For the new student of the Buteyko method, it can be challenging to digest the claims made by the method, not only for their counter-intuitive nature but their enormous claims of healing the body and bringing about robust health. A skeptic may ask why the Buteyko method has not been disseminated widely and integrated into common practice of health. For such an inquirer, it is pertinent to consider forces and actions which have been documented that show falsification in Western trials of Buteyko, which have restricted the blossoming of the Buteyko method. In this video, Dr. Artour discusses the problem of the falsification of Western Buteyko clinical trials, taking us through the who, the how, and the why of the falsification of Western Buteyko asthma trials and the Anti-Buteyko conspiracy: .
Firstly, there were 6 controlled, randomized trials on the Buteyko method that were conducted in 4 different Western countries. These were Australia, New Zealand, the UK, and Canada. These were the most scientifically robust trials conducted on the Buteyko method in the Western world. Review of all Buteyko trials: .
What is notable about these trials is that the results in and of themselves were fantastic, with a key indicator of success being the reduction in medication usage by the test subjects being observed. However, these studies also demonstrated a result which was remarkably perplexing for those in the Buteyko community. The results of the studies showed no improvements in the lung function test.
The problem with these studies showing no improvement in lung function is that this completely deviates from the results of other studies and the experiences of asthmatics all over the world. Clinical trials completed in Russia, India, and Egypt all showed improvements in lung function, so why is it that the 6 trials completed in the Western world do not? What could be the cause of the discrepancy? Why is it the case that all Buteyko practitioners and asthmatics who were treated using the method can testify to the improvements in their lung function, though studies say there will be no difference?
We must, therefore, consider the possibility of an anti-Buteyko conspiracy. Dr. Artour suggests that the explanation may not lie in physiology, but rather, in politics. Namely, in the manipulation and falsification of trial results.
The first trials of the Buteyko method happened more than 5 decades ago. They happened in 1968, in St Petersburg (Leningrad). These being large cities with an active media presence, much fanfare ensued in the news of the results obtained by the Buteyko method.
Then, something strange happened. Suddenly, the narrative around the Buteyko Method completely changed. A phone call was made to Moscow which claimed the trial was a complete failure. The trials were completed by one of Dr. Buteyko’s doctors, who was trained by him personally and were completed in St Petersburg while Dr. Buteyko was in Novosibirsk to enable a greater degree of autonomy and scientific validity.
How could the results of a clinical trial be falsified like this? Who could have been responsible? Only one group of individuals could have contacted Moscow and completely fabricated the results of the Buteyko clinical trials, literally reversing the results to suggest they were a dismal failure, though they were in a success. These are, of course, secret agents of national security organizations, such as agents from the KGB. National security agents can approach post office managers, for instance, request for mail to withheld, and require a lifetime of silence for the parties involved. Whilst this subject matter touches on the subject of conspiracy, it is important to understand that the subject of national security has widely been pondered and written about, and it is documented fact that only they have the authority to intervene and silence individuals and groups in our society.
Who falsified the Western Buteyko trials? It is postulated that Buteyko Method clinical research has been deliberately falsified in the Western world by actions of national security agents. Dr. Artour considers how these falsifications may have come about, commenting on the human propensity to respond obediently to claims of authority (as illustrated in Stanley Milgram’s experiments).
As an important note, Dr. Artour states very clearly that it is important for us to look beyond the instinctual, conspiratorial response when the subject matter of national security agents are discussed. Dr. Artour states that it is not useful to fall victim to the thinking that these individuals are purely motivated to suppress information and eliminate the Buteyko method (they use the Buteyko method themselves). Rather, there are additional forces at play.
The falsified Buteyko clinical trials are an interesting subject for the Buteyko student and practitioner alike, but also give important facts to those who are looking for answers as to why the Buteyko method has failed to blossom and be widely disseminated. The broader picture is a complex one that requires an understanding of the history of the Buteyko method and the global anti-Buteyko conspiracy. Whilst it remains a complex puzzle, we can only hope to solve it by understanding every part.
McGowan J, Health Education: Does the Buteyko Institute Method make a difference? Thorax, 58, Suppl. III, p. 28 December 2003.
S. N. Paschenko, Study Of Application Of The Reduced Breathing Method In A Combined Treatment Of Breast Cancer, Oncology (Kiev, Ukraine), 2001, v. 3, No.1, p. 77-78.
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