Thursday, May 28, 2020

Diet for Buteyko Method: Get High CP (Body Oxygen) with Vegan, Low Carb, or PKD (Carnivore) Diet

What is the best diet for Buteyko Method? Students who seek to learn the Buteyko Method to transform their health, elevate their body oxygenation, and regain physical vitality are prone to underestimate the incredible benefits of dietary modifications. In this video, leading Buteyko practitioner and health educator, Dr Artour Rakhimov, outlines his thoughts on the best diet for the Buteyko method, and how to get high CPs with vegan, low-carb, or carnivore diets. The foundation of the Buteyko method was laid down in the 1960s. Dr Buteyko made two major discoveries, which were formalized in the Buteyko Table of Health Zones, and the Buteyko Method itself. The Buteyko Method is a practice that enables people to progressively re-train how they breathe, gain vibrant health, wellness, and physical vitality. The Table of Health refers to a scale of body oxygenation which predicts an individual’s level of health. Yet, within the manuals produced by Dr Buteyko there were, at best, two paragraphs related to diet. Dr Buteyko wrote carefully and cogently on his discoveries, and within his thought, he commented on food products which are to be avoided: fish, dairy products, strawberries, tomatoes, chocolate. Through close consultation of a myriad of sources, including core Russian materials, Dr Rakhimov highlights how little is known of Dr Buteyko’s recommendations for what should be eaten. Russian sources elude to some recommendations of beneficial foods, including rye bread, various spices, and oatmeal. Dr Buteyko observed the negative effects of table sugar and advised against its consumption, but other doctors who were trained in the method prioritized breathing retraining over the elimination of sugar, arguing that normalizing breathing reduces the tendency to consume sugar as a natural byproduct. Hence, the search for the best diet for the Buteyko method was obscured by a veil of ambiguity. From records of interviews with Dr Buteyko, we can see that he thought animal protein was negative and favored raw foods. You could conclude that raw vegan diets would align with Dr Buteyko’s thinking on nutrition, but the actual picture is far more complicated; Dr Buteyko thought that some people were like rabbits and others like wolves. Some would do better consuming animal proteins, while others would do best on vegetables. This was all that was left behind in the Buteyko literature: a carbohydrate-heavy diet. Low carb and ketogenic diets were popularized only very recently. Millions of people now follow low carb principles, and as Dr Rakhimov demonstrates, low carb nutrition can offer substantial benefits to breathing retraining. How can we more towards considering the optimal dietary approach for breathing retraining? What is the best diet for the Buteyko method? Above all else, the production of better health is our best marker. Dr Buteyko himself emphasized the need for results to come before technique, method, or ideology. The goal must remain the goal, and that is, to get a high CP. Insight into the best diet for the Buteyko method arose when limitations in treatment began to emerge across the Buteyko movement. Practitioners began to find that certain conditions wouldn’t respond to breathing retraining alone. During earlier stages of cancer, for instance, doctors equipped with the Buteyko Method achieved positive outcomes. However, when working with patients who were already in stages 3 and 4, the method couldn’t achieve remission. At best, it could provide a more peaceful death. In response to these findings, Dr Artour Rakhimov highlights how the Buteyko method would go beyond the traditional approach. Astonishing results achieved by low carb diets provided a new impetus, stimulated new thinking, and ultimately led to positive outcomes in the tough conditions that the Buteyko method alone couldn’t treat. Dr Rakhimov believes that the Buteyko method will only reach its maximum potential when the movement goes beyond the classical method and begins to understand the importance of eliminating carbs from the diet for the sick and severely sick breathing students. 

Thus, without panic, you can apply this diet to treat panic disorder too - Our YouTube Channel: The YouTube URL of this video is . The video features Dr. Artour Rakhimov, health educator, writer, breathing teacher and trainer, and the author of the website

Saturday, May 23, 2020

No Keto-Flu, No Misery - Adapt to Ketosis in Hours with Breath Retraining (Low Carb Diets, PKD,...)

