Friday, February 28, 2020

No Deadly Effects of Chemo and Radiation on Low Carb Diets (PKD, etc.) for Cancer With Breath Retraining

PKD (paleolithic ketogenic diet by Hungarian doctors Zsofia Clemens and Csaba Toth from Paleomedicina Hungary) cannot help to cancer patients when they use radiation and chemotherapy since these treatment modalities often lead to deaths in some weeks. The same is true for other carnivore, low carb, ketogenic, and zero-carb diets. even when people are in nutritional ketosis, they are still very vulnerable to the effects of cancer treatment with radiation therapy or chemotherapy.

However, if patients apply breathing retraining (based on the Buteyko breathing method), then they can quickly eliminate effects and symptoms related to radiation therapy or chemotherapy: fatigue, mood changes, poor sleep, mental fog, and so forth.

The PKD is used against autoimmunity and autoimmune health conditions with great results in the last 8-9 years. This diet allows sick people to restore normal intestinal permeability (to fix the leaky gut syndrome) and repair tight junctions in both intestines.

Related web page: Cancer Treatment that Reverses Even Stages 3/4: PKD/Carnivore Diet and Buteyko -

See more about Paleomedicina’s PKD Diet Review: Diet for Autoimmune/Inflammatory Conditions, Csaba Toth and Zsófia Clemens - download PDFs of PKD medical studies here -

Our YouTube Channel:

The YouTube URL of this video is:

The video features Dr. Artour Rakhimov, health educator, writer, breathing teacher and trainer, and the author of the website

Thursday, February 27, 2020

Two Key Discoveries of Dr. Buteyko (Health Zones and Breathing Method)

The topics discussed in this video include firstly the Buteyko table of health zones and secondly the Buteyko technique itself. Other subtopics include the fact that the health of people can be evaluated by there respiratory parameters, the Buteyko table of health zones, breathing patterns, how to determine someones health state/level by using breathing parameter and the table of health, the medical norm for breathing parameters, health states, medical conditions/ illnesses, and medication, super health and changes that take place at these health levels.

More about the history of the Buteyko method –  The second discovery the Buteyko technique itself which allows us to take respiratory parameters back to normal levels which help solve health problems, how the technique is applied in different degrees for example in clinical trials with asthmatics, reduction of medication used by asthmatics, the reduction of symptoms in asthmatics and the method itself which uses breathing exercises, lifestyle changes, physical activity, sleep, diet and much more. Then latterly how Dr. Buteyko was decades ahead in terms of his ideas and health contributions such as the use of spices, the use of vibration and barefoot walking to name a few. Dr. Artour also explains that in his opinion Dr. Buteyko was the greatest medical man in the history of humanity as he made such huge contributions to human health such as the Buteyko table of health zones and the practical tool the Buteyko breathing technique itself. He also states that he has the belief that the method can be developed even further and that he is always looking for methods and techniques that will allow his students and practitioners to achieve better health with less time and less effort with more sophisticated and newer tools. Our YouTube Channel: The YouTube URL of this video is Buteyko discoveries: The video features Dr. Artour Rakhimov, health educator, writer, breathing teacher and trainer, and the author of the website The video editing and original description for this video were created by Euan Forsyth.

Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Breathing Retraining (Buteyko Method) and (IHHT) Intermittent Hypoxic Hyperoxic Training

In this video, Jürgen Reinmuth ("IHHT" Intermittent Hypoxic Hyperoxic Therapy and managing director of interviews Dr. Artour Rakhimov (Buteyko trainer and Amazon author.)

