nature of the low oxygen brain very accurately and highlights the importance of breathing retraining for anxiety. When students can normalize their breathing through the Buteyko method, the brain can rebuild its levels of carbon dioxide, receive sufficient blood and nutrient supply, and normalize its overall function. In Dr Artour’s experience, when a breathing retraining student can attain a CP of around 30, which still is not at the level of the medical norm (MCP 40), they are nonetheless able to eliminate all forms of inappropriate anxiety and panic - .

The above description was created by Ravi Sandhu (Great Britain).

Our YouTube Channel:

The YouTube URL of this video is: /.

The video features Dr. Artour Rakhimov, health educator, writer, breathing teacher and trainer, and the author of the website

Monday, August 17, 2020

Who, How, and Why Falsified Western Buteyko Trials on Asthma (Global Anti-Buteyko Conspiracy)

For the new student of the Buteyko method, it can be challenging to digest the claims made by the method, not only for their counter-intuitive nature but their enormous claims of healing the body and bringing about robust health. A skeptic may ask why the Buteyko method has not been disseminated widely and integrated into common practice of health. For such an inquirer, it is pertinent to consider forces and actions which have been documented that show falsification in Western trials of Buteyko, which have restricted the blossoming of the Buteyko method. In this video, Dr. Artour discusses the problem of the falsification of Western Buteyko clinical trials, taking us through the who, the how, and the why of the falsification of Western Buteyko asthma trials and the Anti-Buteyko conspiracy: . 

Firstly, there were 6 controlled, randomized trials on the Buteyko method that were conducted in 4 different Western countries. These were Australia, New Zealand, the UK, and Canada. These were the most scientifically robust trials conducted on the Buteyko method in the Western world. Review of all Buteyko trials: .

What is notable about these trials is that the results in and of themselves were fantastic, with a key indicator of success being the reduction in medication usage by the test subjects being observed. However, these studies also demonstrated a result which was remarkably perplexing for those in the Buteyko community. The results of the studies showed no improvements in the lung function test.

The problem with these studies showing no improvement in lung function is that this completely deviates from the results of other studies and the experiences of asthmatics all over the world. Clinical trials completed in Russia, India, and Egypt all showed improvements in lung function, so why is it that the 6 trials completed in the Western world do not? What could be the cause of the discrepancy? Why is it the case that all Buteyko practitioners and asthmatics who were treated using the method can testify to the improvements in their lung function, though studies say there will be no difference?

We must, therefore, consider the possibility of an anti-Buteyko conspiracy. Dr. Artour suggests that the explanation may not lie in physiology, but rather, in politics. Namely, in the manipulation and falsification of trial results.

The first trials of the Buteyko method happened more than 5 decades ago. They happened in 1968, in St Petersburg (Leningrad). These being large cities with an active media presence, much fanfare ensued in the news of the results obtained by the Buteyko method.

Then, something strange happened. Suddenly, the narrative around the Buteyko Method completely changed. A phone call was made to Moscow which claimed the trial was a complete failure. The trials were completed by one of Dr. Buteyko’s doctors, who was trained by him personally and were completed in St Petersburg while Dr. Buteyko was in Novosibirsk to enable a greater degree of autonomy and scientific validity.

How could the results of a clinical trial be falsified like this? Who could have been responsible? Only one group of individuals could have contacted Moscow and completely fabricated the results of the Buteyko clinical trials, literally reversing the results to suggest they were a dismal failure, though they were in a success. These are, of course, secret agents of national security organizations, such as agents from the KGB. National security agents can approach post office managers, for instance, request for mail to withheld, and require a lifetime of silence for the parties involved. Whilst this subject matter touches on the subject of conspiracy, it is important to understand that the subject of national security has widely been pondered and written about, and it is documented fact that only they have the authority to intervene and silence individuals and groups in our society.

Who falsified the Western Buteyko trials? It is postulated that Buteyko Method clinical research has been deliberately falsified in the Western world by actions of national security agents. Dr. Artour considers how these falsifications may have come about, commenting on the human propensity to respond obediently to claims of authority (as illustrated in Stanley Milgram’s experiments).

