Monday, May 22, 2017

Are mercury amalgams in teeth toxic? What reduces toxic mercury load? Interview with Dr. Artour

Are mercury amalgams in teeth toxic? Can mercury in teeth cause health problems? Which techniques and supplements help to reduce effects of mercury in teeth? Dr. Artour answers these questions.

The body has a poor ability to detoxify mercury.  Historically, humans were not exposed to mercury because it is hidden very deep down in the Earth.  When absorbing mercury, it goes into the DNA of cells and disrupts the messages between cells and organs.  Also, it has the tendency to accumulate in the gastrointestinal tract, the kidneys, inside the brain and it goes directly into hypothalamus. The hypothalamus is a very important area in controlling the function of eating, digestion and so forth.

People that have a few mercury fillings have a very minimal amount of mercury that leaks into the body.  Due to Mercury’s extreme toxicity and the body’s poor ability to detoxify it still make it unsafe.

Achieving 50 to 60 seconds for the body-oxygen test is a powerful way to detox the body from mercury.  This healthy state triggers chemical reactions that detox the body. Here is more details about body cleansing reactions, Buteyko focal infetcions, and effects of mercury amalgam fillings “Mercury amalgams – Focal Infections” .

Using special supplements (mercury chelators) is another way to detox.  Magnesium and zinc are proven supplements to help.  Selenium is a powerful antioxidant and using about 200 mg is recommended.  Daily food products that contain selenium include Brazil nuts.

Taking selenium creates a protective effect by reacting to mercury on the surface of our tooth.  The protective effect occurs because mercury fillings are about 50% mercury (a large amount) and selenium forms a ceramic type of material around the mercury.  Having this kind of protective layer makes the fillings safe for the human body.  Dr. Artour Rakhimov recommended to his students to keep selenium in their mouth for about 5 to 10 minutes.  This makes the selenium form a coating on the surface of the tooth.  Also, selenium helps to take out mercury from the gut.

Seaweeds are a very known and proven solution to help.  In Russia, after the Chernobyl disaster they created a special supplement called “Modifilan”.  It is seaweed that lives very deeply in the ocean.  They cut the surface of the seaweed that is thick like aloe vera.  Inside the plant it has pulp that is used as medicine.  After the Chernobyl nuclear disaster, many thousands of people were suffering from heavy metal toxicity.  During this time many different methods were tested for their effectiveness.  The medicines were measured by their ability to detoxify people from heavy metals.  The scientific commission done on the state level recognized that Modifilan was the most useful for detoxification.  This commission lead Modifilan to being produced extensively.

Dr. Artour Rakhimov has courses for Buteyko breathing practitioners.  In the courses students are taught how to begin their own practice and how to teach a series of PowerPoint lectures.  The lectures can be organized by a practitioner in their area of residence (in the UK, EU, USA, Australia, Canada or New Zealand) or by Dr. Artour Rakhimov.  Students that have worked to gain more than 30 + seconds for their morning control pause test can join the advanced course.  This course helps students to reach up to 45-50 seconds and more for their MCP.  Additionally, there are lessons for learning skills to address specific health conditions.

The YouTube URL of this video is: /.

The video features Dr. Artour Rakhimov who was interviewed by Chris Prokop. Chris Prokop also produced an original description for this video. Dr. Artour Rakhimov is breathing teacher and trainer. He ist he author of the website and health educator and Amazon writer.

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Diets for Gut/Body Detox: Eat More Good Fats and Less Carbs to Reduce Inflammation - Interview with Dr. Artour Rakhimov

Low carb diets reduce inflammatory processes and increase body oxygen content. The majority of people nowadays, experience digestive problems by having biofilms on the surface of their gut. This contributes to the presence of soiling and if manifested in soiling. Soiling happens when the residue is left on the anus after defecating and one needs to use toilet paper.

When people increase their body oxygen levels, they achieve no more soiling. Also, eating no more than 20 g of carbohydrates daily helps to detoxify the gut. This helps to reduce inflammation as well. This web page explain more about chronic inflammation: “Chronic Inflammation: Causes and Treatment” .

