Thursday, March 22, 2018

Great Qigong Benefits Comes with ... Slower/Less Breathing 24/7 or Breath Retraining

Qigong and breathing exercises/retraining significantly benefit each other.

In this video, Dr. Artour Rakhimov and Volker discuss this topic. Volker is a qigong teacher for 15 years in Berlin. How can breathing retraining help people that practice qigong and how can qigong enhance our breathing and health? Dr. Artour Rakhimov focuses on unconscious or automatic breathing patterns. It is possible to measure it at sleep or at rest. How can these breathing patterns be changed? The meaning of qi in qigong could mean breath. Gong means skill. There seems to be a connection with breathing. Qi or Chi is energy. In qigong, there is a lot of work with relaxation and alignment with posture. Rooting is emphasized for grounding and diaphragmatic breathing. Proper qigong with correct form will lead to better breathing. Breathing is tested with the control pause test before and after practice. Volker's CP was much improved after a single practice of qigong.

What are common patterns of breathing? Most people are at 20 seconds on the CP test. This is a stage of diseases. Many qigong students initially have 20 seconds to 30 seconds. Hundreds of years ago people had 50 to 60 seconds. When qigong and yoga were started, beginners CP levels were much higher. People would begin qigong with a different approach. The biggest effect would be that your concentration would be enhanced. In China, they work with the projection of the mind or Yi into the body. It would be much stronger with a higher CP. It is about your ability to concentrate. Instead of following a strict practice your sensitivity improves and this helps to make your practice more individualized.

When people achieve 60 seconds for the body-oxygen test, your energy increases. Many of Volker's students do not train often. They still train every day and love their qigong practice. With 60 seconds for the CP test, sleep is shortened to 4 and a half hours naturally. You have 3 hours extra to exercise. There are other benefits to various areas. Regeneration is improved. Qigong has many strenuous exercises. Hormonal benefits assist balance that can help muscles and bones. There is a mutual relation between qigong and breathing. You can test your practice even of 20 to 30 minutes. This helps to see changes. You can measure your CP before and after practice. You should see changes. Do less strenuous qigong practice to test it. To achieve a high CP can take weeks or even months.

This web page from Normalbreathing site explains these mutual benefits that people experience from breathing retraining in relation to Tai Chi and Qigong practices: Tai Chi - Qigong Breathing Benefits - .

There are many lifestyle changes that would benefit people. Sleeping on the back has drastic effects for the CP. Also, mouth-breathing during sleep lowers it. Poor posture also weakens body-oxygen levels. Every morning your CP will restart if you don’t improve your sleep hygiene. Qigong could not anticipate all the changes that we would have in our present lifestyle from technology and other changes. Food is not organic. We can point out hundreds of factors which damage body-oxygen levels. It is best to get educated about breathing retraining from a practitioner. It can be quite difficult to analyze each lifestyle factor needed. Then people can go to the highest health states. There are many additional benefits that relate to breathing retraining.

The YouTube URL of this video "Qi Gong and Breathing Benefits" is /.

The video features Volker Schmitz (Tai Chi/Qigong teacher and Buteyko/NormalBreathing practitioner from Hamburg in Germany) and Dr. Artour Rakhimov (Buteyko Practitioner Master Trainer from Toronto, Canada).

The video description was created with the participation of Chris Prokop (Mississauga, Canada).

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Friday, March 9, 2018

Forgiveness (through NDT) Clears Rare Cases of Early Childhood And Other Traumas Cleared (NDT Cases) - Interview with Lynn Himmelman

In this YouTube video, NDT practitioners Dr. Artour Rakhimov and Lynn Himmelman discuss emotional and childhood traumas and share rare NDT cases when the trauma does not necessarily relate to another person but to an object or organizations/institutions.

Unique features of the NDT and its forgiveness process help to address even such difficult cases when people (clients) do not remember their most traumatic life events (as it is the case with most emotinal traumas) or when emotional traumas involve objects. Here, Lynn Himmelman shares her story when emotional trauma was about separation of a child about 2-3 yo with her teddy bear. This object played a large role in the emotional life of a child. Going for a trip without her favorite toy was an emotional disaster for the child.

Dr. Artour recalled an unusual case shared with him by Dr. Netti who teaches the NDT in Houston (Texas, USA). Dr. Netti had an elderly women as a NDT client. This old women had emotional trauma related to her mother even though her mother died many years ago and their had great relationships with her mother all their lives. But something happened at very young age (when she was about 1-2 year old child or toddler). The NDT cleared this psychological trauma and allowed to restore peace of mind and easy breathing for this client. In other cases, even infant traumas can be cleared successfully.

More about early childhood traumas released with NDT - .

This is video 13 from Part 1 of YouTube video series about the NDT with the title "Trauma Release with Forgiveness Using NDT (New Decision Therapy): Energy Healing Technique". Dr. Artour Rakhimov interviewed Lynn Himmelman in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

The title of this YouTube video series is "Trauma Release with Forgiveness Using NDT (New Decision Therapy): Energy Healing Technique".
Dr. Artour Rakhimov interviewed Lynn Himmelman in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

Lynn Himmelman, B.Sc., B. Mus.
NDT Certified Master Practitioner (Trained by Kandis Blakely, creator of the New Decision Therapy)
NDT Master Trainer & Certifier of NDT Practitioners
Kantillation Practitioner and Trainer

Playlist for Part 1 of this video series: Trauma Release with New Decision Therapy: Forgiveness Body Energy Trauma-Healing Technique - Interview with Lynn Himmelman, NDT Master Trainer
13 videos uploaded: /.

This YouTube description was partially created with participation of Chris Prokop (Mississauga, Canada).

The YouTube URL of this video is . Thanks for watching!

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