Wednesday, January 31, 2018

You Can Get Most Health Benefits from Yoga Postures [If Breathing Controlled and Gradually Reduced]

How to move forward with asana practice? What to do with breathing during this or this specific yoga posture? How to measure one's general progress in his or her yoga asana practice?

Yogic postures (asanas) and breathing exercises when done properly will provide great improvements for one another. In this video, Dr. Artour Rakhimov and Volker Schmitz discuss this topic in detail. Volker Schmitz is a yoga teacher for many years. They will discuss how asanas help with unconscious breathing patterns and vice versa. There is a mutual effect between them. For example, there is a study about people doing headstands for about 30 or 40 minutes. After this exercise, the people's breathing rate per minute was extremely reduced and their heart rate dropped as well. This is Volker's experience as well. Headstands possibly balance the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system.

Each yoga posture tends to balance these nervous systems. And each posture will have different effects on different people. The headstands can have a big advantage for someone and for other people other postures will be more beneficial. If you have postures where you twist a lot this will help with digestion specifically. It will lead to more blood flow, more oxygen and hormonal supply to this area.

Postures help a lot with breathing. The structure of the body and the function of the nervous system is very important when it comes to breathing. This is especially true when it deals with the diaphragm. Dr. Buteyko said that yogi's intuitively found postures that helped with slowing down their unconscious breathing patterns. Many years ago yogi's had a much larger body-oxygen level. In today's society, many yoga teachers mention to breathe lots of air and that CO2 is a toxic gas. Medical science and hundreds of studies mention that over-breathing reduces oxygen levels.

If someone had a much higher CP level, regeneration of their body would be accelerated. They would learn the postures much faster due to improved concentration and they would be able to control their muscles and their body improves as well. They will lose weight. Even if they have a normal, but not ideal weight they will still lose it. They will sleep less and be able to practice more often. This gives more energy. The students will have more oxygen during practice and they can hold postures much longer. Many postures can be practiced with only 1 breath when having a higher CP level. Some people will even incorporate breath holding into their practice. This will be very useful. It is a combining of asana and pranayama or breathing control. When your breath control is longer, it is much easier to incorporate breathing control into your asana practice.

Can people practice reduced breathing in their asana practice? They may in yoga and there are many different breath patterns that are practised. There is a breathing practice of a using a very long breath. For example, 2 breaths per minute are taken during asana practice. It is difficult, but it saves valuable time by combining asana and breathing exercise.

Here are more details about health benefits of yoga asanas : .

The YouTube URL of this video is: /.

The video features Volker Schmitz (yoga teacher and Buteyko breathing teacher from Hamburg, Germany) and Dr. Artour Rakhimov (Buteyko practitioner trainer from Toronto, Canada).

The video description was created with participation of Chris Prokop (Mississauga, Canada).

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Monday, January 22, 2018

Recovery from Sexual Abuses and Rape with NDT: Feel Safe, Strong, and Happy - Interview with Lynn Himmelman, NDT Master Trainer

The NDT (New Decision Therapy) helps people that experienced sexual abuse to trust in life and feel safe again instead of emotions of anger, guilt and regret. In this video, NDT teacher's Dr. Artour Rakhimov and Lynn discuss this topic in detail. Lynn had a lot of students with sexual abuse. What is common for these type of students? The NDT is really successful for victims who went through sexual abuses or rape. Which emotions and behavior people experience or go through after sexual abuse as victims?

Lynn worked with people that have gone through very serious sexual abuse cases. Sometimes there was a gang rape and other horrible things have happened to people. They have been unable to get back on board with their life. This is where they would be able to feel safe, happy and strong. I love Kandis Blakely (the creator of the NDT) for having created this process because it gives a way to get inside a person. To actually bring finality to the trauma. And to really end it once and for all. The person will be able to trust in life and understand that there are multiple opportunities to get into life and feel safe rather than feeling angry, guilty or regretful.

The NDT helps with healing emotional abuse. In the holistic perspective, emotions are connected to our physical and spiritual health. When a person has their emotions healed they will have physical and spiritual improvements as well. Dr. Artour Rakhimov is an NDT teacher and breathing retraining teacher. He teaches about the famous worldwide Buteyko method and his own do-it-yourself device to increase body-oxygen levels.

The Buteyko method has grown incredibly popular in Australia, Russia and various other countries. Many serious health conditions are treated with it. These include asthma, bronchitis, liver-cirrhosis, HIV-AIDS, cancer, diabetes and many others. There are numerous medical studies on Dr. Artour's website Also, there are many more discussions involving a variety of topics on his YouTube channel.

