Monday, July 24, 2017

Treat Causes of CFS/ME Naturally with Buteyko Method and Breath Retraining for More Body Oxygen - Interview with Dr Artour Rakhimov

Hundreds of people with CFS (chronic fatigue syndrome) or ME/Fibromyalgia successfully and naturally treated this condition with the Buteyko method and breathing retraining. In this video, Dr. Artour Rakhimov and Volker Schmitz discuss the relation of breathing retraining to causes, symptoms and treatment of CFS/ME/fibromyalgia.

People with fibromyalgia can recover from their condition by using breathing retraining.
It is not an easy method, as people will have to practice lots of breathing retraining and continue to practice to maintain a healthy state. All people that practice breathing retraining and achieve 40 to 60 seconds for their body-oxygen test, they are able to reverse all symptoms of their condition. These people retrain their breathing patterns. Dr. Artour Rakhimov had many students who recovered their health. These people can have a normal lifestyle and they do not have health complaints any longer.

Web page “Treat Causes of CFS/ME with Buteyko Breath Retraining and Natural Oxygen”:

People with this diagnosis need to apply a lot more effort than other health conditions in order to progress. For example, someone with asthma or initial stages of diabetes recovers a lot faster and requires less work to achieve a healthier state. We are talking about normalizing breathing patterns. This requires not simply doing breathing exercises, but the goal of this technique is to normalize unconscious breathing patterns.

To improve breathing patterns physical exercise is also required. This is a challenge for people with fibromyalgia. Doing strenuous physical exercise such as light jogging might cause them pain later on in the day. It would be a good idea for them to exercise for shorter periods. They might be able to jog for about half an hour and then at another part of the day they can jog for another half an hour.

Lifestyle changes are practiced in a breathing retraining course. An important factor for change is diet. The damage of inflammation that takes place in cells is possible to reverse if really dramatic changes to diet are taken. This takes place by reducing carbohydrates in one's diet. When people have a severe form of fibromyalgia, Dr. Artour Rakhimov recommends eliminating all carbs. Without using any carbs the body switches to using ketones for its energy source. A combination of a low carb diet and practicing breathing retraining will allow for the fastest progress. Progress is slow, but the results are fantastic to people's health.

The goal of the method is to train the body to breathe according to the medical norm and to stop hyperventilating. It is a stubborn situation for individuals with fibromyalgia because their body-oxygen level or control pause level does not grow quickly as normally expected. When they do achieve these higher oxygen levels, they experience a reduction in their symptoms. With 40 to 60 seconds on the CP test, these students have a vibrant life with short sleep and they function really well.

This YouTube video is from NormalBreathing Channel by Dr. Artour Rakhimov. The URL of this video is: /.

The video features Volker Schmitz (Buteyko practitioner from Hamburg, Germany) and Dr. Artour Rakhimov. Dr. Artour is an Amazon writer, breathing teacher, and the author of


Thursday, July 20, 2017

Reverse Cystic Fibrosis Symptoms/Stages with Buteyko Breath Retraining: Interview with Dr. Artour Rakhimov

It is possible to reverse symptoms and stages with breathing retraining and the Buteyko method by slowing down one's automatic breathing and, thus, improving oxygen delivery in the lungs and body cells to prevent development of cystic fibrosis. Video URL link: treat cystic fibrosis with Buteyko breathing.

In this video, Dr. Artour Rakhimov and Volker Schmitz discuss the relation of cystic fibrosis and breathing retraining. Cystic fibrosis is viewed as being genetic, but people with this health condition are realizing that they can improve their quality and quantity of life if they apply lifestyle changes. Historically, it is known that life expectancy was very low for people with CF. Children would die at a very young age. People with CF have very salty skin because they are not able to retain the salt. Previously, this would indicate that children would die.

Recently doctors discovered that people with CF have a mutation in their body's chemicals. This mutation does allow the body to effectively transport ions in different compartments of the body. People with CF have two common abnormalities that develop. Dr. Artour Rakhimov had students with CF. They were successfully able to recover from their health condition and maintained being healthy with breathing retraining. Breathing retraining increases body-oxygen levels. This allows people having abnormal genetic factors to function closer to the medical norm. This depends on how well people recover.