Carbohydrates and glucose cause a lot more inflammation than fats. There are lots of great new research on this subject. Studies can be found that compare a high fat diet to a regular modern diet with high carbohydrates. Such diets as Atkins diet, Caveman diet and others are similar in effects by reducing carbohydrates. Breathing retraining according to Dr. Artour Rakhimov's experience is the most effective method.

Here is a web page about benefits of LCHF (low carb high fat) diets for reducing inflammation and better body oxygenation: “Benefits of keto diet and therapeutic ketosis for body oxygen levels” The German translation of this page “Vorteile Einer Ketogenen Diät Und Therapeutischer Ketose Für Bessere Sauerstoffwerte Im Körper” is here: .

Students that have achieved more than 30+ seconds for the morning control pause test can relatively easily achieve a detoxified gut due to the no-soiling effect. These students experience easier transition to ketosis with high levels of ketones in blood (up to 1-3 mmol/l) and can join the advanced course. This course helps students to achieve 45-50 seconds and more for their MCP. Furthermore, there are lessons for learning skills to address particular conditions.

Dr. Artour Rakhimov offers classes for Buteyko breathing practitioners who want to achieve cleaner guts and teach breathing retraining to their students. The courses teach how to begin your own practice and how to teach a series of powerpoint lectures. These lectures can be set up by a practitioner in their area of residence (in the UK, EU, USA, Australia, Canada or New Zealand) or by Dr. Artour Rakhimov.

The URL of this YouTube video is: /.

This gut-detox-and-diets video features Dr. Artour Rakhimov who was interviewed by Chris Prokop. Chris Prokop also produced an original text description that you read now. Dr. Artour Rakhimov is a Buteyko breathing teacher and NormalBreathing trainer. Dr. Artour is the author of the website, health educator, and published Amazon writer.

Monday, May 15, 2017

Gut Detox Methods From Heavy Metals and Biofilm Flora Pollution – Interview with Dr. Artour Artour Rakhimov

The question addressed by Dr. Artour Rakhimov is, “How to detoxify from heavy metals and what techniques can be used for gut detox?. What are methods for gut detox or digestive cleansing?” In our previous videos, we discussed how to use sweating and physical exercise for detoxing and learning the Buteyko breathing method. The same techniques can be used to detoxify the gut.

The techniques were engaging in intensive physical exercise or sweating in a sauna or a combination of the two. Students participating in intensive exercise achieved normalization of their gut flora. This creates a healthy intestinal environment where they do not require toilet paper. Other techniques for gut detox include breathing retraining using the Buteyko technique. Breathing exercises are used to increase body oxygen levels and slow down unconscious breathing patterns throughout the day. More about the cleansing sanogenesis reaction of truly detoxifying body is on the page “Cleansing Reaction and Body Detox (Buteyko Breathing Technique)” . This also applies for heavy metal detoxing such as mercury, cadmium, lead, and so forth.

They are very useful and have been tested by Buteyko doctors on thousands of people in the Soviet Union. There are some people that experience detoxification reactions because they have been taking medications for years and/or they have been unhealthy for long periods of time. These people have built up more toxins in their bodies and can go through stronger symptoms of detoxification.

Also, they experience stronger detox effects if they practice breathing exercises for long periods of time from 2 to 4 hours a day. There is a web page on explaining this effect. Using nutritional supplements helps to lessen these reactions. For example, magnesium and other minerals are useful.

Physical exercise and lifestyle changes are also helpful for breathing retraining and speedy detoxing. Also, eating seaweeds helps. Thousands of studies can be found online that show how seaweeds bind with heavy metals and keep them to their selves. Dried seaweeds, kelp, Chlorella and Spirulina algae, and others can be used.

The YouTube URL of this video is: /.

This gut detox video features Dr. Artour Rakhimov who was interviewed by Chris Prokop. Chris Prokop also produced an original text description. Dr. Artour Rakhimov is breathing teacher and trainer. He is the author of the website, NormalBreathing practitioner trainer, health educator, and published Amazon writer.

Friday, May 12, 2017

Lungs Absorb More Oxygen From Air When You Breathe ... Less – Interview with Dr. Artour

How much oxygen is absorbed by lungs depends on breathing patterns of people. Improving arterial CO2  (carbon dioxide) from breathing exercises, but especially from changing unconscious breathing patterns will improve body-oxygen levels.  Raising body-oxygen levels to the medical norm of 40 seconds will greatly improve oxygen extraction rate in the lungs.  This will even benefit athletes.