Along with breathing retraining, Dr. Artour Rakhimov teaches important lifestyle points to keep high oxygen levels within the body. For example, diet, physical exercise, proper sleep conditions, grounding and other points. When increasing body-oxygen levels or the control pause, it assists you to be more resilient to stress. Also, concentration, focus and clarity are improved. Having higher body-oxygen levels helps to improve sleep quality and shorten its duration. Physical exercise becomes easier to perform and it becomes desirable to be active. This, in turn, increases body-oxygen levels. Digestion is improved and less food is required to feel full. Also, raw foods become desirable. Posture becomes improved and as well helps to improve CP. These changes occur naturally with having a higher body-oxygen level. All these lifestyle changes assist faster recovery from emotional traumas and effects of sexual abuse as well.

Additionally, normal breathing makes prevention of sexual abuse more natural and easier. Hyperventilating people have overexcited states of their minds that fuels their neurons to produce sexual fantasies. This is a known effect caused by hypocapnia (or low CO2 levels) in the brain cells. From the same perspective, overbreathing prolongs the state of victimhood after sexual abuse and strengthens negative emotions related to feeling guilt and regret or anger in relation to perpetrators.

More about effects of psychological trauma related to sexual abuse can be found here: “Treatment of Sexual Abuse/Rape with NDT (New Decision Therapy)” - .

The title of this video series is "Trauma Release with Forgiveness Using NDT (New Decision Therapy): Energy Healing Technique".
Dr. Artour Rakhimov interviewed Lynn Himmelman in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

Lynn Himmelman, B.Sc., B. Mus.
NDT Certified Master Practitioner
NDT Master Trainer & Certifier of NDT Practitioners
Kantillation Practitioner and Trainer
Laughter Yoga Teacher and Trainer

Playlist for Part 1: Trauma Anatomy and Release with New Decision Therapy: Forgiveness Body Energy Trauma-Healing Technique - Interview with Lynn Himmelman, NDT Master Trainer
10 videos uploaded: /.

This YouTube description was partially created with participation of Chris Prokop (Mississauga, Canada).

The YouTube URL of this video is . Thanks for watching!

sexual abuse effects, effects of sexual abuse, emotions due to sexual abuse, emotions caused by sexual abuse, sexual abuse anger,sexual abuse guilt, sexual abuse regret,anger sexual abuse, guilt sexual abuse, regret sexual abuse, sexual abuse, ndt, new decision therapy, rape effects, effects of rape, emotions due to rape, emotions caused by rape, rape anger,rape guilt, rape regret,anger rape, guilt rape, regret rape, rape, treat rape, treat sexual abuse, sexual abuse treatment, rape treatment, recovery sexual abuse, recovery from rape


Friday, January 19, 2018

Abusive Parents, Relationships, Marriages and Healing with NDT - Interview with Lynn Himmelman, NDT Master Trainer

The NDT (New Decision Therapy) is a loving process that helps an abused person to see the strength within and to leave an abusive relationship. The NDT teachers Dr. Artour Rakhimov and Lynn go into depth on this topic. What would be the mechanism that trauma appears from emotional abuse? And how is this trauma stored in the body? How emotional abuse affects people's future relationships? What are signs that someone has been emotionally abused? Are there any long term effects of emotional or verbal abuse from parents? What does emotional abuse feel like in a relationship?

Interestingly enough people that go through abuse do not leave the abusive situation right away ,but people that do not carry trauma probably would the leave the relationship. People without trauma would have the clear-headed perception to see that it is not a productive situation to stay in. They would take themselves out the of the line of fire. If someone is standing there and pointing a gun at you the logical thing to do would be to get out of that situation such as a marriage or relationship.

In an abusive relationship (or when living with parents) or marriage, a person is already carrying trauma. They will stay in the abusive situation and blame themselves for the abuse. For example, they will think if only they work harder to please the abusive partner then it will get better. The abuser will squash them down all the time. It is a catch 22. The lower the abused person goes the harder it is for them to leave the abusive situation. This can last for many years.

Quite frankly Lynn has personal experience with being abused. She knows how traumatizing it can be, debilitating and paralysing. It is nothing, but freedom and liberation to find that empowerment inside yourself to leave a bad relationship or marriage. The thing she wants to bring forward is that the NDT is a very loving process. It helps you find a way to leave difficult situations without stepping out of them and carrying a lot of anger within you. You can leave the situation with your heart open rather than closed.

The NDT assists with healing emotional abuse coming from al types of origins or sources. You may be abused by parents/caretakers or in a relationship, but the NDT heals the trauma through forgiveness.

Within the holistic perspective is that when the emotions of a person are healed they will have physical and spiritual changes promoting overbreathing or hyperventilation. Dr. Artour Rakhimov teaches about the globally popular Buteyko method to slow down breathing back to medical norms and his own do-it-yourself device to increase body-oxygen levels. Additionally, important lifestyle points are taught to keep high oxygen levels within the body. For example, physical exercise, diet, proper sleep conditions and other points. When improving body-oxygen levels it helps you to be more resilient to stress. This helps to improve concentration and overall health.

Learn more about effects of emotional abuse and trauma due to bad relationships, parents and marriages here: .

This is video 9 in the video series "Trauma Release with Forgiveness Using NDT (New Decision Therapy): Energy Healing Technique".