Two systems suffer the most for people with CF. They include the respiratory system because of the transport of ions. People with CF have their mucus grow and become too thick in their airways. From this, they are going to be prone to more respiratory infections. The most common cause of death for people with CF relates to respiratory failure. This is from accumulating too much bacteria that comes from the mucus harbouring pathological bacteria. Many respiratory infections take place for people with CF.

Another type of abnormality that takes place relates to digestion. It causes an inability to create a mucus layer in the digestive tract. People with CF have their mucus in the digestive tract become too thick. This causes an abnormal appearance of too much bacteria and infections in the digestive tract.

These abnormalities can be solved when people practice breathing retraining. It is used in addition to standard medical techniques. 50 years ago the common expectancy of living for people with CF was 10 to 15 years. While currently, it has improved to 40 to 45 years of age. It was a huge increase due to achievements of medicine. Doctors are now able to take out excess mucus from the lungs. They can provide medication for the lungs and the digestive system. For the digestion system doctors provide digestive enzymes. These enzymes allow people with CF to function better.

Web pages:
- Cystic Fibrosis Symptoms/Stages Correlate with Cell Oxygen Levels: .

- Cystic Fibrosis in Lungs Is Reversible: .

The YouTube URL of this video from NormalBreathing Channel by Dr, Artour Rakhimov is: /.

The video features Volker Schmitz (Buteyko practitioner from Hamburg, Germany) and Dr. Artour Rakhimov. Dr. Artour is an Amazon writer, breathing teacher, and the author of


Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Cancer Therapies: Breathing Techniques Low Carb Keto Diet to Increase Oxygen and Reduce Glucose

One of Dr. Artour Rakhimov's students Misha Sakharoff added a new area: how to use LCHF diet for cancer treatment as a part of the breathing retraining program. Low carb high fat diets can be exceptionally beneficial in improving one's health. People using breathing retraining can successfully eliminate cancer by only using this method, but it is a very hard program to solely use it. In order to get clinical remission from cancer, patients have to practice lots of breathing retraining and physical exercise. They can use the Buteyko method, Frolov device, DIY device and other effective devices. The immune system becomes strong enough to start to eliminate cancer cells naturally. Misha started to use the application of diet, in addition to breathing program, for cancer treatment.

More details about “Cancer Therapies: Breathing Training and LCHF Keto Diet” .

A lot of research can be found in the relation of diet to eliminating cancer cells. Cancer cells survive on blood glucose. Blood glucose rises after meals and most people have too high glucose levels from eating lots of carbs. This type of eating promotes the growth of cancer cells in patients.

When people do water fasting, they go into a state of ketosis. In one study, people fasted for about 10 to 30 days. People lost some of their body weight. After that time period, it gets dangerous for losing body weight. We have a certain amount of carbs stored in our body. If we go running these carbs stay in our body for no longer than 2 hours. The application of fasting reduced cancer cells in studies. The growth of new tumours occurs because of low body-oxygen levels in the body. Moreover, an additional effect of ketones in the blood is that they are able to suppress cancer cells.

The difficulties of fasting are that you can not fast for many months and it is a hard process. Another solution is to take out carbs and starch from the diet. This includes grains, potatoes, rice, wheat, corn, oats and so on. Also, most fruits can raise blood sugar levels.

The ketogenic diet uses about 20 grams of carbs per day. To adapt to a diet without carbs can take about 1 to 3 weeks or more depending on your control pause level or body-oxygen level. The body is forced to use its own fat resources. The body has lots of fat stored, but the problem is when you are eating carbs all the time then the fat resources are unused.

Glucose is a substance that is naturally present, but it is an emergency chemical. Humans started to use carbs in their diet about 10,000 years ago. It is used as the main energy source in people's diet. In contrast, using a diet low in carbs provides a similar physiological effect to fasting. People's blood sugar will be kept low and ketones will be used as a main source of energy.