Health people only use 25% of the oxygen that they inhale.  Healthy people have breathing patterns that are slow and it is not noticeable on their bod, down to about 4-6 liter per minute for minute ventilation.

Sick people breathe in 15 liters per minute at rest, and only utilize and absorb 10% of the oxygen that they inhale.  They have very ineffective breathing with low oxygen extraction in the lungs since 90% of oxygen in air is exhaled back. This happens due to chronic hyperventilation and high minute ventilation rates at rest and 24/7.

Dr. Buteyko the founder of the Buteyko Method, achieved 2 to 3 minutes for the body-oxygen test.  The body-oxygen test is an easy do-it-yourself test available on the website.  Thus, people with super health and over 2 minutes for the CP test utilize up to 40-50% of oxygen that they inhale.

More details about oxygen extraction in the lungs is on this page “Oxygen Absorption Rate in Lungs | Lung Efficiency at Capturing Oxygen” . The Spanish version is here “Tasa de Extracción de Oxígeno Pulmonar” - ¿Qué tan eficientes son nuestros pulmones para extraer oxígeno del aire? .

Slowing down breathing patterns at rest will make it easier to slow down breathing when exercising and capture more oxygen 24/7 with less breathing.  During exercise, it is recommended to breathe only through the nose.  This can be a lot more challenging at first because of ingrained habits.  It is even better to use a training mask when exercising.   They function as an extension of your nose.  Training masks help to improve your CO2 level and afterwards it helps your breathing rate to slow down at rest.  Physical exercise is the main factor that helps to slow down the breathing rate after it is done.

Additionally, there are very useful breathing devices to improve body-oxygen levels and capturing more oxygen in the lungs.  For example, some of the devices include the Frolov device, a DIY device (Dr. Artour Rakhimov's invention) and others.  There are numerous lifestyle changes that are easy to monitor by using the body-oxygen test to see how efficient they are.

Dr. Artour Rakhimov taught his students for the last 15 years to focus on managing lifestyle factors that improve the levels of the body-oxygen test.  These factors can relate to diet, nutritional supplementation, thermoregulation and many other factors.  All these lifestyle factors can be read on the website. Slower breathing at rest increases oxygen retention in the lungs and increase oxygen extraction and capturing rates.

Breathing exercises that are used in Dr. Artour Rakhimov's courses include the Buteyko breathing technique.  Dr. Buteyko was a leading physiologist and the most influential breathing teacher in the Soviet Union.  His method can now be found helping people across Europe, North America, Australia and in many other places.  In the early 1960's, Dr. Buteyko had the position as the Manager of the Respiratory Laboratory made for classified scientific research for the Soviet Cosmos and the first outer space missions (included the 1964 flight of Yury Gagarin, the first man in space).

The Buteyko Method has been extensively used on a wide variety of diseases.  In the Soviet Union, medical doctors have used it successfully on more than 100,000 asthmatics, over 30,000 people with cardiovascular problems and thousands of patients with other conditions (cancer, diabetes, bronchitis, sleep apnea, HIV-AIDS, liver cirrhosis and more).  Dr. Buteyko would instruct sick patients to do up 2 to 3 hours of daily reduced breathing to improve oxygen extraction and retention in the lungs.

The YouTube URL of this video is: /.

The video features Dr. Artour Rakhimov, health educator, Amazon writer, Buteyko breathing teacher and NormalBreathing practitioner trainer. Chris Prokop interviewed Dr. Artour Rakhimov and created this video description.

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Chest vs. Abdominal Breathing During Exercise - Interview with Dr. Artour Rakhimov

Chest vs. Abdominal Breathing During Exercise

In this video, Dr. Artour Rakhimov addresses the question, “how important is it to breathe with the upper abdomen and diaphragm during exercise?”.  Breathing with these muscles  improves body oxygenation.  The muscles of the upper abdomen and diaphragm are separate muscles.  Breathing with both of these muscles is beneficial by providing oxygen for the lower part of the lungs.  In comparison, it is problematic to breathe solely with the chest.  When you take a breath with the chest, the lower part of your lungs is unused.  This provides much less fresh oxygen to the blood and body.

