Friday, December 15, 2017

Buteyko Table of Health Zones: Most Missing Element of the Buteyko Method – Interview with Dr. Artour

In this video, Dr. Artour Rakhimov and Volker Schmitz talk about the Buteyko Table and its relation to breathing retraining. The Buteyko Table of Health Zones was one of Buteyko's patents. Buteyko only had three patents and it was a Soviet version of a patent. Another one was for reduced breathing exercises. Lastly, there was one for control pause levels and how to find oxygen and carbon dioxide levels in the body. The table of health was maybe the most important one. It was published in a popular Soviet journal similar to Scientific America. Dr. Buteyko is shown in the Journal with the table.

More about the Buteyko Table of Health Zones: . The Spanish translation of this page is also online: “Método de Buteyko y Tabla Buteyko de Zonas de Salud” .

The table was about different states of health. Buteyko's medical norm for oxygen levels was stricter. He believed we should take 8 breaths per minute instead of 12 as thought by others. When people have a disease, they hyperventilate. They deep breathe, but they use their chest to breathe. Buteyko saw people in diseased states breathing fast and heavily.

The first zone explained relates to 30 breaths per minute. This is people that are in the last stages of dying from diseases. For example, HIV, cystic fibrosis and so forth. They breathe from their mouths. Also, their heart rate becomes very high. The control pause or body-oxygen level would be very low and about 5 seconds.

The following zone is for people that still take a lot of medications for diseases. They have about 10 s for the CP and they take 26 breaths per minute. Breaths per minute changes when you pay attention to it and it can reduce by twice the amount when focusing on it.

The next zone is for people with 20 s for the CP test. This is for people with mild forms of diseases. Most people these days are in this zone. Over 100 years ago people breathed about 12 breaths per minute. They breath 18 to 20 breaths per minute and they do not have a pause in between their breaths. They breathe twice the amount of the medical norm. After that is people with 40 s for the CP test. They take 12 breaths per minute at rest.

Then comes the Buteyko medical norm state. When Dr. Buteyko did his research, he had machines that measured about 30 different parameters of the human physiology. For these people, they take 8 breaths per minute. The CP test is 60 s. It takes physical exercise as well to reach this state.

Afterwards, come the super-health states. Dr. Buteyko first started breathing retraining by having 10 s for the CP test. He was sick and would use medication. By slowing down his breathing he was able to stop his pain.

Previously doctors would use a test to hyperventilate to notice specifically where the weakest link is. This would be used for certain health conditions. Slowing down breathing can be used as an emergency procedure to stop any pain in many conditions. Also, it can reduce medication. Slowing down unconscious breathing patterns can eliminate many conditions completely. When people slow down their breathing, their CP level rises.

Dr. Buteyko achieved levels in the super-health state. Similarly, yoga books from over 100 years ago showed yoga masters that would achieve very high levels of breath holding time. They could stop breathing for 6 to 8 minutes at a time with ease. In this health state, one of the big effects is a shortening of sleep. Dr. Buteyko's sleep was about 4 hours. On waking up you are refreshed and there is no need to sleep afterwards. Sometimes Dr. Buteyko would only sleep for 2 hours. Other health benefits in this state include a heightened sensitivity towards other people and spiritual changes. Also, energy for exercise increase.

At 50 to 60 s for the CP test, people crave and enjoy physical exercise. With an increase in CP levels breathing exercises are not needed as much. Physical exercise can be used instead and it is used to maintain CP levels. Students at this state practice slower breathing naturally.

The Buteyko Table of Health provides a very fair representation of a person's health state. Dr. Artour Rakhimov's web page has hundreds of independent studies. They confirm what Dr. Buteyko found about breathing. There are many western studies included as well.

Some people with sleep apnea have an abnormally high CP level, but about 99 % of people have levels that correlate to the table. Other abnormalities provide high CP levels for people that had near death experiences. They do not have the sensitivity to CO2 levels and can hold their breath for 1 to 2 minutes. Also, people that had certain surgeries do not have normal respiratory responses and have higher CP levels.

Volker Schmitz teaches the Buteyko Method in Hamburg, Germany. Here is one of his pages: Buteyko Deutschland - . Another Buteyko practitioner Marita Lefort (also trained by Dr. Artour) works in Trier, Germany: Buteyko kurse Frankfurt - .

The YouTube URL of this video is: /.

The video features discussion between Buteyko practitioner Volker Schmitz (from Hamburg, Germany) and Buteyko Master Trainer Dr. Artour Rakhimov, writer and author of the website


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