Intermittent fasting can also be used to provide a build up of ketones in the body. There are other possibilities to keep the blood sugar low and have a high level of ketones. Volker Schmitz has been on the ketogenic diet for about 1 year. It is not difficult with a proper amount of knowledge. Currently, the diet has a variety of foods to choose from. For example, you can eat noodles from zucchini as a creative replacement.

In summary, a low oxygen and a high sugar environment in the body allows cancer to grow. If we address both of these it is much more effective to improve your health. In recent news, doctors were testing the ketogenic diet on cancer in clinical trials. There is a lot of interest in using this diet with this very serious health condition. Using the ketogenic diet and breathing retraining are powerful solutions to help reverse cancer. Breathing retraining is still the central part of cancer treatment because the effectiveness of the ketogenic diet is that it allows people to have easier breathing. According to the Buteyko table of health, having a higher CP strengthens the immune system and this allows it to attack the malignant cells. A higher CP fights cancer and prevents it in the long term.

The YouTube URL of this video from NormalBreathing Channel by Dr, Artour Rakhimov is: /.

The video features Volker Schmitz (Buteyko practitioner from Hamburg, Germany) and Dr. Artour Rakhimov. Dr. Artour is an Amazon writer, breathing teacher, and the author of


Sunday, July 16, 2017

Breathing Retraining Reduces Cancer Mortality 6 times – Interview with Dr. Artour Rakhimov

How to apply breathing retraining and the Buteyko technique to treat causes of cancer: low oxygen levels in cells (tissue hypoxia): breathing for cancer treatment.

In this video, Dr. Artour Rakhimov and Volker Schmitz discuss the relation of breathing retraining to cancer. Another topic discussed that relates to cancer includes diet. Dr. Artour Rakhimov on his website has studies and charts showing that cancer patients breathe more than twice compared to the medical norm. The body-oxygen test or the control pause test is used by cancer patients. If people with cancer breathe too much that causes cell hypoxia. The type of breathing that is discussed is unconscious or automatic breathing patterns. From these breathing patterns, less oxygen is retained. For some people, cell tissue hypoxia is the central factor which promotes multiplication of malignant cells. The growth of tumours has a direct correlation to the level of cell tissue hypoxia. So the less amount of oxygen in the tissues means the faster the cancer will grow.

Thus, breathing has a profound effect on cancer dynamic. More details are here .

An opposite technique some doctors use oxygen to give to their patients and their tumours start to shrink. Dr. Buteyko and 200 of his doctors had thousands of patients with heart disease, asthma and many other conditions. Also, they had cancer patients involved in the breathing training program.
When they achieved very high results on the CP test, up to 50 and 60 seconds the tumours disappeared. This was well known in the Soviet Union.

One of the doctors trained by Dr. Buteyko had conducted a clinical trial on 120 women. The trial was about the first early stages of metastatic breast cancer. All of these people practiced 3 various cancer treatments and half of the people would also use the Buteyko breathing exercises up to 2 to 2 and a half hours daily. The Buteyko breathing program was an experimental group. They did this breathing program for 3 years. They started with about 10 seconds for the CP test. This is a very low number as a health measurement.

The mortality for cancer rates is high for this specific type of cancer. There are many different types of cancer with varying rates of mortality. The mortality rate is about 95% in 3 years for this cancer. Most people die even when they have surgery, radiation and all these types of medical assistance. Doctors apply these techniques because statistically they allow people to live a bit longer.

In the experimental group the mortality rate was 6 times less. The control group had 25% mortality. The doctor who trained the women with breathing exercises had only 2 patients lost. These 2 women in addition to cancer also had diabetes and heart disease. The combined condition was much more of a complicated situation.

More details about this fascinating clinical trial on cancer is here “Breakthrough in Breast Cancer Research and Treatment - Metastasized Breast Cancer Trial: 5-Fold Reduction in Mortality' .

This video is from NormalBreathing Channel by Dr, Artour Rakhimov. The YouTube URL of this video is: /.