Dr. Artour Rakhimov interviewed Lynn Himmelman in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

Lynn Himmelman, B.Sc., B. Mus.
NDT Certified Master Practitioner
NDT Master Trainer & Certifier of NDT Practitioners
Kantillation Practitioner and Trainer
Laughter Yoga Teacher and Trainer

The YouTube URL of this video is . Thanks for watching!

emotional abuse test, emotional abuse in a relationship, emotional abuse in marriage, emotional abuse parents, emotional abuse signs, mental abuse signs, effects of emotional abuse, how emotional abuse affects future relationships, signs someone has been emotionally abused, long term effects of verbal and emotional abuse, what does emotional abuse feel like, effects emotional abuse marriage, effects of emotional abuse from parents, long term effects of abusive relationships

Thursday, January 18, 2018

Progress in Yoga Are in ... Slower Pranayama [Key Yoga Breathing Exercise]

How can we get maximum health benefits of yoga with pranayama? What are ways to have pranayama benefits when progressing in personal yoga practice? How many cycles per minute and durations of inhalations/exhalations for correct yoga practice?

In this video, Dr. Artour Rakhimov and Volker Schmitz discuss the relation of breathing retraining to yogi's pranayama or breathing exercises or control of breath. Volker Schmitz is a breathing retraining practitioner and yoga teacher from Hamburg Germany. Dr. Artour Rakhimov asks Volker, “How do people practice pranayama and can it be improved or practiced in a more optimal way?”.

Volker replies, “Let us say pranayama has 3 stages for beginners, advanced students and the most advanced students. Most of the time people will stay at the beginner level. For example, most people do not practice with less than 2 breaths per minute. There are people that can reach higher levels. The main reason is people see pranayama is to be practiced for 1 hour or half an hour daily. They practice the same pranayama for many years. They do not practice breathing 1 breath for every 1 and a half minute or 1 breath every 2 minutes or 1 breath every 3 minutes.” That is starting with 30 s per one pranayama cycle, and weeks/months later up to 60-120 s per one cycle.

Regular pranayama should aim for these higher goals. It is important to be careful practicing this type of yoga as it requires lifestyle changes. When you breathe through your mouth at night and during sleep, you can not practice these higher levels of pranayama. Dr. Artour Rakhimov read many yoga books that were written in the last 50 years and they do not mention about making changes to unconscious breathing patterns. In much older yoga books written by Patanjali and others, they all mention that the purpose of pranayama is to extend these stages.

The breathing exercises that practice breathing less often is only possible once changes have been made to unconscious breathing patterns. This is difficult to achieve. Modern people breath twice more than the medical norm according to many clinical studies that measured minute ventilation and practical DIY results related to the body-oxygen test. It makes it impossible for them to practice pranayama for 1 breath a minute. Students could possibly reach it if they practice 3 times a day and they could do it by the last session. In the next morning, those changes will be gone if they do not change certain lifestyle habits. This is the main difference from ancient yoga.

More details about “Pranayama Benefits” are here . The Spanish translation of this page is “Beneficios de Pranayama: Si extiende ciclos y respira menos” .

Historically, people had much better unconscious breathing patterns then so-called yoga teachers today. According to the graph chart that is on the Homepage of, a hundred years people breathed 4 to 5 L per minute. That is less than the medical norm. These were independent physiological studies. Also, these numbers would make a yoga student easily breathe 1 breath per minute during pranayama.

People need to make changes to their automatic breathing patterns to be able to practice higher stages of pranayama. The most important inital lifestyle changes are mouth breathing and sleeping positions. These two factors would make it difficult to practice higher stages of pranayama. If you sleep on your back (supine sleep) at night it reduces your body-oxygen level. On Dr. Artour's website, there is more information about this and many other topics. When you sleep with your mouth open and practice pranayama with your mouth open, it has a huge impact on breathing and it should be addressed with mouth taping and/or other techniques.

The YouTube URL of this video is: /.

The video features Volker Schmitz (Buteyko breathing teacher, Hamburg, Germany) and Dr. Artour Rakhimov (Buteyko practitioner trainer, Toronto, Canada).

The video description was created with participation of Chris Prokop (Mississauga, Canada).

yoga pranayama, pranayama for yoga, pranayama and yoga, yoga pranayama benefits, yoga benefits pranayama, pranayama yoga benefits, pranayama for yoga benefits, pranayama and yoga benefits, pranayama cycles, pranayama breath cycle,pranayama cycles in min, pranayama breath cycle in min,pranayama cycles min s, pranayama breath cycle in min s, pranayama


Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Traumas Due to Physical Injuries and Car Accidents - Interview with Lynn Himmelman

How to recover faster and feel better after a car accident or other type of physical injury? What are psychological and emotional effects due to traumas caused by car accidents? Can people experience depression and anxiety attacks due to physical injuries?