As an important note, Dr. Artour states very clearly that it is important for us to look beyond the instinctual, conspiratorial response when the subject matter of national security agents are discussed. Dr. Artour states that it is not useful to fall victim to the thinking that these individuals are purely motivated to suppress information and eliminate the Buteyko method (they use the Buteyko method themselves). Rather, there are additional forces at play.

The falsified Buteyko clinical trials are an interesting subject for the Buteyko student and practitioner alike, but also give important facts to those who are looking for answers as to why the Buteyko method has failed to blossom and be widely disseminated. The broader picture is a complex one that requires an understanding of the history of the Buteyko method and the global anti-Buteyko conspiracy. Whilst it remains a complex puzzle, we can only hope to solve it by understanding every part.


McGowan J, Health Education: Does the Buteyko Institute Method make a difference? Thorax, 58, Suppl. III, p. 28 December 2003.

S. N. Paschenko, Study Of Application Of The Reduced Breathing Method In A Combined Treatment Of Breast Cancer, Oncology (Kiev, Ukraine), 2001, v. 3, No.1, p. 77-78.

This video URL is /. The description was created by Ravi Sandhu.


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Monday, July 27, 2020

Breathing and Brain: Dr. Artour talks about Buteyko Breathing Retraining at Fortify Your Brain Summit

Dr. Artour at 2020 Fortify Your Brain Summit

In this video, Betsy Schroeder talks with leading health educator and Buteyko practitioner Dr. Artour Rakhimov about brain optimization and the powerful effects Buteyko breathing retraining can have on the health and function of our brains. We will learn how breathing affects the brain, and how we can fortify our brains using the Buteyko method of breathing normalization. More about the effects of breathing on diseases of the CNS - .

Dr. Artour’s journey with Buteyko began 20 years ago. Suffering from chronic fatigue, blood sugar fluctuations, and seemingly endless infections which brought with them very high temperatures, fevers, sore throats, and debilitation for 4 or 5 days at a time, Dr. Artour found no respite with traditional and conventional techniques to improve health. Attempting to find a solution, Dr. Artour embarked on a journey to restore his health. He experimented with water fasting, even going for up to 15 days on just water, and became a voracious reader of alternative health books. Unable to find the breakthrough he needed, Dr. Artour continued to study, learn, and experiment, and eventually stumbled upon a book about a breathing technique from Russia. He got to work immediately.

His results were almost miraculous.

Within a few days, Dr. Artour experienced improvements in health unlike any he had previously gained through years of effort. A fascination with the breath overtook him, and he leaped into the world of Buteyko where he learned of incredible stories of healing and health restoration using the Buteyko method. He learned of a cancer treatment trial using the Buteyko method which remarkably boasted the greatest results on treating early-stage cancer ever recorded, producing a six-fold reduction in mortality, far more successful than treatments like chemotherapy. This fascinated Dr. Artour, and much to his amazement, he further learned of exceptional therapeutic results obtained for the treatment of HIV, AIDS, liver cirrhosis, and hepatitis using the Buteyko method. It became very clear to Dr. Artour that the Buteyko method was far more than the asthma treatment protocol many seem to believe it to be: Dr. Buteyko discovered that the category of diseases we call lifestyle diseases (200 of them), or diseases of civilization, were intimately connected with how we breathe.

So how does the way we breathe impact the function and performance of our brains?

The brain needs oxygen, efficient blood supply, and nutrients. What a large body of research has taught us is that the brain needs carbon dioxide for nerve cells to function normally. When we hyperventilate, which is what most modern people do, a range of abnormalities emerges within the brain. To illustrate the intimate connection between the brain and breath, Dr. Artour gives us an example of the flu. When we get the flu, our breathing is typically twice as heavy as it normally would be. Asides from the miserable experience of suffering from the flu, consider what happened to our sleep in this state. It’s incredibly poor quality, and it often takes a great deal of time to fall asleep at all. The brain is working incredibly hard and firing on all cylinders. In contrast, Dr. Artour states that breathing retraining students who have normalized their breathing can fall asleep in as little as 60 seconds. They rise feeling totally refreshed. Normal breathing is necessary to achieve proper, restful, regenerative sleep.

