The practice of Tai Chi boasts
body-oxygen levels and breathing retraining provides improvements in
your Tai Chi practice - Tai Chi - Breathing Benefits. Volker Schmitz is a Tai Chi teacher for over
15 years.
In this video, Dr. Artour Rakhimov and
Volker Schmitz discuss this topic: How do Tai Chi and breathing
retraining benefit each other? Tai Chi depends a lot on the ability
to breath a relatively small amount of air during practice. In Tai
Chi, relaxation is focused on and structural corrections. Proper
body positions balance the nervous systems. It provides a
high-quality posture and helps with muscular tensions. This leads
to better (easier and slower) breathing.
Volker measures his body-oxygen levels
or his control pause before and after practice. He noticed that his
oxygen increases with only doing his Tai Chi practice and doing no
breath holding practice at the same time. There are mutual benefits
to breathing retraining and Tai Chi. From his breathing practice,
Volker lost weight and his concentration improved. For Tai Chi you
need lots of concentration for the postures and the relaxation.
Unconscious breathing improves a lot from Tai Chi. From breathing
retraining, your concentration or mind force improves and it leads to
more chi or more energy.
More about Tai
Chi breathing benefits .
Many of Dr. Artour Rakhimov's students
were Tai Chi students and they were among his best breathing
students. They did a lot of practice around 5 to 6 times a week with
2 to 3-hour sessions of Tai Chi. It is very common for the general
population that they hyperventilate or they breathe twice more than
the medical norm. The average person is more prone to stress,
anxiety, panic attacks and other negative emotions.
How would this hyperventilation
influence the practice of Tai Chi? What would you see in these
students? They can reach a decent level of Tai Chi. Many people
have a CP of 20 or 25 seconds. This is instead of 40 to 60 seconds
the medical norm or what most people had hundreds of years ago.
After practice, they can have 30 to 35 seconds for the CP test. In
the morning, if they practice they can improve their breathing for
half the day or the whole day. Maybe during the night is when they
lose all their progress during the night.
They will never reach the highest
levels of breathing retraining and Tai Chi practice. This is due to
sleep or other lifestyle factors. We want to change this and ideally
when they start with 20 seconds, to later get 30, 40 seconds and so
Their chi would be much stronger at
those higher body-oxygen stages. Your reaction time would be much
better at those higher levels. Their fighting skills would improve,
as well as their posture and their ability to put their strength to
use. Their energy would improve and their body regeneration. Also,
their meditation practice and health would improve.
Volker's master of Tai Chi was not sick
for over 30 years. This is quite common. The next thing is
meditation. It feels really good. You can feel a harmonious energy
in the body.
The YouTube URL of this video is: /.
The video features Volker Schmitz (Tai
Chi teacher, yoga teacher and Buteyko breathing practitioner from
Hamburg, Germany) and Dr. Artour Rakhimov (Buteyko Practitioner
Master Trainer from Toronto, Canada).
The video description was created with
participation of Chris Prokop (Mississauga, Canada).
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