The NDT (New Decision Therapy) process opens up energy pathways and uses a mirror for you to communicate to your the soul the truth it needs to heal. Dr. Artour Rakhimov and Lynn expand on this topic. One of the types of traumas is physical. For example, if someone has one of their limbs broken. How does this affect their emotional life? Someone that has been in a car accident can be traumatized by the experience and this happened to Lynn. She did not have any limbs broken, but her sister was run over as well and she did not survive. This was one piece of the trauma. There is a trauma physically to the system when you are in a car accident. It also impacts you emotionally, mentally and spiritually. Lynn has taken numerous people through the the NDT process. Through the assessment and the period of time that they look for in NDT, it will usually land on a traumatic moment such as the car accident. This is where there is still trauma held in the system.

One of the key components of the NDT includes forgiving. It is a very different way of forgiving than the way we are used too. This way of forgiving happens after we opened certain energy pathways. So the person receiving the process is open to know what is true, speak what is true and receive what is true. We look at 3 layers of denial in the NDT. This will be expanded upon in other NDT videos.

Going back to the accident. Once those energy pathways have opened up then the person will actually be face to face with themselves in a mirror. It is here that the eyes play a really important role with these energy pathways opened up. So most people have never had that kind of close communication with themselves. The mirror is used as just a way to look at ourselves. We usually just look at our outfit, if our skin is okay, but in the NDT we are using the mirror to look inside. In the NDT, it is commonly said that, “The eyes are windows to the soul”. You are looking right within yourself. Right into your soul. The NDT starts with the intent that, “What does your soul want to heal?” We are going very deep with this.

More about physical and car accidents and their resolution with the NDT and forgiveness “Healing Emotional Traumas (Shock, Anxiety, Depression) due to Car and Other Accidents” - .

The NDT helps to heal emotionally. In a holistic perspective, when the emotions of a person are healed they will also improve physically and spiritually. Dr. Artour Rakhimov uses the Buteyko method and his own do-it-yourself device to improve body-oxygen levels. Also, lifestyle is important to maintain high levels. By improving body-oxygen levels it allows you to be more resilient to stress. It helps to improve concentration and overall health. Many articles and discussions can be found on Dr. Artour's website or his YouTube channel.

This is video 8 in the video series "Trauma Release with Forgiveness Using NDT (New Decision Therapy): Energy Healing Technique".
Dr. Artour Rakhimov interviewed Lynn Himmelman in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

Lynn Himmelman, B.Sc., B. Mus.
NDT Certified Master Practitioner
NDT Master Trainer & Certifier of NDT Practitioners
Kantillation Practitioner and Trainer
Laughter Yoga Teacher and Trainer

The YouTube URL of this video is . Thanks for watching!

car accident trauma, emotional trauma due to car accidents, emotional trauma due to accidents, emotional trauma due to injuries, symptoms depression after car accident, psychological trauma after car accident, anxiety attacks after car accident,post traumatic stress after car accident, feeling depressed after car accident, shock after car accident symptoms, psychological effects of car accidents, how to feel better after a car accident


Monday, January 15, 2018

Better Health in Yoga and Meditation: Due to Slower Breathing [24/7] and More Oxygen/CO2 in Cells

Amazon Book "Yoga Benefits Are in Breathing Less: Introduction to Yoga Spirit and Anatomy for Beginners": .

In this video, Dr. Artour Rakhimov and Volker Schmitz discuss the relation between breathing retraining and yoga with topics related to meditation and yoga breathing exercises (pranayama). Volker Schmitz is a yoga teacher and breathing practitioner from Hamburg Germany. Dr. Artour Rakhimov asks, “how do changes in our unconscious breathing patterns help people that practice yoga?”. The type of yoga discussed here includes stretching, breathing and meditative states. Breathing will have an impact on all of these areas. In modern society, yoga practitioners practice breathing exercises, but many do not have changes in their unconscious breathing patterns. These people breathe too often throughout the day.

Breathing averages according to the Buteyko Table of Health Zones include CO2 levels and breathing frequency. People breathe twice more than the medical norm. This is a mild form of hyperventilation. People do not feel it or notice it. Their results for the body-oxygen test is about 20 seconds. In contrast, 100 years ago people had 40 to 50 seconds on the body-oxygen test. Historically, yoga masters had these numbers for the body-oxygen test. More in their Yoga Benefits Book - .

Yoga students and teachers often have 20 seconds for the body-oxygen test. When these students achieve 50 to 60 seconds for the body-oxygen test, they get physical and psychological benefits. For example, one side effect is that they lose excess weight. Having a higher morning body-oxygen level or morning control pause leads to less sleep and more energy. People may start exercising yoga asanas or stretches for 1 to 2 hours daily. The quality of the exercise will be enhanced by having an increased blood flow.

Pranayama or control of the breath was at the centre of older yoga practices. It was not the final goal, but it was the main tool of yoga. Dr. Artour Rakhimov has read about historical yoga masters that achieved a breathing pattern by breathing only 3 breaths per minute unconsciously at rest. These yoga masters slept for only 2 hours daily. The founder of the Buteyko Table of Health Zones, Dr. Buteyko achieved similar results. He had 2 to 3 minutes for the body-oxygen test and he only slept for 2 hours daily too!