The video features Dr. Artour Rakhimov, health educator, Amazon writer, and the author of Dr. Artour is from Toronto, Canada, who is with Volker Schmitz (also a Buteyko practitioner, but from Hamburg, Germany).


Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Low Carb Diets Reverse Diabetes Mellitus: Fat Ketones vs. Carbs as Fuel Sources Dr Artour Rakhimov

Video: Low carb diet for diabetes treatment
Diabetes mellitus can be reversed with low carb diets, especially therapeutic ketogenic diet since it has less than 20 g of carbs per day. Transition to ketosis eliminates a need for insulin since fats do not increase blood sugar levels. Ketones become the main fuel source for the brain, muscles, and other body organs.

In this second video, Dr. Artour Rakhimov and Volker Schmitz expand on the relation of breathing retraining to diabetes. Volker mentions the importance of lifestyle for maintaining high control pause levels. When people move a lot during the day, they require less formal physical exercise. For example, they walk to work or have physically demanding work. Dr. Artour Rakhimov emphasizes exercise to be intensive to provide a higher CP.

All of Dr. Artour Rakhimov's students that made changes to their breathing patterns got rid of their diabetic symptoms. They followed all of the requirements of the breathing retraining course. It is quite difficult to practice lots of breathing exercises and physical exercise daily that is needed for diabetics. Students did not follow a specified low carb diet by the breathing retraining course at the beginning stages of Dr. Artour Rakhimov's teaching career.

More about natural treatment of diabetes mellitus with breathing retraining:

According to Dr. Artour Rakhimov, the most successful Western clinical trial on diabetes type 2 relates to diet. Doctors recommend following a low carbohydrate diet for diabetes. Diabetes is the condition where blood sugar level is chronically high. Studies from the 1920's and 1950's mention diabetes as a condition with a too high blood sugar level. This is from eating too many carbohydrates. For example, some high carb foods include rice, banana, potato, bread and so forth. The solution can be by considering diabetes as a disease with an intolerance to glucose. This requires glucose to be restricted to a low level in the diet. According to the ketogenic diet, it recommends about 20 grams of glucose daily. Even consuming 50 to 100 grams daily would make a significant change. Most people eat over 200 hundreds of grams of carbohydrates daily.

More about effects of low carb diets “Benefits of keto diet and therapeutic ketosis for body oxygen levels” . This page in German “Vorteile einer ketogenen Diät und therapeutischer Ketose für bessere Sauerstoffwerte im Körper” .

Human bodies are not designed to digest carbohydrates properly. Good fats should be used from olive oil, butter, coconut oil and so forth. They will not cause a spike in blood sugar levels. Ketones will be used as an energy source in the ketogenic diet. Historically, the number of carbohydrates eaten was very little.

From solely using the ketogenic diet or a low carb diet people can reduce their insulin. This diet is strict and requires very little amount of carbs per day. It is recommended to not eat lots of fruits but greens such as broccoli are allowed.

Another way to get rid of diabetes is to combine following breathing retraining and having a low carb diet. This is a much easier method. You might not have to restrict carbs so much when practicing breathing retraining. Diabetes is one the top three killers in the world. The disease itself does not kill, but it happens from the diabetic complications.

The YouTube URL of this video is .

The video features Dr. Artour Rakhimov (Toronto, Canada) with Volker Schmitz (Hamburg, Germany). Dr Artour is a health educator, Amazon writer, and the author of Volker is a Buteyko breathing practitioner.


Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Treat Diabetes Fast And Naturally With Breathing Retraining (Buteyko Method)

A natural way to treat diabetes fast and effectively with breathing retraining (Buteyko method) and/or diet to reduce insulin intake dosage twice from the start and wean off insulin completely in weeks or months: Treat diabetes and reduce insulin with breathing.

For main symptoms and complication due to advanced diabetes 2, see the page “Effects of Breathing Exercises on Diabetes Symptoms and Complications” .

