Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Dysautonomia DIY Pulse Test for Overactive SNS: Measure Your Sympathetic Overdrive

In this second video: Test for SNS Overactivity, Dr. Artour Rakhimov and Volker Schmitz discuss dysautonomia and the DIY test for testing dysautonomia related to the overactive SNS (sympathetic nervous system). This simple and natural test is how to see the overactivity or hyperactivity of the sympathetic nervous system of the CNS of the brain and to define if treatment is required.

An overactive sympathetic system is very common these days. The test looks the same as the previous test mentioned in the last video, but we are looking only at the sympathetic system. To do this DIY test for overactive SNS, one can use cell phones, finger oximeters, any heart-rate monitor, and even ordinary clocks with measuring number of heart beats for each 10 seconds.

First, the person is to lay down for about 5 minutes and get a stable heart rate. Assume that when laying down the person has about 65 beats per minute. Then upon standing the person gets 80 beats per minute. In a healthy person, there is a balance between the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems. The heart rate will rise steadily upon standing and then will remain steady (plus-minus 1-2 beats per minute). We considered this situation before for POTS DIY testing: https://www.normalbreathing.com/s/dysautonomia-diy-pots-pulse-test.php .

For someone that has a nervous system that is hyperactive or overactive, the heart rate can increase to 80 beats per minute and then it goes even further to 90 or 85. Later on, it goes back to expected 80 beats per minute for pulse. This overshooting indicates the over activity of the SNS. This system is responsible for activating different organs. It controls the heart rate and higher blood pressure. When the system is hyperactive, it produces this overshooting resulting in blushing, sweating, poor sleep (insomnia), and other symptoms. This requires the parasympathetic system to balance it back to the norm.

Dr. Artour Rakhimov has been using this test for many years. Many of his world class athletes were doing this test every day. It is a simple and convenient test because it does not require sophisticated machines. It is a little less accurate than machines, but it gives a reasonably decent picture. Personally, for Dr. Artour Rakhimov he experienced an overactive sympathetic system about a few times. It occurred when he did not practice his traditional training but was involved in sports such as basketball and soccer. These sports include very abrupt movements. Also, sprinting and similar type of activities can overactive the nervous system. In contrast, people involved in endurance type of sports can over activate the parasympathetic nervous system.

People that are involved in computer games can also over activate the SNS. This is a mental stimulation that has physiological effects. The brain is always active and it increases the heart rate.

To decrease or treat these effects it would help to do something that is more calming. For example, meditation has some good treatment effects, but breathing retraining will solve the problem completely and naturally (better than natural supplements for overactive SNS). Breathing retraining increases body-oxygen levels and has many positive health benefits. Thus, blushing and sweating will completely disappear, while sleep can be restored with no signs of insomnia and calm mind 24/7.

This DIY test for overactive SNS can simply be done by using a timer on a cell phone. People can use it by counting their heart rate and seeing if it overshoots. If it goes up by 3 or 5 that means it is overshooting. By rising about 10 seconds it can interfere a lot with digestion and sleep.

You can find more details as well as images from these video on this page: Orthostatic DIY Pulse Test for Overactive SNS -How to measure degree of SNS hyperactivity with heart rate monitoring for the lying-standing body transition.

The YouTube URL of this video is: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rR7nq_HgJKs /.

The video features an interview by Volker Schmitz (Hamburg. Germany) with Dr. Artour Rakhimov (www.NormalBreathing.com), health educator, Amazon writer, breathing teacher and trainer.

The next video will be discussing the test for the overactive parasympathetic nervous system.

Keywords: overactive sympathetic nervous system, overactive sympathetic nervous system natural treatment



Friday, December 22, 2017

Orthostatic DIY Pulse Test for POTS: How To Measure Dysautonomia With Heart Rate Supine-Standing Change: Interview with Dr Artour Rakhimov

How one can measure their degree of POTS/Dysautonomia with an easy at-home DIY pulse test? How to test yourself for POTS with heart rate measurements for standing and lying body positions?

In this video, Dr. Artour Rakhimov and Volker Schmitz expand on the relation between results for the dysautonomia DIY orthostatic test and breathing retraining. Dysautonomia is a nervous system problem when people's autonomic nervous system does not function properly. It can relate to general fatigue, to the parasympathetic nervous system and the sympathetic nervous system. Around 2 to 3 million people in the United States have various degrees of this health condition.

