Friday, October 21, 2016

Why Best Sleep Position is Sitting - Interview with Dr. Artour Rakhimov Artour Rakhimov

Sleep positions and postures for diabetes, sleep sitting for lupus, HIV-AIDS, leukemia, cancer, IBD, cardiovascular disease, epilepsy, COPD, asthma and many other diseases.

In this video, Chris Prokop interviews Dr. Artour Rakhimov. Today's question is are there any benefits in sleeping sitting? The sitting position provides even better oxygen levels, according to the CP (control pause) test. Dr. Buteyko and Soviet doctors extensively studied sleep because the majority of people with diseases had an increase of their symptoms during sleep. Managing sleep factors is an important part of Buteyko's teachings.
Some of the sleep lifestyle aspects, include having proper thermoregulation, preventing mouth breathing and more. Most Buteyko specialists, including Dr. Andrey Novozhilov, the chief doctor from the Buteyko Clinic in Moscow, believe sleeping sitting is the best position for health. Sleeping sitting will allow you, to gain the highest CP results. It will also, make it possible for you to keep the same CP that you had before falling asleep.

This web page explains factors related to good sleep hygiene

The Spanish version of this page ash the title “Higiene de buena dormida | Cómo dormir” and is here:

Our most recent accessible information about how people slept, is from the early 20th century. Most books do not describe such details about sleep conditions, but some museums contain historical beds. Having a thicker mattress is a relatively recent lifestyle change that started around the 1930's or 1940's. Older beds before that were around one meter in length. It was only possible to sit while sleeping in these beds. Even myths existed that lying horizontally in bed, will have your body taken over by a spirit that would eventually kill you.

Various doctors and studies found out that supine sleep has drastic effects on breathing and health. Dr. Buteyko and around 200 doctors came to the conclusion that when the lungs are unrestricted during supine sleep, it intensifies breathing. The same outcome was determined by 25 Western studies. According to the CP test, there is about a 30% drop when sleeping in the supine position.

Preparation of proper sleep conditions and sleep positions are a key part of the NormalBreathing teaching. Measuring the MCP (morning control pause) first thing in the morning shows the effects of sleep on your oxygen levels. The MCP is the most important breathing test because over night is when oxygen levels usually drop. Keeping the same CP in the morning as it was during the night, allows the body to have more time to maintain a high level of health. This also makes your breathing progress a lot more effective. Additionally, the MCP is used as a goal to achieve higher levels of health, energy and many more benefits.

Sleeping sitting is hard and challenging, but it provides best results for the morning body oxygen test. With slower breathing (that may take weeks or months), people naturally sleep better and require less time for sleep. For example, all NormalBreathing students who got over 60 s for the body oxygen test in the morning required no more than 4.5 hours of sleep. Dr, Buteyko himself achieved up to about 2 minutes and 30 seconds for the CP test and had only 2 hours of sleep naturally.

More about sleep and the Buteyko method is here:

The YouTube URL of this video is: /.

The video features Dr. Artour Rakhimov, health educator, writer, breathing teacher and NormalBreathing trainer, and the author of the website

The video was edited and produced by Chris Prokop.

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