In this video, Dr. Artour Rakhimov interviews Juergen Reinmuth, an IHHT (Intermittent Hypoxic Hyperoxic Training) practitioner trained by Arkadi Prokopov.
They begin by talking about how Juergen found out about IHHT through a friend who saw good results with the therapy, and how he then met Arkadi Prokopov through this mutual friend at his practice in Germany.
They touch on topics and questions such as Juergens experience during his first session, the development of the IHHP from the therapy, to the machines used that have been used throughout the years, Juergens business and practice, a little bit into Arkadi's Prokopov's life from his traveling schedule to doctors he has trained, clinics he has opened and the extensive list of athletes he has trained throughout the world most notably Lance Armstrong and a Kenyan athlete called Lorna Kiplagat who since starting the training has achieved 5 world recordist medium distance running.
They also discuss Buteyko and optimal breathing patterns for athletic performance and how breathing patterns at rest relate to how athletes breathe during physical exercise.
They also discuss how breathing for performance can negatively impact health, nose vs mouth breathing during physical exercise and how this is related to a person's CP and health level.
Some of Dr. Artour's personal observations on his own breathing retraining journey in terms of sleep, why morning CP are most important in terms of progress and symptoms, how if students achieve 60 seconds CP, there morning CP'S will become more stable and they will see less of a drop.
They briefly discuss Dr. Artour's classes, his approaches to teaching the method and why he spends a lot of time teaching students about sleep as he believes it's vitally important.
They then discuss Juergens's sleep and the average sleep lengths for normal subjects in the western world and for people who are sick. They once again discuss a little more about Dr. Artour's breathing retraining journey from when he first discovered the Buteyko method, related to his initial sleep length, CP values and how he uses his experience of achieving high CP values and what he has learned from those experiences to teach his students. They end the video on a funny note as they discover they are both the same age.
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The YouTube URL of this video (Effects of IHHT on body oxygen) is /.
The video features Dr. Artour Rakhimov, health educator, writer, breathing teacher and trainer, and the author of the website
natural health,healing,body oxygenation,therapy,alternative health,respiration,