Brain problems like panic attacks or generalized anxiety are problems of the low oxygen brain. Referring to the Buteyko table of health, Dr. Artour tells us panic attacks and generalized anxiety sufferers tend to have control pause of around 10 seconds. Decreasing their control pause brings greater suffering and intensification of symptoms. However, when the same people achieve a control pause of 20, their symptoms dramatically improve, and at a control pause of 30, anxiety and panic attacks are eliminated. Seizures can occur multiple times per day in sufferers with low control pauses, and completely disappear when a CP of 30 is established. Glioblastomas and brain cancers are eliminated through the re-establishment of normal breathing as the immune system shreds them apart. For robust health and performance of our brains, we need normalized, slow breathing.

The URL of this video is /.
Thanks for watching!

Saturday, June 20, 2020

Correct Buteyko CP (Control Pause) Test, CP Versions, and Ways to Measure CP

In this video, a leading Buteyko practitioner and health educator Dr. Artour Rakhimov addresses the topic of CP measurement and teaches us the correct Buteyko CP measurement. Questions of ways to measure the CP have become the subject of much attention within the Buteyko community very recently. Problematic interpretations of CP measurement have begun to be circulated and, in this video, Dr. Artour reminds us of the importance of accuracy in CP measurement. How do we accurately measure CP? Dr. Artour reminds us of the definition of control pause taught by Dr. Buteyko. During the notable Moscow State University lecture, Dr. Buteyko provided a clear, concise understanding of how the CP was to be measured. Furthermore, Dr. Artour highlights the importance of assumptions that underpin Dr. Buteyko's definition: the CP test is to be administered whilst seated, and importantly, must be conducted without any stress, either mental or physical. In practice, there have been difficulties in ensuring compliance with Dr. Buteyko’s definition of CP measurement. it is widely observed by Buteyko practitioners that breathing retraining students are prone to overdoing the test and holding their breath for longer than would be acceptable. This creates a problem of incorrect CP measurements that exaggerate results, obscuring the process of retraining the breath. Dr. Artour suggests that incorrect CP measurements skew results upwards, exaggerating them by 10-20%, if not more. Dr. Artour has observed the tendency for certain groups of students to administer the CP test very reliably. Cancer patients, for instance, tend not to exaggerate their test results. Understandably, the seriousness of their circumstances provides strong motivation for compliance. In contrast, Dr. Artour suggests that there is a distinct group of students who consistently tend toward inaccurate CP measurement. These students, Dr. Artour states, can be broadly understood to be more casual students of the Buteyko method, often learning the Buteyko Method through more 'DIY' approaches of study which are available- books, online courses, etc. Inaccurate CP measurements have many negative downstream effects and practitioners themselves have begun to adopt approaches that are progressively deviating from Dr. Buteyko’s definition. CP variations have begun to emerge. It has been observed that in recent months that practitioners are inventing new approaches to the measurement of CP and are outlining ideas for the CP which are creating illusory CP results. New instruction being imparted to students is ambiguous and ignores the problems of modern conventions around breathing and how they may impact the test in practice. Why are these fundamental errors in the core components of the Buteyko method being proliferated? Dr. Artour suggests there has been a deterioration in the quality of Buteyko practitioners recently, with very short courses being used to train practitioners which do not effectively train practitioners in the deep nuances of the Buteyko method and are causing progressive de-alignment from the core teaching of Dr. Buteyko. The Buteyko community needs to re-establish a robust understanding of how to measure the CP. Without accurate measurements of CP, students can be at a great disadvantage in achieving breathing normalization. Focal infections, for instance, can take many forms. While they are uncommon, dead tonsils are a focal infection which can greatly impact breathing retraining. It has been observed that students with dead tonsils will experience the manifestation of deeply unpleasant symptoms when their CP rises to 25, subsequently knocking their CP down for several weeks until they recover and can rebuild their CP. Similar problems arise with students who have cavities. Cavities create barriers in CP growth and can frustrate the student for prolonged periods. Without accurate measurements of CP, problems such as cortisol deficiency cannot be identified. A range of underlying factors can block CP growth and normalization of breathing, which require accurate measurement of CP to address. With an accurate grasp on the CP, it is possible to guide the student towards recovery and breakthroughs in health. As such, Dr. Artour takes us back to the core of the Buteyko method and establishes the importance of understanding the basic components such as the measurement of the CP. The description was created by Ravi Sandhu. Our YouTube Channel: The YouTube URL of this video is: /. The video features Dr. Artour Rakhimov, health educator, writer, breathing teacher and trainer, and the author of the website