Prana means the breath or life force and yama is the control of it. It can be argued that the Buteyko Method is pranayama. When students get 40 seconds for the body-oxygen test, they sleep for five or five and a half hours. Then with 60 seconds on the MCP, they get four or four and a half hours. Students gain an incredible amount of energy. The ability to meditate with 60 to 90 seconds on the CP makes it very easy to meditate. You can go into a deeper meditative state and much quicker

Here are more details about yoga postures vs. breathing - and yoga meditation benefits - . The Spanish version of the Yoga page (translation from English) is here: “Yoga, Su Esencia y los Errores de los Gurús del Yoga Más Destacados” - .

The YouTube URL of this video is: /.

The video features Volker Schmitz (Buteyko breathing teacher, Hamburg, Germany) and Dr. Artour Rakhimov (Buteyko practitioner trainer, Toronto, Canada).

The video description was created with participation of Chris Prokop (Mississauga, Canada).

yoga meditation, yoga meditate, meditating yoga, meditation for yoga, meditation and yoga, yoga meditation benefits, yoga benefits meditate, meditating yoga benefits, meditation for yoga benefits, meditation and yoga benefits

Thursday, January 11, 2018

Trauma Symptoms: Effects on Feelings, Emotions, Perception and Behavior - Interview with Lynn Himmelman, NDT Master Trainer

The New Decision Therapy aims at healing the various related symptoms of trauma. Dr. Artour Rakhimov and Lynn expand on this topic. What are the typical symptoms of people when they experience trauma? How their emotions, perception, feelings and attitudes change after trauma? Are there common trauma examples?

Lynn answers: The symptoms of emotional trauma can be many. Here are some examples of trauma effects. For some, it can be ongoing anxiety that does not leave. It can manifest in bouts of anxiety and then later on feeling fine. It can be depression and interfering anger that keeps coming up. For others, it can be extreme difficulties in relationships. Just feeling like the other person does not get you and you keep falling into arguments.

Also, as effects or symptoms of emotional trauma, more examples are here. You may start making promises to yourself over and over again and finding yourself breaking the promises. It comes across as being hard on yourself. There are all sorts of different ways that it can show up due to past trauma. Feeling worthless and unsuccessful when you are and have a lot of proof of it is another way it can show up. Being in a really good marriage and having everything that your heart desires and yet not being able to receive it or feeling numbed out. There are many different ways and examples that trauma symptoms can show up.

The New Decision Therapy helps people to eliminate 3 layers of psychological trauma. The therapy helps to release emotional traumas that a person does not remember, but they still have a limiting effect on their present life. Additional tools used by this healing therapy include radical forgiveness and the use of a mirror for testing eyes and for the forgiveness procedure. This allows to clear all negative effects and symptoms of the trauma.

More details about symptoms of trauma: “Symptoms of Trauma”- Changes in Feelings, Emotions, Attitudes - /.

The New Decision Therapy gets to the heart of trauma symptoms to live life to the fullest. This forgiveness method can make it possible for a person with trauma to experience an increase in positive emotions and to be able to faster get to over 20 seconds for the body-oxygen test. The body-oxygen test is described in detail on Dr. Artour's YouTube channel and on his website When a person has more than 20 seconds for this test, it permits them to be more resilient to any possible stress and it decreases the constricting effects of trauma.

Dr. Artour Rakhimov uses the Buteyko breathing method and his own do-it-yourself breathing device to increase oxygen levels in the body. With higher oxygen levels, there is an increase in energy levels and a decrease in the amount of sleep needed. Digestion is improved and you do not get tired after eating meals. Also, concentration is improved. Additionally, intensive exercise becomes much easier to do and there is a natural desire to want to exercise daily. These lifestyle changes assist in faster elimination of symptoms of emotional trauma.

All these methods allow us to relax our mind : “RelaxYour Mind in 1-2 Min with Easy Breathing Exercise" - /.

The title of this video series is "Trauma Release with Forgiveness Using NDT (New Decision Therapy): Energy Healing Technique".
Dr. Artour Rakhimov interviewed Lynn Himmelman in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

Lynn Himmelman, B.Sc., B. Mus.
NDT Certified Master Practitioner
NDT Master Trainer & Certifier of NDT Practitioners
Kantillation Practitioner and Trainer
Laughter Yoga Teacher and Trainer

The YouTube URL of this video is . Thanks for watching!

Playlist for Part 1 NDT videos. New Decision Therapy: Forgiveness Body Energy Trauma-Healing Technique - Interview with Lynn Himmelman, NDT Master Trainer - General NDT Questions (Part 1): .

