Monday, October 3, 2016

Best sleep positions: Left or right side? Back or chest? Interview with Dr. Artour Rakhimov

Sleeping postures and positions (left or right, supine vs. prone) for people with asthma, COPD, cancer, HIV-AIDS, cardiovascular disease, epilepsy, diabetes and many more diseases. Can sleep positions affect the health of people with these various diseases?

Chris Prokop, from the NormalBreathing team, interviews Dr. Artour Rakhimov about best sleeping postures and medical research that compared various sleep poses by testing effects of sleeping on the left side vs. the right side as well as comparing supine sleep (on one's back) vs. prone (or on the chest or stomach). Results were consistent.

For Western medical research, see this page:
The Spanish version of the same page is here "Mejor Posición para Dormir y el Dormir Boca Arriba":

According to research done by Dr. Buteyko and over 200 doctors, supine position is the worst position for breathing.  Similarly, 25 Western studies came to the same conclusion, that sleeping on the back is  the worst position.  Sleeping on the back, was tested using the control pause test, measuring your oxygen levels.  There is about a 30% drop in the CP test (body oxygen test also known as the Control Pause), when laying on the spine.

Meanwhile, most medical websites suggest supine sleep as the best sleep posture! Therefore, Dr. Artour Rakhimov published a press release "Best Sleeping Position Myth: Mass Media Disinformation" here:

Individuals with hypertension, anxiety disorders and numerous other diseases, have an already low CP.  While people with a 40 seconds CP, have good health and people with over 60 seconds, do not have any chronic health conditions.

Learning about proper sleep positions and sleep conditions, you will be able to apply changes to a foundational part of being healthy.  Maintaining your CP from the previous night, allows you to have a greater MCP (morning control pause), which is the most important part of improving your health.  While, many people have a drop in their CP test overnight.  If your CP rises a lot during the day, but the MCP is neglected it will keep you, at a lower CP because the body has a limited time to recover.  Additionally, sleep positions and their effect on your CP, can be easily measured at home, to notice the important differences.

By taking measures to apply proper sleeping positions, breathing exercises and other lifestyle factors, you will improve your overall CP.  Breathing exercises include the Buteyko Method, that is approved by the Russian Ministry of Health.  It was also used on more than 100,000 asthmatics, 30,000 plus people with cardiovascular problems and many more other conditions(liver cirrhosis, bronchitis, sleep apnea).   The Buteyko Method was tested, by 6 Western randomized clinical trials on asthma (more than a 90% reduction in medication) and Soviet trials on HIV-AIDS, hepatitis B, metastatic cancer(by 6 times reduction in 3 year mortality), radiation disease and more.  Furthermore, breathing devices are found to be easier to practice.  The devices include among others, the Amazing DIY device or the Frolov device.

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The YouTube URL of this video is: /.

The video features Dr. Artour Rakhimov, health educator, writer, breathing teacher and trainer, and the author of the website In this video, he was interviewed by Chris Prokop, his breathing student and trainee.  Other videos of the NormalBreathing Channel provide further details about best sleep postures (since sleeping sitting is even better!)

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