Thursday, May 28, 2020

Diet for Buteyko Method: Get High CP (Body Oxygen) with Vegan, Low Carb, or PKD (Carnivore) Diet

What is the best diet for Buteyko Method? Students who seek to learn the Buteyko Method to transform their health, elevate their body oxygenation, and regain physical vitality are prone to underestimate the incredible benefits of dietary modifications. In this video, leading Buteyko practitioner and health educator, Dr Artour Rakhimov, outlines his thoughts on the best diet for the Buteyko method, and how to get high CPs with vegan, low-carb, or carnivore diets. The foundation of the Buteyko method was laid down in the 1960s. Dr Buteyko made two major discoveries, which were formalized in the Buteyko Table of Health Zones, and the Buteyko Method itself. The Buteyko Method is a practice that enables people to progressively re-train how they breathe, gain vibrant health, wellness, and physical vitality. The Table of Health refers to a scale of body oxygenation which predicts an individual’s level of health. Yet, within the manuals produced by Dr Buteyko there were, at best, two paragraphs related to diet. Dr Buteyko wrote carefully and cogently on his discoveries, and within his thought, he commented on food products which are to be avoided: fish, dairy products, strawberries, tomatoes, chocolate. Through close consultation of a myriad of sources, including core Russian materials, Dr Rakhimov highlights how little is known of Dr Buteyko’s recommendations for what should be eaten. Russian sources elude to some recommendations of beneficial foods, including rye bread, various spices, and oatmeal. Dr Buteyko observed the negative effects of table sugar and advised against its consumption, but other doctors who were trained in the method prioritized breathing retraining over the elimination of sugar, arguing that normalizing breathing reduces the tendency to consume sugar as a natural byproduct. Hence, the search for the best diet for the Buteyko method was obscured by a veil of ambiguity. From records of interviews with Dr Buteyko, we can see that he thought animal protein was negative and favored raw foods. You could conclude that raw vegan diets would align with Dr Buteyko’s thinking on nutrition, but the actual picture is far more complicated; Dr Buteyko thought that some people were like rabbits and others like wolves. Some would do better consuming animal proteins, while others would do best on vegetables. This was all that was left behind in the Buteyko literature: a carbohydrate-heavy diet. Low carb and ketogenic diets were popularized only very recently. Millions of people now follow low carb principles, and as Dr Rakhimov demonstrates, low carb nutrition can offer substantial benefits to breathing retraining. How can we more towards considering the optimal dietary approach for breathing retraining? What is the best diet for the Buteyko method? Above all else, the production of better health is our best marker. Dr Buteyko himself emphasized the need for results to come before technique, method, or ideology. The goal must remain the goal, and that is, to get a high CP. Insight into the best diet for the Buteyko method arose when limitations in treatment began to emerge across the Buteyko movement. Practitioners began to find that certain conditions wouldn’t respond to breathing retraining alone. During earlier stages of cancer, for instance, doctors equipped with the Buteyko Method achieved positive outcomes. However, when working with patients who were already in stages 3 and 4, the method couldn’t achieve remission. At best, it could provide a more peaceful death. In response to these findings, Dr Artour Rakhimov highlights how the Buteyko method would go beyond the traditional approach. Astonishing results achieved by low carb diets provided a new impetus, stimulated new thinking, and ultimately led to positive outcomes in the tough conditions that the Buteyko method alone couldn’t treat. Dr Rakhimov believes that the Buteyko method will only reach its maximum potential when the movement goes beyond the classical method and begins to understand the importance of eliminating carbs from the diet for the sick and severely sick breathing students. 