In this video, Dr. Artour Rakhimov and Volker Schmitz discuss the relation of breathing retraining to diabetes. Certain diets will be discussed that can help the healing process for diabetes and decrease insulin use. Dr. Artour Rakhimov mentions that type 2 diabetes will be discussed in this video. There are two methods to solve diabetes. One method is to practice a breathing retraining course. For example, the famous Buteyko method, the normal breathing method, the Frolov device or the DIY device can be used. Secondly, it can be also be solved by following a diet.

More information about this fast and natural treatment for diabetes is provided on these pages:
- “Breathing Retraining for Diabetes: Reduce Insulin Intake to Avoid Hypoglycemia”
- (in Spanish) “Reentrenamiento de respiración y diabetes: Ajuste de tomar insulina y evitar hipoglucemia” .

Dr. Artour Rakhimov knew about the effectiveness of breathing retraining for diabetes since about 10 to 12 years ago. He knew many people that had diabetes. They used insulin and they managed to get rid of their condition and insulin completely. They did this just by the breathing retraining course and without following any specific diets. This was to known Dr. Buteyko and Soviet doctors who used breathing retraining extensively to solve this health condition. In Russia, in the 1960's and 70's they used it on hundreds of people with diabetes. The Buteyko technique was applied to millions of people in Siberia. Also, extensive research was done on the Buteyko technique in relation to diabetes by other Soviet doctors who worked with patients who had hormonal or endocrine conditions, such as diabetes mellitus or type 2 diabetes.

People that achieve 35 to 40 seconds for the body-oxygen test or the control pause test, do not require insulin anymore. If they try to take insulin their blood sugar will become too low. An important part of a breathing retraining course is to gradually decrease diabetes medication. It is very dangerous to have the blood sugar drop too low and people can die from this. These days diabetics have devices that allows them to be aware of how much medication to take. Most people with diabetes can reduce their medication by about two times when starting breathing retraining. When people start breathing retraining, they should continually monitor their blood sugar level with devices.

Dr. Artour Rakhimov recommends about 3 to 4 hours of breathing retraining and physical exercise daily. This condition is a lot harder to get rid of than other health conditions. It requires long-term lifestyle changes in the breathing patterns of students. Also, physical exercise is especially important for the long term success of people with diabetes. Very few people will do formal breathing exercises in the long term because proper breathing patterns become automatic. According to Dr. Buteyko, physical exercise is the central factor that allows people to maintain high control pause levels. A high control pause level allows people to not suffer from the symptoms of diabetes.

The YouTube URL of this video is: /.

The video features Volker Schmitz and Dr. Artour Rakhimov. Volker Schmitz is a Buteyko practitioner from Hamburg in Germany. Dr. Artour is a trainer of breathing teachers and Amazon writer.

Monday, July 10, 2017

Sinusitis is Easily and Naturally Reversed With Buteyko Technique And Breathing Retraining

Thousands of breathing students cured their sinusitis with Buteyko breathing. In this video, Dr. Artour Rakhimov and Volker Schmitz expand on how to treat sinusitis naturally and fast with the Buteyko technique and breathing retraining.

Volker Schmitz is a Buteyko breathing practitioner from Hamburg Germany. He also has breathing retraining experience with many students. Dr. Artour Rakhimov previously recorded his personal experience with students that had sinusitis and frequent sinus infections.

Volker's own experience includes having a case using a breathing mask or Training Mask for running. It reduces breathing and he used it only for running. Running is one of the most intensive exercises that you can use it for. After a few days of using the mask, Volker had an extreme cleansing reaction. He had to blow his nose every so often. In one run of 4 miles, he had to blow his nose over 30 times. Afterwards, he felt really relieved. Many of his students had similar experiences, but with less severe reactions.

Causes of inflamed sinuses are in heavy breathing because people have problems with sinusitis only when they have less than 20 s for the body oxygen test. Reduced body oxygenation makes the immune system weak causing immune inability to deal with infections, fungi, viruses and other pathogens to grow.

This natural treatment of sinusitis is explained in detail here “Sinal Inflammation: Causes and Treatment (Over 90% Success Rate)” . The Spanish tranlation of this page is “Sinusitis: Causas y Tratamiento (Más del 90% de éxito)” .