Have a great day! The above description was created with participation of Chris Prokop.

symptoms of trauma, trauma symptoms, childhood trauma symptoms in adults, traumatic experience examples, effects of trauma, emotional trauma test, emotional shock stages, what is emotional trauma, trauma feelings, trauma emotions, trauma attitude, ndt, new decision therapy, trauma examples, examples of emotional trauma, examples of trauma


Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Causes and Natural Treatment for Dysautonomia/POTS/ANS [Retrain Your Breath and CO2 Will Calm ANS Nerve Cells]

In this fifth video, Dr. Artour Rakhimov and Volker Schmitz discuss treatment for POTS and dysautonomiadysfunction. Causes of dysautonomia and POTS as well as effective treatment solutions are discussed, while the most successful method to treat these disorders is breathing retraining. The relation between breathing retraining and dysautonomia is clearly shown in the way modern people breath. Dysautonomia generally became much more known about 50 to 60 years ago.

In recent years, doctors started using various tests to detect dysautonomia. Only a phone app is required to take these tests. In 100 to 150 years ago, people breathed according to the medical norm and they would take longer pauses in between breathing.

There are previous videos on Dr. Artour Rakhimov's channel related to the Buteyko Table of Health Zones. It is one of Dr. Buteyko's most important contributions. Also, it describes each level of health and its related body-oxygen level.

Medical studies have shown that hyperventilation leads to a spontaneous and synchronized firing of neurons. More information relating to various medical studies can be found on Dr. Artour Rakhimov's webpage When people hyperventilate, it creates an abnormal state of the whole nervous system. At any moment of time, some type of weak signal that is not supposed to be increased, suddenly gives out a strong response. More about effects of carbon dioxide on nerve cells: .

The solution suggested for dysautonomia is to retrain breathing patterns and this makes the nervous system much more stable. The balance between the parasympathetic and the sympathetic nervous system becomes much more natural. People become much more tolerant to physical exercise and doing other activities for much longer. They achieve this without negative effects. In contrast, someone that is sick can feel like they can't work as long. These people can get anxiety or other negative symptoms. By practicing breathing retraining the ability to work longer increases. Dr. Artour Rakhimov has had many students that completely became cured of their symptoms.

There are many people that can have different health problems such as hypertension, later stages of cancer, asthma and other health issues while having psychological problems in addition to their health state. Many people are not even aware of these problems. They might be more focused to address their health issues instead. After breathing retraining many students notice that they feel much calmer, their sleep becomes much better and they achieve many more positive effects. These secondary breathing effects can be called natural side effects of breathing retraining. The normalization of the nervous system is one of these very strong effects of breathing retraining.

More about how to treat POTS/dysautonomia causes naturally: .

The YouTube URL of this video is: /.

YouTube playlist “Dysautonomia/POTS/Sympathetic-Parasympathetic Dysfunction: Causes,Tests and Treatment”: .

In the video, you can see Volker Schmitz (Hamburg, Germany) with Dr. Artour Rakhimov (Toronto, Canada), trainer of Buteyko and NormalBreathing practitioners.
The video description was created with participation of Chris Prokop (Mississauga, Canada).

dysautonomia cause, cause of dysautonomia, cause dysautonomia, dysautonomia causes, causes of dysautonomia, causes dysautonomia, dysautonomia treatment, dysautonomia natural treatment, dysautonomia treatment natural, treat causes of dysautonomia, treat dysautonomia, treat dysautonomia naturally, treat pots, pots treatment, pots natural treatment, pots cause, cause of pots, cause pots, pots causes, causes of pots, causes pots.

Monday, January 8, 2018

Measure Sympathetic/Parasympathetic Disbalance (Dysautonomia or Autonomic Dysfunction) with DIY Pulse Test

In this fourth video, Dr. Artour Rakhimov and Volker Schmitz continue to discuss tests for dysautonomia. The other videos discussed 3 tests to see the general stress in the nervous system. The Parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous system were expanded on. This specific video deals with more complex cases or dysautonomia dysfunction
People doing the previously mentioned heart rate d-i-y tests can experience complex results with their heart rate. In healthy tests, the heart rate would change when switching body positions to laying down or standing and then it would stay the same. The sympathetic over-activation would have the heart rate overshoot by 5 to 10 beats and then it would go down. This over-activation or disbalance between these two parts of the ANS manifests by the heart rate overshooting.
The other test relates to the parasympathetic nervous system. From standing up you would then lay down. The heart rate decreases and instead of stabilizing at a certain level it greatly decreases. It would drop from 3 to 5 or even 10 beats per minute in an extreme case.
Coaches, doctors and health professionals are aware of these tests. In the laying position, the heart rate is 70 beats per minute. When someone stands up for the test, the heart rate shoots up to 90 beats. In a case with complex results the heart rate shoots up to 90, but then the heart rate drops to 80 and then rises back up to 90. This would be a serious case of dysautonomia because the heart rate in a healthy situation increases from 70 to 90 and stays at that level. This specific case highlights an imbalance or disbalance between the parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous systems. indicating dysautonomia dysfunction.
The opposite situation can also occur. For example, a person is standing and their heart rate continues to be 90 beats per minute after some time. This same person lays down in a horizontal position that occurs in about 2 seconds. The heart rate is continually monitored and it is decreasing. After some time to goes to 70 beats per minute. Usually, the heart rate should stay at 70 beats. Yet, in this case of complex dysautonomia, the heart rate goes to 70 then 80 in 5 to 10 seconds. Then the heart rate goes down back again and stays at 70. The solution to these cases of dysautonomia dysfunction relates to how we can address the whole nervous system.
Dr. Artour Rakhimov for the last 15 years has been using breathing retraining to improve the health of people. Breathing retraining can be used to help the state of the nervous system. The proceeding video of this series will discuss how breathing retraining can be used to address the various abnormalities of dysautonomia including POTS, overactive sympathetic, overactive parasympathetic, and disbalanced states of the ANS or dysautonomia dysfunction.
--> Webpage: Treat Complex POTS and Dysautonomia Dysfunction Fast and Naturally -
The YouTube URL of this video is: /.
The URL for YouTube playlist “Dysautonomia/POTS/Sympathetic-Parasympathetic OverDrives: DIY Tests and Treatment”: .
Here you can see Volker Schmitz, Buteyko breathing practitioner (Hamburg, Germany) with Dr. Artour Rakhimov (Toronto, Canada), trainer of Buteyko and NormalBreathing practitioners.
The video description was created with participation of Chris Prokop (Mississauga, Canada).