In the West, the orthostatic test is used for this condition. It would show how the heart rate increases when standing up. When people have too much fatigue or stress in the system and when they stand up their heart rate shoots up. It can go from 60 to 90 beats per minute. Dr. Artour Rakhimov had personal experience of using this test when training national teams for endurance. He would perform this test on athletes every morning. Dr. Artour Rakhimov saw that after periods of strenuous exercise there was a large increase in the heart rate.

This DIY dysautonomia/POTS test reflects the general state of overtraining. The lower the number of seconds on the test the better. An increase in heart rate of 5 to 10 would be a normal (healthy) increase on this DIY POTS test. 

Thus, this DIY orthostatic pulse test is taken first when laying down and it takes about 1 minute. Upon standing up the heart rate would increase by 5 to 10 beats per minute. Then it continues to gradually climb until it reaches a stable level and then it just changes by +1 or -1 beats per minute.

While 15 to 20 (for heart rate increase) would be a serious increase that would push the body without enough recovery. There are other tests that also relate to dysautonomia that will be explained in coming videos.

For over the last 10 years, Dr. Artour Rakhimov has been involved in health. He saw that most modern people have 20 seconds for the body-oxygen test or the control pause test. This test also measures unconscious breathing patterns. The previously mentioned seconds is a very low level of oxygen and it means people breathe twice the amount compared to the medical norm. When people get sicker, the test gets down to 10 seconds.

Sitting increases metabolism compared to laying down. While standing will increase it even more. People with dysautonomia have not exercised for a very long time. They might be able to do a bit of walking. When they begin to exercise, it reconditions their body. Their heart rate will grow rapidly.

Dr. Artour Rakhimov had students with this condition and chronic fatigue syndrome that were able to get rid of all their symptoms. They did this by changing their unconscious breathing patterns. As a result, body oxygen increased up to 30-50 s.

For more details and graphs related to this DIY test for POTS see, this page “Orthostatic DIY POTS Pulse Test: How To Measure POTS with Increase in Standing Heart Rate” https://www.normalbreathing.com/s/dysautonomia-diy-pots-pulse-test.php.

The YouTube URL of this video is: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DwK_7NGCLdM /.

The video features Volker Schmitz (Buteyko breathing practitioner from Hamburg, Germany) and Dr. Artour Rakhimov (Toronto, Canada) who was trained by medical doctors teaching the Buteyko Method in the Buteyko Moscow Clinic.


Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Trauma Storage, Effects on Perceptions and Emotions - Interview with Lynn Himmelman, NDT Master Trainer

YouTube Video Link: Emotions/Perception and Trauma.
The root of trauma in the body is healed through the New Decision Therapy. Dr. Artour Rakhimov and Lynn, both New Decision Therapy practitioners, discuss this topic: Where is the trauma specifically stored in the body? How can trauma distort our emotions and perception?
Many people involved in meditation associate trauma to be stored in brain cells. Kandis Blakely, the founder of the NDT, has a book written about trauma being stored in the whole body. In terms of the reproduction of trauma, it can show up physically. Lynn's personal experience of trauma is that it was stored in her body. She has seen continuously this with numerous clients. Trauma can show up from emotional anomalies where we can not seem to get it together. This is where emotional overreaction starts to play out.

Mentally we can think we have a clear perspective on what is true, but trauma clouds our perception and we can not see the real truth of the matter. This is one key aspect where the NDT plays an important role. It helps to lift that cloudy perception or blindfold. So we can see the truth of the matter. Once we see the truth, everything else dissipates and it no longer has a hold on us. Even spiritually trauma can affect us. Our well-being is like four legs of a table each leg being named physical, emotional, mental and spiritual that keep us in balance. They are a foundation that keeps our lives stable. The NDT has this really wonderful way of getting to the heart of the matter. Where does the trauma actually sit? It sits in the cells of our body. With the NDT techniques that Kandis created, we actually have a way of finding the pathway to the trauma and exposing it so it no longer has a hold on us.

More about effects of psychological trauma or mental trauma can be found here: Trauma effects on perceptions and emotions - https://www.normalbreathing.com/ndt/1-trauma-perception-emotions.php .

This is video 4 in Part 1. The title of the whole video series is "Trauma Release with Forgiveness Using NDT (New Decision Therapy): Energy Healing Technique".
Dr. Artour Rakhimov interviewed Lynn Himmelman in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. The above description was created by Chris Prokop.