Cleansing reactions are caused by breathing retraining include when old stagnated mucus (usually green or yellow) being released from the sinuses naturally as a part of a cleansing reaction. This can occur for a few days when beginning a new Buteyko course or during breathing retraining. It is very common and many people do not even realize that it is occurring. Volker himself did not notice this cleansing reaction at first. Yet, later on, he felt a lot better after this process. It usually happens fast when students achieve 25 to 30 seconds for the body-oxygen test or the control pause test. Students slow down their breathing and their health state greatly improves causing healthier sinuses to evolve.

The cleansing reactions can last from a few days to a few weeks. It depends on the person's rate of progress. According to Dr. Artour Rakhimov, physical exercise is one of the most powerful methods to remove old mucus from the body faster. Volker Schmitz had many students that recovered completely from having sinusitis. When students with sinusitis improve their morning CP to 25 or 30 seconds, 100 % of them reverse their health condition. The morning CP is the main parameter of health.

This health condition is relatively easier to recover from and the CP does not need to be too high when looking at the Buteyko Table of health zones. 30 seconds is still considered a zone of sickness according to Dr. Buteyko. Also, having a blocked nose that is related to sinusitis completely disappears. It happens quickly and becomes possible to breathe easily through the nose at night. Additionally, engaging in physical exercise and breathing with 100 % nasal breathing becomes possible. Nasal breathing when exercising is the safest and healthiest way to exercise and prevent sinus infections while maintaining good health in sinuses and the whole body.

Dr. Artour Rakhimov has many links on his website on how to unblock a stuffy nose, clear nasal congestion, and other related web pages. He also provides breathing retraining courses as well as teaching through Skype online.

The YouTube URL of this video is: /.

The video features Dr. Artour Rakhimov and Volker Schmitz. Dr. Artour is an Amazon writer and trainer of Buteyko breathing practitioners. Volker Schmitz is from Hamburg, Germany. He is also a Buteyko breathing teacher and yoga trainer.


Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Breathing Retraining Process and Buteyko Method: How To Get Cured from Chronic Diseases Dr Artour Rakhimov

In this video, Dr. Artour Rakhimov and Volker Schmitz discuss the relation of the general breathing retraining and the Buteyko breathing method. To learn the Buteyko technique and retrain one's breath, students use this page: .

Volker directs the conversation to the historical breathing patterns that are expanded on Dr. Artour Rakhimov's website Different breathing patterns are compared from various centuries. Dr. Artour Rakhimov points out that his website contains historical graphs. There are studies that show how much people were breathing according to their minute ventilation. The studies show how much a person breaths at rest in one minute. They are based on 24 medical studies and they start as early as the 1920's. The studies show that ordinary people would breathe 4 to 5 litres of air per minute. This is a tiny amount compared to the amount of air people breathe today. In today's age, people breathe about 12 litres per minute using the same type of measurements. This is twice the amount of air that people breathed 100 years ago.

When people breathe more air, they receive less oxygen in their cells. This is proved in hundreds of physiological studies. 99 percent of the population receive less oxygen because of over breathing. It is a myth that if you take a big breath you will receive more oxygen. Hyperventilation is defined as anything above the medical norm according to Dr. Artour Rakhimov. People do not notice that they breathe 2 to 3 times above the medical norm. When people breathe 4 to 5 times more than the medical norm, either they will remember that they over breathe or people around them will tell them. This usually occurs during epilepsy, a heart attack, an asthma attack and other serious health conditions.

Dr. Buteyko in his last year as a medical student noticed that sick people breathe too much air. Also, he was curious about how oxygen gets delivered to tissues. He experimented to train sick people to breathe according to the medical norm. It allowed them to have slower and easier breathing. They would get more oxygen and this would reverse various health conditions. This would occur by them changing their unconscious breathing patterns, as the central part of the Buteyko method. The method works not just by doing breathing exercises, but by changing overall breathing patterns throughout the day.

