NDT (New Decision Therapy) helps people that experienced sexual abuse
to trust in life and feel safe again instead of emotions of anger,
guilt and regret. In this video, NDT teacher's Dr. Artour
Rakhimov and Lynn discuss this topic in detail. Lynn had a lot of
students with sexual abuse. What is common for these type of
students? The NDT is really successful for victims who went through sexual abuses or rape. Which emotions and behavior people experience or go through
after sexual abuse as victims?
Lynn worked with people
that have gone through very serious sexual abuse cases. Sometimes
there was a gang rape and other horrible things have happened to
people. They have been unable to get back on board with their life.
This is where they would be able to feel safe, happy and strong. I
love Kandis Blakely (the creator of the NDT) for having created this
process because it gives a way to get inside a person. To actually
bring finality to the trauma. And to really end it once and for all.
The person will be able to trust in life and understand that there
are multiple opportunities to get into life and feel safe rather than
feeling angry, guilty or regretful.
The NDT helps with healing
emotional abuse. In the holistic perspective, emotions are connected
to our physical and spiritual health. When a person has their
emotions healed they will have physical and spiritual improvements as
well. Dr. Artour Rakhimov is an NDT teacher and breathing retraining
teacher. He teaches about the famous worldwide Buteyko method and
his own do-it-yourself device to increase body-oxygen levels.
The Buteyko method
has grown incredibly popular in Australia, Russia and various other
countries. Many serious health conditions are treated with it.
These include asthma, bronchitis, liver-cirrhosis, HIV-AIDS, cancer,
diabetes and many others. There are numerous medical studies on Dr.
Artour's website
Also, there are many more discussions involving a variety of topics
on his YouTube channel.
Along with breathing
retraining, Dr. Artour Rakhimov teaches important lifestyle points
to keep high oxygen levels within the body. For example, diet,
physical exercise, proper sleep conditions, grounding and other
points. When increasing body-oxygen levels or the control pause, it
assists you to be more resilient to stress. Also, concentration,
focus and clarity are improved. Having higher body-oxygen levels
helps to improve sleep quality and shorten its duration. Physical
exercise becomes easier to perform and it becomes desirable to be
active. This, in turn, increases body-oxygen levels. Digestion is
improved and less food is required to feel full. Also, raw foods
become desirable. Posture becomes improved and as well helps to
improve CP. These changes occur naturally with having a higher
body-oxygen level. All these lifestyle changes assist faster
recovery from emotional traumas and effects of sexual abuse as well.
Additionally, normal
breathing makes prevention of sexual abuse more natural and easier.
Hyperventilating people have overexcited states of their minds that
fuels their neurons to produce sexual fantasies. This is a known
effect caused by hypocapnia (or low CO2 levels) in the brain cells.
From the same perspective, overbreathing prolongs the state of
victimhood after sexual abuse and strengthens negative emotions
related to feeling guilt and regret or anger in relation to
about effects of psychological trauma related to sexual abuse can be
found here: “Treatment
of Sexual Abuse/Rape with NDT (New Decision Therapy)”
- .
title of this video series is "Trauma
Release with Forgiveness Using NDT (New Decision Therapy): Energy
Healing Technique".
Artour Rakhimov interviewed Lynn Himmelman in Toronto, Ontario,
Himmelman, B.Sc., B. Mus.
Certified Master Practitioner
Master Trainer & Certifier of NDT Practitioners
Practitioner and Trainer
Yoga Teacher and Trainer
for Part 1: Trauma
Anatomy and Release with New Decision Therapy: Forgiveness Body
Energy Trauma-Healing Technique - Interview with Lynn Himmelman,
NDT Master Trainer
videos uploaded:
YouTube description was partially created with participation of Chris
Prokop (Mississauga, Canada).
YouTube URL of this video is . Thanks for watching!
abuse effects, effects of sexual abuse, emotions due to sexual abuse,
emotions caused by sexual abuse, sexual abuse anger,sexual abuse
guilt, sexual abuse regret,anger sexual abuse, guilt sexual abuse,
regret sexual abuse, sexual abuse, ndt, new decision therapy, rape
effects, effects of rape, emotions due to rape, emotions caused by
rape, rape anger,rape guilt, rape regret,anger rape, guilt rape,
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treatment, rape treatment, recovery sexual abuse, recovery from rape
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