Friday, January 5, 2018

Trauma Coping/Survival Strategy to Suppress Overwhelming and Strong Negative Emotions

For people that have experienced trauma, the event and its related emotions can linger in the background of our minds. NDT master trainer Lynn and Dr. Artour Rakhimov a level 2 NDT trainer delve deeper into this topic. Can trauma have some kind of survival value? Why do we suppress in our memories such events? Do our coping strategies really help us to live or just survive? - Trauma suppression and coping

It was discovered that humans evolved from chimpanzees and according to evolution they are our closest relatives among the animals. A long time ago in our evolution, was it possible that trauma was useful for our survival? What Dr. Artour Rakhimov means is that people can not continue to dwell on their past negative events. Rather than dwelling on it they hide trauma in the deeper parts of their brain. Yet, those emotions from these events still prop up.

As Lynn answers, this burial of emotions tends to happen if there has not been a really safe and professional way to deal with trauma soon after it happens. Then in order to move on the emotions get buried because they are too painful to keep on the table or in the present moment. The trauma can be painful and overwhelming. It is actually easier to forget about it. Then we tend to forget that we forget. It is a catch 22. Then we talk to a counsellor or therapist of some kind to help us. It can help in some ways to get perspective.

Yet, the real challenge is how much can we take from the wisdom and advice of others and actually begin to live it. This key point is the biggest hurdle for people that have gone through some kind of trauma. It is how to fully walk and live through the cells of our being. That which we know.

More details about this topic of emotions due to trauma and our coping with trauma and survival: “Suppressing Emotional Trauma Has Survival Value: Coping .

Having past traumas leads to emotional stress and increased ventilatory drive or a natural desire to breathe more 24/7. This overbreathing becomes habitual and causes physiological problems based on numerous negative effects of hyperventilation including reduced oxygen levels in tissues of the brain and other body cells. Thus, trauma and negative emotions contribute to development of chronic diseases.

The title of this video series is "Trauma Release with Forgiveness Using NDT (New Decision Therapy): Energy Healing Technique". This video is from Part 1. General NDT Questions (Part 1) - New Decision Therapy: Forgiveness Body Energy Technique - Interview with Lynn Himmelman, NDT Master Trainer.

Dr. Artour Rakhimov interviewed Lynn Himmelman in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

Lynn Himmelman, B.Sc., B. Mus.
NDT Certified Master Practitioner
NDT Master Trainer & Certifier of NDT Practitioners
Kantillation Practitioner and Trainer
Laughter Yoga Teacher and Trainer

The YouTube URL of this video is . Thanks for watching!

This YouTube description was partially created with participation of Chris Prokop (Mississauga, Canada).


Thursday, January 4, 2018

DIY Orthostatic Pulse Test for Parasympathetic Overdrive-Overtraining

In this third video, Dr. Artour Rakhimov and Volker Schmitz discuss dysautonomia and the DIY test for the PNS (parasympathetic nervous system) mainly applied to professional sport overtraining, related to elite athletes in endurance or long-distance cardio sports such as running, cross country skiing, cycling, swimming, triathlon, etc. who experience parasympathetic overdrive, overtraining, overactivity or overstimulation or even parasympathetic failure.

The parasympathetic system is responsible for digestion and transitioning the body to calmer states. This is the opposite of the fight or flight aspect. In order to do this test we perform the opposite motion from the last test. First we stand and then we lay down. This is when the parasympathetic nervous system gets into action to slow our heart rate and lower our blood pressure and other bodily functions.

