Friday, May 15, 2020

Who Killed Dr. KP Buteyko And Was Behind Persecutions (Siberian KGB GULAG Agents)

It is said that murky and dark forces entangled themselves in Dr. Buteyko’s life, and may have been the undoing of this courageous, brilliant man. Burning questions around Dr. Buteyko’s death remain, and many are searching for answers. The question is a simple one: Who killed Dr. Buteyko? Leading Buteyko practitioner Dr. Artour Rahimov brings compelling evidence to light arguing that it was certainly the act of secret agents from KGB (national security agency of Russia, now renamed into FSB). More about the deaths of Dr. Buteyko, Frolov, and Strelnikova (creators of breathing techniques) - .

Dr. Buteyko’s discoveries had a profound impact on the lives of his students during his day, and his impressive achievements inspired a following among the scientific community, as well as an army of people whose lives were saved through the Buteyko Method. He trained over 100 medical doctors in Siberia (mostly in the 1960s and 1970s) to use the Buteyko method in their clinical;a practice, but all these doctors stopped using this technique in the 1990s. Why? Dr. Artour suggests that again KGB secret agents were the force behind persecutions. More about Buteyko persecutions - .

Dr. Buteyko was a man with a grand vision and despite his immense commitment to the health of human beings, his vision was never materialized in his time. His achievements have echoed beyond his grave, and fragments of truth around his death have begun to emerge. The story of Dr. Buteyko is far from over.

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The video features Dr. Artour Rakhimov, health educator, writer, breathing teacher and trainer, and the author of the website

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