Thus, without panic, you can apply this diet to treat panic disorder too - Our YouTube Channel: The YouTube URL of this video is . The video features Dr. Artour Rakhimov, health educator, writer, breathing teacher and trainer, and the author of the website

Saturday, May 23, 2020

No Keto-Flu, No Misery - Adapt to Ketosis in Hours with Breath Retraining (Low Carb Diets, PKD,...)

In this video, Dr Artour Rakhimov shows us how our breathing is linked with how efficiently our bodies can become keto-adapted. When breathing is normalized, the body begins to function as it was designed by nature. Dr Rakhimov reveals to us how the underlying factor of how heavy we breath determines how effortless, or very difficult, our transition to low-carb lifestyles will be! Using the Buteyko Health Zones table, Dr Rakhimov demonstrates the powerful correlation between the respective Buteyko health zones and the ease of transition to ketosis. More about the benefits of ketosis- . Low carb diets have become very popular in modern culture, and amongst the health-conscious public, tales of the keto flu are widely known and off-putting for some. The keto flu is known to take place during the slow, laborious process of transition in the body when we move from burning predominately carbohydrates for fuel, to a new form of energy production based on the utilization of fat. The transition is known as keto-adaptation and is famous for being an utterly miserable experience for some. The process of becoming keto-adapted is said to take two to three weeks. At this stage, ketone levels begin to rise, and our body starts to burn fat for fuel. Having taught breathing retraining for 20 years, Dr Artour Rakhimov has found that this process of keto adaption can be expedited very significantly. Indeed, when a breathing retraining student has attained a certain level of health (a body oxygen score of 60 seconds), the transition can happen in mere hours, sometimes instantaneously. Breathing retraining means that there is no need for three weeks of suffering. Many well-intentioned folks setting off to make a change and enrich their life through health have been put off by the horror stories of the transition to low-carb eating, and are stopped from ever enjoying the many benefits low-carb lifestyles can offer. Breathing retraining opens up a path towards health which features no keto flu. The Buteyko method works well in synergy with a low-carb lifestyle and makes adapting to a low-carb lifestyle a tangible, practical way to unleash vibrant health. Some advocate that we push through the misery, endure the hardship and be strong in the face of the awful keto flu. Breathing retraining makes this wholly unnecessary and shows us that the transition process need not be a drawn-out one. According to leading Buteyko practitioner and health educator, Dr Artour Rakhimov, when we have achieved a healthy level of body oxygenation in alignment with the established medical norm, we can adapt to ketosis in just hours. That means no keto flu and no misery! Understandably, the keto flu can be majorly discouraging. When we have adopted a low carb diet, are losing weight, and feeling good, keto flu can be demotivating. The process of adapting to ketosis can increase our energy levels, mental clarity, and improve mood. It can feel like the undoing of much progress when keto flu hits us, and stories of horrific experiences are not uncommon when the phenomenon has hit in full force. Headaches, nausea, insomnia, and irritability (all are kept flue symptoms) do not need to be the price you pay for health. Being unable to think clearly, being drained of physical energy and vitality does not need to be the sacrifice you make for health. Dr Rakhimov's students have proven this time and time again - with a body oxygen score of 60, the body can switch fuel sources virtually instantaneously. Our YouTube Channel: The YouTube URL of this video is /. The video features Dr. Artour Rakhimov, health educator, writer, breathing teacher and trainer, and the author of the website