Lynn Himmelman, B.Sc., B. Mus.
NDT Certified Master Practitioner
NDT Master Trainer & Certifier of NDT Practitioners
Kantillation Practitioner and Trainer
Laughter Yoga Teacher and Trainer

The YouTube URL of this video is https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jleys72eTOk . Thanks for watching!


Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Sickle Cell Anemia Treated/Cured Naturally [Buteyko Method and Breath Retraining] – Amazing Teacher Testimonial

In this video, Dr. Artour Rakhimov and Volker Schmitz discuss the relation of sickle cell anemia treatment to breathing retraining. Dr. Artour Rakhimov has been teaching breathing retraining for over 15 years. His student Volker is from Hamburg Germany. Volker recently had a student that had sickle cell anemia. This is a serious health condition. It has been rare for people with sickle cell anemia to be involved in a breathing retraining course.

The student was very young and about 10 years old when he started breathing retraining. His parents did not cooperate very well. Volker did not have previous experience with someone that had sickle cell anemia. He started the breathing process with him very slowly for safety. The student's initial body-oxygen level or control pause level was below 20 seconds. That means it was close to a severely sick health state. He had a seizure as a child and he almost was unable to exercise. Additionally, the student needed support for standing. He was mentally slow and was put into a special school. His sleep was very long and a bit over 10 hours daily.

The student was diligent about the breathing exercises and he practiced for hours daily. His CP grew gradually and many of his symptoms disappeared. His main symptom required him to have his blood transfused. After a while, his blood had greatly improved. In the beginning of the course, he required this blood transfusion to occur once a month. Afterwards, doctors mentioned that he can do it every six weeks instead. This transfusion process was gradually reduced more and more until his blood was not thickening anymore. Eventually, the symptom completely disappeared. He achieved 40 to 50 seconds for his CP in the morning. The MCP is the main parameter of health. Due to not having many experiences with this health condition, it is not known if his symptoms will reappear if his CP level drops.

You can find more details about this natural successful treatment of sickle cell anemia here: https://www.normalbreathing.com/s/treat-sickle-cell-anemia-natural.php.php .

Physically the student was walking around and mentally he became healthy. He started to be one of the best students in his school. Also, he was overweight when he began breathing retraining and later on he lost lots of weight. His sleep reduced up to 4 to 5 hours at age 12 and he would have more energy during the day time.

Sickle cell anemia is considered a genetic condition and a lifestyle condition. Doctors try to involve patients with physical exercise and using healthy diets. Dr. Artour Rakhimov believes breathing retraining would have a huge impact on people with this health condition. In other health conditions that are genetic, breathing retraining might not have as much success, but it can still improve the immune system and shorten sleep. Volker also knows others with MS that have greatly improved their health and even had their symptoms disappear

Our YouTube Channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/artour2006.

The YouTube URL of this video is: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kLOaP7CF1oQ /.

This video shows a dialogue between two Buteyko breathing practitioners: Volker Schmitz (Hamburg, Germany) and Dr. Artour Rakhimov, Master Trainer. Amazon author, and creator of the NormalBreathing method.


Monday, December 18, 2017

Negative Emotions/Behaviors as Effects of Trauma - Interview with Lynn Himmelman, NDT Master Trainer Dr Artour Rakhimov

Youtube URL: Trauma effects - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XyS687_SPpc.

Effects of past emotional traumas are different in different recipients of past traumas and depend on many details and factors related to their lives and trauma itself. The common personal effects of past traumas are new emotional states that represent guilt, regret and anger. When traumas are more severe, many victims get an unconscious desire to die. All these emotions diminish personal life force.

As a result of trauma and becoming a victim many people demonstrate such self-defeating behaviors as:
- breaking promises made to yourself or inability to stick with your own intentions and plans
- being hard on yourself
- feeling worthless even though while having achievements in life
- feeling depressed, dispirited, hopeless, etc..

One of the effective solutions to these emotional problems and self-defeating behaviors is to use a body healing technique called the NDT (New Decision Therapy).

The New Decision Therapy can expand a traumatized person view of life, other people and situations that they were being previously emotionally triggered by.  Dr. Artour Rakhimov and Lynn are NDT (New Decision Therapy) practitioners that go further into depth on this topic.  Dr. Artour Rakhimov is also a breathing teacher and the owner of NormalBreathing.com.  How can one test for trauma? The NDT has a technique that tests specific points on the body to reveal trauma.  A related question is if there is a person that has no prior knowledge about the NDT, what how can they make do it yourself type of test?  This would be for the person to know that they have some kind of trauma.  Simply a person would know that their 'buttons are being pressed' or that they are being emotionally triggered easily. 