Example: As an example, imagine that a person standing up has 80 beats per minute. Then this person is to go into a horizontally position. At the same time their pulse is being constantly monitored and it starts to decrease. The long term value will go down to 60.

What would happen with a healthy person is that the heart rate gets down to 60 and stays there. There can be a +1 or -1 difference. When the parasympathetic system is too hyperactive, the pulse can go down to 55 or in severe cases it goes to 50-52 and then goes back to 60. The system goes to too relaxed state instead of what the body physiologically needs or deserves. This reflects a state of parasympathetic overtraining and common in cardio or endurance sports.

For more details and graphs/charts/images related to this DIY test to measure parasympathetic overdrive, see this page “DIY Orthostatic Pulse Test for Overactive PNS (Parasympathetic Nervous System)” - .

Some of Dr. Artour Rakhimov's friends had a heart rate in the low 30s. Also, he had friends that their heart rate would be 26 and 28 in the laying position. For these individuals their heart rate would be similar upon standing up because they did not have parasympathetic overtraining or over-activation.

In Dr. Artour Rakhimov's sport experience, for long distance or endurance athletes it is very common that they can have parasympathetic over stimulation due to prolonged overtraining (weeks or even months) at relatively low intensities. They train and compete for 5 to 6 hours a day. For these groups of people having the parasympathetic system over stimulated can be problematic. Dr. Artour Rakhimov personally experienced this about 2 to 3 times. He could not find anything about the DIY parasympathetic test in Western literature. While in the Soviet Union, it was very common for top level athletes/coaches and sport/team doctor to study and practice it.

In terms of solutions for this PNS overtraining or over-activation is to have some kind of mental stimulation-activation and rest. Also, having an active lifestyle and being involved in games. Doing this helps as opposed to practicing a monotonous walk or exercise. This would make the problem resolve relatively quickly. In most cases, 2 to 3 days would be enough to get healthy results on the DIY test.

The YouTube URL of this video is: /.

The URL for YouTube playlist “Dysautonomia/POTS/Sympathetic-Parasympathetic OverDrives: DIY Tests and Treatment”: .

The video features Volker Schmitz (Buteyko breathing practitioner from Hamburg, Germany) and Dr. Artour Rakhimov (Toronto, Canada) who was trained by medical doctors teaching the Buteyko Method in the Buteyko Moscow Clinic.

The video description was created with participation of Chris Prokop (Mississauga, Canada).

overactive pns,overactive parasympathetic diy test,test for overactive pns,parasympathetic stress,parasympathetic failure,parasympathetic too active,parasympathetic overtraining,parasympathetic overtraining test,parasympathetic overdrive,parasympathetic overshoot,parasympathetic overload,parasympathetic overstimulation,parasympathetic overactive


Wednesday, January 3, 2018

How Trauma Changes Us: From Creators to Victims - Interview with Lynn Himmelman, NDT Master Trainer

New Decision Therapy on understanding people with trauma and how their perception of reality can change them from victims to creators: Victim vs Creator Mindset

A NDT (New Decision Therapy) master teacher's view on trauma and the role of emotions in how we perceive our lives. Lynn Himmelman, NDT Master Trainer and NDT Level 2 trainer Dr. Artour Rakhimov expand on this topic. In spiritual and meditation perspectives, a human being can exist in states as either a victim or a creator.

That is someone that is not growing and living the best or highest version of themselves. Would it be correct to infer that if we have trauma that we view ourselves as a victim of our past circumstances? On the other hand, when we are creators, we are rather looking at our better future. Yes, trauma can make people see life through the eyes of their trauma. Even while we are struggling with that unfinished trauma we can dance back and forth between being the victims and being the creators of our reality. Being a person that has experienced trauma does not mean that your life is a complete mess and that you are not accomplishing anything.

Lynn shares her personal experience that she was accomplishing a lot in her life. On the inside, it was different as she was not able to fully embrace her own successes. There was something on the inside that still felt unfinished and very unhappy in spite of all the really fabulous things that she created in her life. She had created a career as an opera singer that was highly enjoyable on many levels. Yet, it was also highly anxiety provoking on other levels. This was due to the emotional challenges that she was still dealing with.

More about effects of psychological trauma or mental trauma on being a victim vs. creator can be found here: “Effects of Mental Trauma: Victim vs Creator Mindset” .

The title of this video series is "Trauma Release with Forgiveness Using NDT (New Decision Therapy): Energy Healing Technique".
Dr. Artour Rakhimov interviewed Lynn Himmelman in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

Lynn Himmelman, B.Sc., B. Mus.
NDT Certified Master Practitioner
NDT Master Trainer & Certifier of NDT Practitioners
Kantillation Practitioner and Trainer
Laughter Yoga Teacher and Trainer

The YouTube URL of this video is . Thanks for watching!

NDT Interview with Lynn – Part 1 Playlist on YouTube: New Decision Therapy General Questions: Forgiveness Body Energy Technique - Interview with Lynn Himmelman, NDT Master Trainer Part 1 Playlist URL: .

Have a great day!