It is especially problematic to have less oxygen in the blood during rest.  Also, having less oxygen in the body, during sleep, makes many sick people die.  While during exercise people can not perform well and they can not use exercise to get healthier.   These effects take place because the chest only provides oxygen for the upper part of the lungs.  Diaphragmatic breathing or upper abdomen breathing stretches all of the lungs.  This stretching gives the great benefit of providing fresh air to all the alveoli of the lungs.

When blood arrives in the lungs, oxygen comes into the lungs.  The important physiological fact is that  gravity makes the blood flow much stronger.  In the lower part of the lungs, it is 6 times stronger than the upper part of the lungs.  When the main vein goes through the lungs, most of its activity is concentrated in the lower part of the lungs.  When people breathe with the upper chest, they do not get fresh oxygen.  That dramatically reduces their blood oxygenation and this especially affects the quality of their exercise.

Learning how to have diaphragmatic breathing can be done with a chest belt.  The belt or strap goes around the upper part of the rib cage.  Also, you can use two belts to help.  The belts can serve two different purposes.  Some of them can be used to prevent the physical stretching of the lungs and to force yourself to have diaphragmatic breathing.  It is also possible to have belts that are not that strong.    In the beginning of breathing retraining, it can require extra concentration to use the diaphragm if you have previously not used it throughout the day.  Breathing with the upper chest and not using the diaphragm becomes an unconscious habit.

More about “Breathing Techniques For Running: Maximize Oxygen Intake and VO2max” on this page: and its Spanish translation “Técnicas de Respiración para Correr: Maximize Niveles de O2 en el Cuerpo” .

Another goal is to use diaphragmatic breathing all day and night by changing the way you usually breathe.  Dr. Artour Rakhimov teaches this as a part of his breathing retraining course.  This process has students to start to slow down their unconscious breathing patterns and achieve 30 seconds for the morning body-oxygen test.  In turn, this makes students to naturally use diaphragmatic breathing and it becomes unnecessary to pay extra attention to their diaphragm during physical exercise.

The YouTube URL of this video is: /.

Chris Prokop created this video description. This YouTube video features Dr. Artour Rakhimov (an author of interviewed by Chris Prokop. Dr. Artour is a health writer and Buteyko breathing teacher and trainer of Buteyko and NormalBreathing practitioners.

Saturday, May 6, 2017

Coach of 2 World Champions About Benefits of Exercise with This Simple Trick - Interview with Dr. Artour Rakhimov

Chris Prokop interviews Dr. Artour Rakhimov, an individual coach of 2 World Champions. This breathing information helps to improve physical health and mental wellbeing due to special types of exercise and other types of physical activity. This same information can be used for diabetes, cancer, hypothyroidism, HIV-AIDS, COPD, asthma, chronic fatigue, heart disease, epilepsy, and many other health issues.

In this video, Dr. Artour Rakhimov addresses the question, “What are the benefits of physical activity? How to get maximum benefits from exercise?”. From Dr. Artour Rakhimov's experience with his students, he found that the key benefit of physical activity is to improve oxygen levels. This type of benefit is possible if exercise is performed in a specific way or with one ancient trick.

Previously in human history, our breathing patterns were much different. In the modern age, exercise is not correctly. Even in sporting contests most people breath through their mouths. If you look into dictionaries the definition of mouth breather from 50 to 70 years ago is a moron, imbecile and stupid person. When Dr. Artour Rakhimov read this, it came across as a shocking experience and for many others when he tells them. Mouth breathing was culturally and socially unacceptable. Also, people paid a lot more attention to these physical details.

Dr. KP Buteyko trained over 200 Soviet and Russian medical doctors with his breathing techniques. He found that breathing through your nose when exercising prevents exacerbations of diseases. Thousands of people die during or after exercise because of mouth breathing. While CO2 becomes much higher when breathing through the nose and oxygen levels improve. Here is more about benefits of physical activity: . The Spanish translation of this page “"Beneficios de la Actividad Física: Sólo si es respiración nasal 100%"” is here: .

