Friday, April 17, 2020

Interview with John White: Using Energy and Scalar Healing, Biofeedback, and PEMF Therapy for Health
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In this video, Dr. Artour Rakhimov interviewed Spooky2 founder, John White, who is a researcher and inventor of Rife and Scalar energy. He is from New Zealand with a background in Electrical Engineering, Physics, and Computer Sciences. He has been researching and developing solutions to serious diseases since 2008. John specializes in Energy and Scalar Resonance Healing, Biofeedback and PEMF Therapy.

In the first part, John White explains that frequency generating machines have been in use since the Royal Rife machine in the 1920s. These frequency generators are used to produce specific frequencies that have a corresponding effect on the body they are applied to. Such frequencies are typically used for humans but in some cases are also utilized for animals.

As the interview progresses, John White mentions that during the Covid19 crisis in China, 50,000kg (50 tons) of vitamin C was transported to Wuhan to help with the epidemic. Both intravenous vitamin C and traditional Chinese medicine were found to help greatly with the Coronavirus. He also says that the software for his Spooky frequency generators is free online and can be downloaded to be used with other frequency generators. So he is primarily interested in people's health and allowing people to take control of their own health. John White has noticed that audio files, used for healing symptoms and conditions, have more effect when more than one note is used at the same time, similar to a song.

Biofeedback devices are then mentioned. These are devices that are able to pick up on certain parameters or frequencies within the body and indicate to a person that there is an area that needs addressing. For example, someone with a chronic infection who uses a biofeedback device will see that their pulse is consistently elevated and that there is a certain frequency they can use to improve their health and usually by applying this frequency they will kill off the infection.

John and his team also tested for the specific frequencies of essential fatty acids by scanning them in a room that was adapted to act like a large Faraday cage (a Faraday cage is a mesh of conductive materials that don't allow electromagnetic frequencies to pass through them). This meant that no extraneous frequencies could interfere with those being scanned.

During the development of the Spooky devices, John was shown that frequencies can be transmitted to people no matter where they are, or how far away they are from the frequency generator. This was a turning point and Spooky Remote was born.

Resonant frequencies can be used to distinguish between pathogens in the body. These are detected through electrical/physical responses to biofeedback scans.

John then describes scalar energy as being similar to a sound or pressure energy but is also stationary. The Spooky scalar device can be used to duplicate the effects of medication to the extent that one pill or unit of medicine can be used many times over by creating a scalar field that carries the information of that medicine. The same can also be done for other substances such as essential fatty acids and this can be applied to a volume or area as large as a house with a Spooky2 scalar machine so that everyone in the environment can virtually "bathe" in this frequency and can benefit from it.

In the latter parts of the interview, John mentions embryonic breathing as a means of energetic sustenance free from ordinary respiration. Some people can breathe in this way for hours or longer and also, through deep meditative states, can go without food and water.

Next, Dr Artour Rakhimov asks which frequencies are best suited for breathing retraining exercises, as some of his students have started to combine these two approaches for better results. John encourages the use of lower frequencies of entertainment and also free online sound waves, particularly those that are suited to the brain, as breathing retraining is a method of the brain controlling the body. The same frequency, though set up with a phase angle, (so that each ear receives the same sound but at different parts of the frequency, e.g. one wave may be received at the start of its wavelength, in the left ear while, at the same time, the right ear received the same type of frequency wave at the middle of its wavelength) can have good effects. A beneficial effect can also be received by setting up a scalar field through Spooky scalar, even if no additional information (such as vitamins, minerals, supplements etc.) is embedded in this.

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The video features Dr. Artour Rakhimov, health educator, writer, breathing teacher and trainer, and the author of the website

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