Someone with trauma would be triggered on a regular basis because of a certain person.  There is an idea that if that person would just change the way they are behaving and talking that would make their own life much easier.  We do not have control over other people's behavior.  To keep waiting, negotiating and trying to make another person change their way of behavior can be an endless story. The NDT puts you back in the driver's seat of your life.  Even if that someone else does not change their behavior, you can still feel at ease.  You can recover your peace of mind and have a broader perspective to understand from a place of compassion.  That this other person is truly stuck and does not know how to change.  It puts you in a self-empowered state and makes you stop putting your happiness in someone else's hands.  

Later, we are going to discuss testing specific body points with the NDT on presence of guilt and regret (a weak CSX Body Alarm point) and anger (a weak Heart Body Alarm point). When the life force is undermined, the Thymus Alarm point (the upper point out of those three points) become weak.

More about effects of psychological trauma or mental trauma can be found here: Trauma manifestations or effects of past traumas - https://www.normalbreathing.com/ndt/1-trauma-effects.php .

The title of this video series is "Trauma Release with Forgiveness Using NDT (New Decision Therapy): Energy Healing Technique".
Dr. Artour Rakhimov interviewed Lynn Himmelman in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

Lynn Himmelman, B.Sc., B. Mus.
NDT Certified Master Practitioner
NDT Master Trainer & Certifier of NDT Practitioners
Kantillation Practitioner and Trainer
Laughter Yoga Teacher and Trainer

The YouTube URL of this video is https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XyS687_SPpc . Thanks for watching!


Friday, December 15, 2017

Buteyko Table of Health Zones: Most Missing Element of the Buteyko Method – Interview with Dr. Artour

In this video, Dr. Artour Rakhimov and Volker Schmitz talk about the Buteyko Table and its relation to breathing retraining. The Buteyko Table of Health Zones was one of Buteyko's patents. Buteyko only had three patents and it was a Soviet version of a patent. Another one was for reduced breathing exercises. Lastly, there was one for control pause levels and how to find oxygen and carbon dioxide levels in the body. The table of health was maybe the most important one. It was published in a popular Soviet journal similar to Scientific America. Dr. Buteyko is shown in the Journal with the table.

More about the Buteyko Table of Health Zones: https://www.normalbreathing.com/index-buteyko-table-of-health-zones.php . The Spanish translation of this page is also online: “Método de Buteyko y Tabla Buteyko de Zonas de Salud” https://www.respiracionnormal.org/tabla-de-salud-buteyko/ .

The table was about different states of health. Buteyko's medical norm for oxygen levels was stricter. He believed we should take 8 breaths per minute instead of 12 as thought by others. When people have a disease, they hyperventilate. They deep breathe, but they use their chest to breathe. Buteyko saw people in diseased states breathing fast and heavily.

The first zone explained relates to 30 breaths per minute. This is people that are in the last stages of dying from diseases. For example, HIV, cystic fibrosis and so forth. They breathe from their mouths. Also, their heart rate becomes very high. The control pause or body-oxygen level would be very low and about 5 seconds.

The following zone is for people that still take a lot of medications for diseases. They have about 10 s for the CP and they take 26 breaths per minute. Breaths per minute changes when you pay attention to it and it can reduce by twice the amount when focusing on it.

The next zone is for people with 20 s for the CP test. This is for people with mild forms of diseases. Most people these days are in this zone. Over 100 years ago people breathed about 12 breaths per minute. They breath 18 to 20 breaths per minute and they do not have a pause in between their breaths. They breathe twice the amount of the medical norm. After that is people with 40 s for the CP test. They take 12 breaths per minute at rest.

Then comes the Buteyko medical norm state. When Dr. Buteyko did his research, he had machines that measured about 30 different parameters of the human physiology. For these people, they take 8 breaths per minute. The CP test is 60 s. It takes physical exercise as well to reach this state.

Afterwards, come the super-health states. Dr. Buteyko first started breathing retraining by having 10 s for the CP test. He was sick and would use medication. By slowing down his breathing he was able to stop his pain.

Previously doctors would use a test to hyperventilate to notice specifically where the weakest link is. This would be used for certain health conditions. Slowing down breathing can be used as an emergency procedure to stop any pain in many conditions. Also, it can reduce medication. Slowing down unconscious breathing patterns can eliminate many conditions completely. When people slow down their breathing, their CP level rises.