In this video, Dr Artour Rakhimov shows us how our breathing is linked with how efficiently our bodies can become keto-adapted. When breathing is normalized, the body begins to function as it was designed by nature. Dr Rakhimov reveals to us how the underlying factor of how heavy we breath determines how effortless, or very difficult, our transition to low-carb lifestyles will be! Using the Buteyko Health Zones table, Dr Rakhimov demonstrates the powerful correlation between the respective Buteyko health zones and the ease of transition to ketosis. More about the benefits of ketosis- . Low carb diets have become very popular in modern culture, and amongst the health-conscious public, tales of the keto flu are widely known and off-putting for some. The keto flu is known to take place during the slow, laborious process of transition in the body when we move from burning predominately carbohydrates for fuel, to a new form of energy production based on the utilization of fat. The transition is known as keto-adaptation and is famous for being an utterly miserable experience for some. The process of becoming keto-adapted is said to take two to three weeks. At this stage, ketone levels begin to rise, and our body starts to burn fat for fuel. Having taught breathing retraining for 20 years, Dr Artour Rakhimov has found that this process of keto adaption can be expedited very significantly. Indeed, when a breathing retraining student has attained a certain level of health (a body oxygen score of 60 seconds), the transition can happen in mere hours, sometimes instantaneously. Breathing retraining means that there is no need for three weeks of suffering. Many well-intentioned folks setting off to make a change and enrich their life through health have been put off by the horror stories of the transition to low-carb eating, and are stopped from ever enjoying the many benefits low-carb lifestyles can offer. Breathing retraining opens up a path towards health which features no keto flu. The Buteyko method works well in synergy with a low-carb lifestyle and makes adapting to a low-carb lifestyle a tangible, practical way to unleash vibrant health. Some advocate that we push through the misery, endure the hardship and be strong in the face of the awful keto flu. Breathing retraining makes this wholly unnecessary and shows us that the transition process need not be a drawn-out one. According to leading Buteyko practitioner and health educator, Dr Artour Rakhimov, when we have achieved a healthy level of body oxygenation in alignment with the established medical norm, we can adapt to ketosis in just hours. That means no keto flu and no misery! Understandably, the keto flu can be majorly discouraging. When we have adopted a low carb diet, are losing weight, and feeling good, keto flu can be demotivating. The process of adapting to ketosis can increase our energy levels, mental clarity, and improve mood. It can feel like the undoing of much progress when keto flu hits us, and stories of horrific experiences are not uncommon when the phenomenon has hit in full force. Headaches, nausea, insomnia, and irritability (all are kept flue symptoms) do not need to be the price you pay for health. Being unable to think clearly, being drained of physical energy and vitality does not need to be the sacrifice you make for health. Dr Rakhimov's students have proven this time and time again - with a body oxygen score of 60, the body can switch fuel sources virtually instantaneously. Our YouTube Channel: The YouTube URL of this video is /. The video features Dr. Artour Rakhimov, health educator, writer, breathing teacher and trainer, and the author of the website

Friday, May 15, 2020

Who Killed Dr. KP Buteyko And Was Behind Persecutions (Siberian KGB GULAG Agents)

It is said that murky and dark forces entangled themselves in Dr. Buteyko’s life, and may have been the undoing of this courageous, brilliant man. Burning questions around Dr. Buteyko’s death remain, and many are searching for answers. The question is a simple one: Who killed Dr. Buteyko? Leading Buteyko practitioner Dr. Artour Rahimov brings compelling evidence to light arguing that it was certainly the act of secret agents from KGB (national security agency of Russia, now renamed into FSB). More about the deaths of Dr. Buteyko, Frolov, and Strelnikova (creators of breathing techniques) - .

Dr. Buteyko’s discoveries had a profound impact on the lives of his students during his day, and his impressive achievements inspired a following among the scientific community, as well as an army of people whose lives were saved through the Buteyko Method. He trained over 100 medical doctors in Siberia (mostly in the 1960s and 1970s) to use the Buteyko method in their clinical;a practice, but all these doctors stopped using this technique in the 1990s. Why? Dr. Artour suggests that again KGB secret agents were the force behind persecutions. More about Buteyko persecutions - .

Dr. Buteyko was a man with a grand vision and despite his immense commitment to the health of human beings, his vision was never materialized in his time. His achievements have echoed beyond his grave, and fragments of truth around his death have begun to emerge. The story of Dr. Buteyko is far from over.

Our YouTube Channel:

The YouTube URL of this video is: /.

The video features Dr. Artour Rakhimov, health educator, writer, breathing teacher and trainer, and the author of the website