When breathing through the nose and exercising at the same time, the heart rate drops significantly in comparison to breathing through the mouth. This can be tested on treadmills or any exercise machines that have heart rate monitors. Also, it has been tested that there are about 15 different physiological effects just from nose breathing during physical exercise.

The main benefit of physical exercise is to improve health and improve body-oxygen levels. There is a do it yourself breathing test that can be found on and on this YouTube channel. People that do not exercise have a very low body-oxygen level. Students can get somewhere around 10 to 15 seconds on their CP test at best if they have very little exercise. These students would have about half an hour of daily physical exercise. Urban dwellers would have a bit of walking included in their daily schedules. To gain 20 seconds for the body oxygen test they need about 1 hour of intensive physical exercise. Also, about 1 hour to half an hour daily of mild exercise such as walking.

In order to achieve about 30 seconds for the body oxygen test younger people in their 30 and 20's need 2 and a half hours of exercise. Elderly people would need 1 to 1 and half hours of exercise. At this stage, automatic breathing patterns become calmer and slower. Also, their quantity amount of sleep drops and people require about 6 hours of sleep. This provides them with more time for physical exercise.

Another great benefit is that students have much more energy and this allows them to exercise with more intensity. For ordinary people exercise can be very challenging and uncomfortable. Also, they breathe through their mouths while exercising which has drastic effects. Thus, an exercise program, when combined with breathing retraining, makes it a lot safer.

When students achieve 50 to 60 seconds, they sleep for about 4 hours. Exercise becomes very enjoyable. They exercise for around 2 and a half hours. If they do decide to take a day off, they still incorporate an activity such as walking into the day. In contrast, modern people find it too difficult because of their experience.

The YouTube URL of this video is: /.

The video features Dr. Artour Rakhimov who was interviewed by Chris Prokop, who also created this video description. Dr. Artour is a health educator, writer, author of the website, and Buteyko breathing teacher and NormalBreathing trainer.

Thursday, May 4, 2017

How to define physical health and a simple DIY test to measure it - Interview with Dr. Artour Rakhimov

Chris Prokop interviews Dr. Artour Rakhimov, an individual coach of 2 World Champions.  DIY body-oxygen test and physical health.

This same info can be helpful for COPD, diabetes, asthma, cancer, HIV-AIDS, heart disease and many other health issues.  In this video, Dr. Artour Rakhimov addresses the questions, “how to define physical health and are there any tests for it?”.  The physical health of many people is poor these days.  Lots of people are looking for specific tests to show what proper health is.

In the Soviet Union, Dr. Buteyko and 200 medical doctors tested the health of a half million people.  They used a simple do it yourself test that relates to body oxygenation.  The definition related to physical health is having 50 to 60 seconds on the body-oxygen test.  More information for this test can be found on this YouTube channel or

The body-oxygen test has specific rules where you do not eat for a few hours before the test.  Also, it is recommended that you sit down and relax for 3 minutes.  Then the test starts after a natural exhale and you do not try to hold your breath for as long as possible.  This factor makes the test a lot shorter than a maximum breathing holding time test.  When you notice the first signs of stress or discomfort in the diaphragm or the throat area you stop counting the seconds.  This marks how long you did not breath for.  Afterward, your breathing pattern or the size of your inhales and exhales should be the same as before you took the test.

The control pause number that you write down shows you how much oxygen you have in your body.  People with various health issues such as diabetes and cancer have a very low CP number.  When these people have acute attacks or exacerbations, their oxygen level drops to a critically low level.  Also, when people die, they usually have extremely low oxygen levels in their heart or brain.