Dr. Buteyko achieved levels in the super-health state. Similarly, yoga books from over 100 years ago showed yoga masters that would achieve very high levels of breath holding time. They could stop breathing for 6 to 8 minutes at a time with ease. In this health state, one of the big effects is a shortening of sleep. Dr. Buteyko's sleep was about 4 hours. On waking up you are refreshed and there is no need to sleep afterwards. Sometimes Dr. Buteyko would only sleep for 2 hours. Other health benefits in this state include a heightened sensitivity towards other people and spiritual changes. Also, energy for exercise increase.

At 50 to 60 s for the CP test, people crave and enjoy physical exercise. With an increase in CP levels breathing exercises are not needed as much. Physical exercise can be used instead and it is used to maintain CP levels. Students at this state practice slower breathing naturally.

The Buteyko Table of Health provides a very fair representation of a person's health state. Dr. Artour Rakhimov's web page Normalbreathing.com has hundreds of independent studies. They confirm what Dr. Buteyko found about breathing. There are many western studies included as well.

Some people with sleep apnea have an abnormally high CP level, but about 99 % of people have levels that correlate to the table. Other abnormalities provide high CP levels for people that had near death experiences. They do not have the sensitivity to CO2 levels and can hold their breath for 1 to 2 minutes. Also, people that had certain surgeries do not have normal respiratory responses and have higher CP levels.

Volker Schmitz teaches the Buteyko Method in Hamburg, Germany. Here is one of his pages: Buteyko Deutschland - http://www.atmung.org/buteyko-methode-kurse-gruppen-skype-online/ . Another Buteyko practitioner Marita Lefort (also trained by Dr. Artour) works in Trier, Germany: Buteyko kurse Frankfurt - http://www.atmung.org/buteykokurse-in-trier-koeln-frankfurt-luxemburg/ .

The YouTube URL of this video is: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NPlDHBzcjjA /.

The video features discussion between Buteyko practitioner Volker Schmitz (from Hamburg, Germany) and Buteyko Master Trainer Dr. Artour Rakhimov, writer and author of the website www.NormalBreathing.com.


Thursday, December 14, 2017

How Many Can Benefit from Trauma Release with New Decision Therapy? - Interview with Lynn Himmelman, NDT Master Trainer

Who can benefit from trauma release with NDT or New Decision Therapy? What are NDT benefits? The NDT helps to eliminate past traumas by making a new life-affirming decision to overwrite old programs related to emotional problems, stress, negative mental states, as well as for people who suffer from PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder).

Millions of people suffer from various types of trauma including sexual abuse, rape, physical abuse, emotional abuse, and so forth. All these issues can be effectively addressed with this body energy technique called the New Decision Therapy. When you are with an experienced NDT practitioner, the success rate for this therapy is truly amazing: over 90% of clients are released from their most pressing current trauma within 80 min single session, but more sessions are required to achieve removal of all past traumas.

Hence, after trauma release with forgiveness using the NDT, people experience joy of life and become true creators of their own destiny. Mind clarity, new more positive outlooks on life are among other benefits of the New Decision Therapy.

More about benefits of the New Decision Therapy can be found here: NDT Benefits - https://www.normalbreathing.com/ndt/1-benefits.php . Even though this website (NormalBreathing.com) is devoted to breathing retraining, trauma has a negative effect on body physiology through increasing automatic or unconscious rate of breathing (minute ventilation). Therefore, removal of past traumas also benefit restoration of easy and slow unconscious breathing patterns leading to more oxygen in the brain and body cells with greater vitality, desire to exercise, improved appetite and digestion and enhanced quality of sleep.

The title of this video series is "Trauma Release with Forgiveness Using NDT (New Decision Therapy): Energy Healing Technique".

Dr. Artour Rakhimov interviewed Lynn Himmelman in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

Lynn Himmelman, B.Sc., B. Mus.
NDT Certified Master Practitioner
NDT Master Trainer & Certifier of NDT Practitioners
Kantillation Practitioner and Trainer
Laughter Yoga Teacher and Trainer

The YouTube URL of this video is https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uxz72lCAgO4 . Thanks for watching!


Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Defining NDT (New Decision Therapy) - Interview with Lynn Himmelman, NDT Master Trainer

How can we define NDT? What is NDT?
This emotional healing therapy is exceptionally effective (over 90% success or healing rate) and helps patients with the release of their long-standing negative emotions and emotional pain through forgiveness using muscular kinesiology. The technique involves one-on-one sessions that last about 60-80 minutes.

