carb diets reduce inflammatory processes and increase body
oxygen content. The majority of people nowadays, experience
digestive problems by having biofilms on the surface of their gut.
This contributes to the presence of soiling and if manifested in
soiling. Soiling happens when the residue is left on the anus after
defecating and one needs to use toilet paper.
people increase their body oxygen levels, they achieve no more
soiling. Also, eating no more than 20 g of carbohydrates daily helps
to detoxify the gut. This helps to reduce inflammation as well.
This web page explain more about chronic inflammation: “Chronic
Inflammation: Causes and Treatment”
and glucose cause a lot more inflammation than fats. There are lots
of great new research on this subject. Studies can be found that
compare a high fat diet to a regular modern diet with high
carbohydrates. Such diets as Atkins diet, Caveman diet and others
are similar in effects by reducing carbohydrates. Breathing
retraining according to Dr. Artour Rakhimov's experience is the most
effective method.
is a web page about benefits of LCHF (low carb high fat) diets for
reducing inflammation and better body oxygenation: “Benefits of
keto diet and therapeutic ketosis for body oxygen levels”
The German translation of this page “Vorteile Einer Ketogenen Diät
Und Therapeutischer Ketose Für Bessere Sauerstoffwerte Im Körper”
is here: http://www.atmungnormal.de/ketogene-low-carb-diaet/
that have achieved more than 30+ seconds for the morning control
pause test can relatively easily achieve a detoxified gut due to the
no-soiling effect. These students experience easier transition to
ketosis with high levels of ketones in blood (up to 1-3 mmol/l) and
can join the advanced course. This course helps students to achieve
45-50 seconds and more for their MCP. Furthermore, there are lessons
for learning skills to address particular conditions.
Artour Rakhimov offers classes for Buteyko breathing practitioners
who want to achieve cleaner guts and teach breathing retraining to
their students. The courses teach how to begin your own practice and
how to teach a series of powerpoint lectures. These lectures can be
set up by a practitioner in their area of residence (in the UK, EU,
USA, Australia, Canada or New Zealand) or by Dr. Artour Rakhimov.
The URL of this YouTube
video is: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dr3AoXuNypw /.
gut-detox-and-diets video features Dr. Artour Rakhimov who was
interviewed by Chris Prokop. Chris Prokop also produced an original
text description that you read now. Dr. Artour Rakhimov is a Buteyko
breathing teacher and NormalBreathing trainer. Dr. Artour is the
author of the website NormalBreathing.com, health
educator, and published Amazon writer.
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