More information about physical health, its definition, and this easy DIY test to measure physical health:

Dr. Artour Rakhimov did the CP test on thousands of his students.  He did it during his lectures for the last 15 years.  This test has an excellent correlation for student’s physical health.  Dr. Buteyko and Soviet doctors suggested that 50 to 60 seconds CP is the gold standard of ideal health.  When Dr. Artour Rakhimov would test sick people, they would have less than 10 seconds.  These are people that have later stages of cancer, diabetes, heart disease and complications with other problems.  The next stage of people correlates to people with moderate forms of diseases, such as mild blood pressure, initial stages of diabetes, epilepsy, digestive problems, sinusitis and initial stages of cancer.  They would have 10 to 20 seconds.  That would indicate very poor physical health.  After this stage is having 20 to 30 seconds.  This a level where most chronic diseases do not progress.  People still can have some problems related to their digestive system, hormonal system, skin problems and other mild health abnormalities.  At this stage, it is recommended to still use breathing exercises to get better health.  When people achieve 30 seconds, different abnormalities start to disappear and physical health improves.  At 30 to 40 seconds the body can start to detoxify the organs at the tissue level.  Lastly, ideal health would be at 50 to 60 seconds for the CP test.      

The YouTube URL of this video is: /.

The video features Dr. Artour Rakhimov who was interviewed by Chris Prokop, who also created this video description. Dr. Artour is a health educator, writer, author of the website, and breathing teacher and trainer.

Monday, May 1, 2017

Causes, definition, and treatment of sighing - Interview with Dr. Artour Rakhimov

Breathing exercises and breath retraining help to get rid of and treat causes of sighing. These same breathing exercises are helpful for diabetes, cardiovascular disease, COPD, HIV-AIDS, cancer, asthma and other health issues. 

 In this video, Dr. Artour Rakhimov addresses the question, “What are the definition and causes of sighing and how to treat it?”. The medical definition of sighing is exhaling 1.5 to 2 times more than the usual tidal volume. Tidal volume is the amount of air we inhale and then exhale. When people sigh they take a larger than usual inhale and exhale about the same amount.

There is a strong correlation between people that suffer from health problems and people that sigh frequently. Sighing according to Soviet doctors relates to the desire of the lungs to stretch. Organs stretch to prevent an accumulation of toxins. They require maximum expansion and contraction in order to have good health. In a way, sighing is a positive reaction if you view it only from this point of view. From Dr. Artour Rakhimov's experience sighing mostly occurs for people that very little physical exercise. Individuals that are in hospitals and that require lots of attention frequently sigh to maintain stretching of their lungs.

Here is a web page from the NormalBreathing site about “The Sigh and Meaning of Sighing: Dysregulation of Breathing” . The same page is availabel in Spanish “Suspiros y su significado: Desregulación Respiratoria” .

When we exercise our metabolism speeds up and we use 8 to 10 times more energy. Also, we generate more CO2 and we require more oxygen. Our breathing is increased by about 10 times. All these parameters increase together. When we increase our ventilation rate per minute, it is increased by about 10 times. The medical norm of ventilation is 6 liters per minute. So light physical exercise will increase this to about 60 liters per minute. This is a significantly large amount. Physical exercise is a healthy way to provide stretching to the lungs. Also, engaging in physical exercise with 100% nasal breathing is the safest and most beneficial way to exercise. In modern times there has been a switch to people exercising with mouth breathing because overall most people hyperventilate. On historical changes of breathing are displayed.

Sighing is a symptom that reflects too low amounts of physical exercise. Dr. Buteyko in Russia observed that healthy people needed about 4 to 5 hours of moderate exercise or 2 to 2 and a half hours of more intensive exercise daily. These physical requirements were to maintain an already good state of health. While people that are sick can not engage in these levels of exercise. When sick people have 10 seconds for the body-oxygen test(CP), they should engage in walking. Walking for hours per day with a 100% nasal breathing would be very beneficial for them. When Dr. Artour Rakhimov's students get 20 seconds or higher on the CP test, they can start running with 100 % nasal breathing. This activity would lead to even better body oxygen results and prevent sighing. Sighing can be eliminated naturally with physical exercise. Some students that had COPD, asthma and other respiratory disorders were not able to use all parts of their lungs. These people can not even walk and instead they should use breathing devices. For example, the Frolov device and the DIY device (Dr. Artour Rakhimov's invention) can be used until they reach higher CP levels. Then the sick patients should engage in physical exercise for greater benefits.

The YouTube URL of this video is: /.

The video features Dr. Artour Rakhimov, health educator, writer, breathing teacher and trainer, and the author of the website Dr. Artour was interviewed by Chris Prokop who also created this YouTube description.