This video series is called "Trauma Release with Forgiveness Using NDT (New Decision Therapy): Energy Healing Technique".

Dr. Artour Rakhimov interviewed Lynn Himmelman in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

Lynn Himmelman, B.Sc., B. Mus.
NDT Certified Master Practitioner
NDT Master Trainer & Certifier of NDT Practitioners
Kantillation Practitioner and Trainer
Laughter Yoga Teacher and Trainer

Lynn Himmelman learned this trauma-release therapy from the developer and creator of the New Decision Therapy, Kandis Blakely. You can learn more about the New Decision Therapy here: Define NDT - https://www.normalbreathing.com/ndt/1-what-is-define.php .

Features of the New Decision Therapy:
- The trauma is released in over 90% of cases and that is confirmed
by checking energy meridians after the Forgiveness Procedure.
- The average NDT session lasts about 60-90 min.
- Many clients are not aware of the main issue (trauma) that's affecting their life now.
- In a session, use of muscle energy checking (applied/ behavioral kinesiology) facilitates
identifying the most significant current trauma
- Before the main part of the session, the body is checked or asked for
1) its unconscious awareness about the trauma
2) the body's ability to share this information
3) the body's readiness to make changes and accept the new decision
- Over 90% of adults are being affected by traumatic events of their past. This
manifests as weakened energy points that are checked by a practitioner & corrected.

The YouTube URL of this video is https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ci8ym7s4bVc . Thanks for watching!


Monday, December 11, 2017

We Treat Chronic Arthritis Fast and Naturally [100% Cured] with ... Breathing Retraining – Interview with Dr Artour Rakhimov

In this video, Dr. Artour Rakhimov and Volker Schmitz talk about the relation between arthritis and breathing retraining.  Dr. Artour has experience with breathing retraining students that had arthritis.  The most common symptom of people with arthritis is having pain in the joints.  Dr. Buteyko and other Soviet doctors had thousands of breathing retraining students that had arthritis.  They managed to solve this health condition by breathing retraining.  The students would slow down their automatic breathing patterns.  More about breathing retraining for chronic arthritis: https://www.normalbreathing.com/d/treat-arthritis-fast-natural.php.

Most people would not notice a correlation between their breathing to arthritis.  Dr. Artour's type of breathing retraining looks to normalize breathing patterns towards the medical norm.  These days 97% to 99% of people breathe twice more than the medical norm.  This would equal to 6 litres per minute.  People do not notice that they breathe too much.  The immune system becomes negatively affected from this hyperventilation.  By using the measurements of the control pause test, the medical norm should be 40 seconds, but people have 10 to 15 seconds.  People with initial stages of arthritis already have reduced oxygen content in their body.  This signifies that the immune system is suppressed and is not able to get rid of inflammation.  This occurs in a similar way for people with asthma and other inflammatory conditions: https://www.normalbreathing.com/d/chronic-inflammation.php .

When people with arthritis train their breathing to the medical norm, they notice that they have less pain.  This occurs after only one breathing session that is just 15 to 20 minutes long.  The student's breathing becomes slower during the day after a breathing session.  In 2 weeks, many students can have an increase of over 5 seconds for the CP test or the body-oxygen test.  The CP test is on Dr. Artour's website Normalbreathing.com and he has videos on his YouTube channel describing it in detail. The breathing retraining students notice that their pain is reduced all the time.

Eventually, breathing retraining students get 35 to 40 seconds for the CP test.  This is a relatively difficult number to achieve.  Most other health conditions require a much lower number to eliminate their symptoms.  Breathing retraining requires lifestyle changes including physical exercise and other changes.  By 35 to 40 seconds on the CP test students have their symptoms completely disappear.  When taking x-rays, people with arthritis have many abnormalities in their body.  These abnormalities can disappear or become reduced after 2 to 3 weeks of a breathing retraining course.  With 40 to 60 seconds on the CP, test these abnormalities would completely disappear.

The YouTube URL of this video is: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iXZcU3_JFLM / - Treat arthritis fast and naturally.

The video features Volker Schmitz and Dr. Artour who was trained by people who worked with the originator of the Buteyko Breathing method, Dr. Konstantin Buteyko. A mountain of scientific research and information about Buteyko Breathing can be found on Dr. Artour’s website, NormalBreathing.com, and Dr. Artour’s books on Buteyko Breathing can be found through Amazon.com.