Tuesday, November 8, 2016

How to treat frequent chest/sinus infections with breathing? - Interview with Dr. Artour Rakhimov Artour Rakhimov

Can we treat frequent chest infections with breathing retraining? - Interview with Dr. Artour Rakhimov by Chris Prokop.
Many patients with asthma, bronchitis, sinusitis, cystic fibrosis, tuberculosis, pneumonia, HIV-AIDS and other respiratory problems experience weak immune function and frequent chest and sinal infections. In this video, Chris Prokop interviews Dr. Artour Rakhimov on this topic of prevention and treatment of recurrent infections in the lower respiratory tract and chest, as well as upper airway infections in sinuses.

Dr. Artour Rakhimov had dozens of students with asthma, COPD and other respiratory problems who has infections very often, up to 5-10 times per year or more.  If we retrain our breathing patterns to be half of what the medical norm breathes, this will get rid of chest and sinus infections.  Dr. Artour Rakhimov is emphasizing our unconscious breathing patterns.  Breathing retraining allows one to breathe slower and improve body oxygen levels to cure infections in chest and sinuses.

The control pause test is used to measure body oxygen levels.  The CP is measured after a natural exhale.  Then you pinch your nose and do not try to extend not breathing with any force.  When the natural inclination to inhale occurs, simply allow it to happen and make note of the time you were not breathing.  This time is the main parameter of evaluating the physical health of an individual.  Many people that have taken the CP test have measured less than 15 seconds.  While the medical norm for the CP test is 40 seconds.  Having 15 seconds and less relates to chronic hyperventilation and poor sleep conditions.  Oxygen cells are low in the body, there are many free radicals and a high level of lactic acid.  The body's immune system becomes preoccupied with these problems and can not focus on any viruses in the lungs.  People suffer from poor or reduced immunity as a result.

Breathing retraining is used to solve many problems with the lungs.  For sick individuals breathing exercises could be used for about 1 to 2 hours daily.  Essential oils can be used in breathing devices while exercising during sessions.  This is very beneficial for chest infections.  This webpage provides details of treatment with essential oils (which oils to use, how much and other instructions): http://www.normalbreathing.com/d/treat-chest-infection.php .

Additionally, physical exercises are performed with only nasal breathing to reduce chest and sinus infections.  Other lifestyle factors that are used deal with slowing down automatic breathing patterns.  Students progress with 2-5 seconds weekly on their CP test until they move up to the medical norm.  They will have to prevent sleeping on their back and possibly using tape on their mouth while sleeping.  Each individual requires specific lifestyle and breathing retraining factors to improve their health.  Some of the lifestyle factors include grounding and using nutritional supplements such as calcium and/or magnesium.  These factors are helpful aids, but the main solution is to slow down breathing patterns.  Individuals with bronchitis, sinusitis, and cystic fibrosis only need to achieve 20 seconds on the CP test to overcome infections.  They all respond very quickly to breathing retraining.

Physical exercise is an important part of the NormalBreathing teachings.  With less than 20 seconds for the CP test, people are reluctant to exercise.  While walking at this stage is useful because it is easier as an exercise to perform with only nasal breathing.  As the CP improves students have an increase in energy and are able to engage in more intensive exercise.  (People with COPD require more work while their lung function start to recover gradually manifested in better results for blood oxygenation meaasured by finger oximeters.)  About 180 Russian doctors considered physical exercise, as the most important long-term factor in improving and maintaining higher oxygen levels.

This help to increase symptoms of brnchsitis such as coughing and recurrent infectious outbreaks in the lungs http://www.normalbreathing.com/c/bronchitis-symptoms.php /.

Apart from sinus infections, breathing retraining allows people with deviated septum to avoid surgeries (that are often useless and sometimes dangerous): treat deviated septum naturally - https://www.normalbreathing.com/d/deviated-septum.php .

Grounding or Earthing (electrical grounding of the human body) is another beneficial factor to improve body oxygen levels.  Grounding can be performed by walking barefoot on the earth with specific conditions.  Additionally, grounding can be done during sleep by connecting yourself to the earth with a DIY device.  Grounding works by providing free electrons to the body.  This helps to balance the body that mostly gathers a positive electrical charge.  Just as many antioxidants deactivate free radicals by providing them with electrons, grounding can possibly create a similar effect.  Students found that it helps to slow breathing and it improves results on their CP test.  Grounding can reverse inflammation, psychological stress, muscle pain, back pain and other issues.

Our YouTube Channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/artour2006

The YouTube URL of this video is: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MVAWiocxDp8 /.

The video features Dr. Artour Rakhimov, health educator, writer, breathing teacher and trainer, and the author of the website www.NormalBreathing.com.

The video was edited and produced by Dr. Artour Rakhimov.

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