Dr. Buteyko had only three patents. One related to measurements of the control pause and its relation to breathing. Another was his reduced breathing exercise. According to Dr. Artour Rakhimov, the last one was the most important. Dr. Artour Rakhimov calls it the Buteyko table of health. It shows the connection to breath holding time and the correlated health state. The table goes from sick to super health states. The breath holding time relates to CO2 levels in the body. It also relates to the heart rate which gets lower the higher health state you have. More about the Buteyko Table of Health Zones: .

One previous point in the lecture was that breathing less provides people with more oxygen. Another important point to consider is, “Do you realize that you breathe more than the medical norm?”. Hyperventilating goes unnoticed for most people. Volker directs the conversation to how people breathed less historically and that not many doctors are discussing this. According to Dr. Artour Rakhimov, this change occurred as a natural process in theBuetyko method. Additionally, in medical schools where they train doctors, they are not provided at all with the info on how to change breathing patterns. Fortunately, it is possible to change breathing patterns. Also, the most important point is to find out what direction to go in.

The YouTube URL of this video is: /.

The video features Dr. Artour Rakhimov (Toronto, Canada) and Volker Schmitz (Hamburg, Germany). Dr. Artour is an Amazon, writer, breathing trainer, and the author of the website Volker is a Buteyko breathing teacher and yoga trainer.

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

Most Natural Weight Loss: Side Effect of Breathing Retraining with 100% Success Rate - Dr. Artour

All breathing students, when they slow down their breathing, start to loose weight naturally and experience more energy and less hunger as a result of their slower automatic breathing due to breathing retraining and lifestyle changes.

In this video, Dr. Artour Rakhimov and Volker Schmitz, discuss the relation of the Buteyko method and breathing retraining for weightloss. Dr. Artour Rakhimov does not advertise this side effect of losing weight. Losing weight naturally occurs from progressing in breathing retraining and achieving a higher body-oxygen level. Students practicing breathing retraining notice they start to eat less and they have more energy. It allows them to lose weight naturally without paying much attention and effort to doing it. Diet was previously not addressed in the beginning stages of breathing courses.

Ketogenic or low carb diets are great for losing weight. The last ten years has seen lots of medical research and people experienced losing weight from low carb diets. All students that had problems with weight and practiced breathing retraining start to gradually lose weight. Some students get their control pause level or body-oxygen level to 30 seconds and students with greater improvements get 50 to 60 seconds. Both of these students do not gain additional weight after 3 to 5 years. More details about how to lose weight naturally without doing a lot of physical exercise: .

According to Volker's experience, there is a big shift where students get more energy from breathing retraining. Also, they naturally pay more attention to the type of food they eat without following a specific diet. People that were overweight mostly lost lots of weight when they improved their morning control pause. The morning control pause is explained in other videos done by Dr. Artour Rakhimov.

Volker personally lost around 10 kilograms or 20 pounds from breathing retraining. Currently, Volker has even incorporated a bit of carbs into his diet, but his weight is still stable. Weight loss is one of the most difficult areas for marketing because there are so many options. Dr. Artour Rakhimov mostly has students coming to him with diabetes, cancer, breathing conditions and other such health issues. Most of the students already are overweight, to begin with.

Here is more about causes of obesity: heavy breathing 24/7 that is common for last several deacdes i ordinary people: .

Dr. Buteyko the founder of the Buteyko method, taught some simple rules for diet. One is to eat when hungry. Idea number two is to stop eating in time when full. Overeating has devastating effects on body-oxygen levels. Overeating is especially harmful if the food is high in protein and high in calories. The taste of people naturally changes during breathing retraining courses. Many people have addictions to many types of junk foods. When these people get around 30 seconds for the MCP and especially around 50 to 60 seconds, they get a desire to eat raw foods and eat healthier naturally. In Soviet Russia, medical doctors discovered these tendencies in children. The children would like junk foods, but when they got a higher CP they would select vegetables to eat instead.

The YouTube URL of this video is: /.

The video features Dr. Artour Rakhimov, health educator, Amazon writer, and the author of with Volker Schmitz (also a Buteyko practitioner, but from Hamburg, Germany).