Jürgen and Dr. Artour discuss a huge variety of topics in this video including when Dr. Artour first discovered Buteyko, using the method with his family, on becoming a practitioner, on writing his books, on discovering the community of buteyko practitioners, meeting people within the community, availability of information on the Buteyko method in Russian and English, various western research and studies in relation to the Buteyko method, Dr. Artour's websites, Buteyko practitioners, Dr. Buteyko and his discoveries, Dr. Artour's journey and his goals over the past years, evolving and progressing the Buteyko method and breathing retraining, Buteyko and chronic illnesses, peoples abilities to practise breathing retraining, meditation, breathing exercises, Intermittent hypoxic hyperoxic training, IHHT, Dr. Artour's experience with IHHT, the importance of physical exercise, the body oxygen/cp test, improvements after hypoxic hyperoxic sessions, Arkadi Prokopov, Low carb, ketogenic, carnivore and pkd diets, cancer treatment, Buteyko’s norm for health, breaking through 40cp, IHHT for complex situations and conditions that are hard to treat with buteyko, example of someone with CFS who improved and stabilised with IHHT, how lifestyle impacts breathing, factors which influence breathing, yoga masters, Dr. Buteykos life and training of doctors, breathing parameters at high cp’s, how people with poor health and lower cp’s are often sensitive to changes in oxygen, stimulating the mitochondria to improve there function and body oxygenation and the dangers of hyperventilation.

For more information on The Buteyko Method and Breathing Retraining head over to Dr. Artour's website and for more information about (IHHT) Intermittent Hypoxic Hyperoxic Training head over to Jürgens website

Thanks for watching!

The YouTube URL of this video is:

The video features Dr. Artour Rakhimov, health educator, writer, breathing teacher and trainer, and the author of the website

The video editing and original description for this video were created by Euan Forsyth.

Saturday, February 22, 2020

Run Marathon 30 Min Faster With Breathing Retraining

In this video Dr. Artour Rakhimov, author, breathing retraining practitioner and coach of 2 world champions will explain how people can improve their marathon times by up to 30 minutes using breathing retraining. He will explain how this is possible and will discuss various topics that will back up and describe his claim. The topics discussed in this video will be, average marathon times during the last years, his past years working with various athletes at all different levels, how if people can reduce there breathing by 2-3 times they can often see huge benefits in running times and how he is also aware not everyone will see such huge improvements, for example, elite and professional runners who have trained for years at a high level as there have often optimized there performance so much already. If we measure the average persons breathing parameters in correspondence with the Buteyko table of health zones today, we will often see they are around health level 3 and how people 100 years ago often had better parameter on average and how these low levels mean people have low oxygen level in the body on a cellular level. He will dive into breathing parameters, measurements, the importance of nose breathing for health and better results and how and why people use there mouth or nose during physical exercise How breathing slower and less improves body oxygenation, the cp test, how to achieve nose breathing during physical exercise. Dr. Artour also explains how the Buteyko method/breathing retraining was first developed for severely sick people and how if we apply efforts and achieve high health levels and slower breathing in correspondence with the table he has found the therapy will always work in reducing symptoms and need for medication. Lastly, he will also briefly go into topics such as Dr. Buteyko’s golden standard of health, how if people achieve better health levels their oxygen delivery to tissues will be dramatically improved, how if we improve health levels physical exercise will become less of a chore and people will begin to crave it and how it can become totally easy. If you would like to learn more head over to and have a look at scientific research and numbers he mentions and If you want to improve your marathon times you can retrain your breathe and see the amazing results for yourself. How to Run Marathon 30 Min. Faster (By Changing Your Breathing Pattern At Rest) - Breathing Techniques For Running: Maximize Oxygen Intake and VO2max - Our YouTube Channel: The YouTube URL of this video is: The video features Dr. Artour Rakhimov, health educator, writer, breathing teacher and trainer, and the author of the website The video editing and original description for this video were created by Euan Forsyth.

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Biggest Misconception of Buteyko Method: Physical Exercise vs. Breathwork

So what is the illusion? The illusion is although it may seem the Buteyko method is based on just breathing exercises. In reality, if we look at the life of a student, although they may spend a lot of time at the beginning on breathing exercises to make progress once they achieve higher health levels physical exercise becomes the main factor in terms of there progress and long term success years down the line. Therefore the Buteyko method is more about physical exercise than just doing breathing exercises. Physical Activity Benefits for 100% Nose Breathing: Exercise Chart - Buteyko Breathing Retraining Method: Therapy that Always Works - Our YouTube Channel: The YouTube URL of this video is: The video features Dr. Artour Rakhimov, health educator, writer, breathing teacher and trainer, and the author of the website The video editing and original description for this video were created by Euan Forsyth.

You're Dependent or Addicted to Coffee due to Your Heavy Breathing (even in Ketosis)

In this video, Dr. Artour Rakhimov will discuss how Coffee/Caffeine dependency and addiction can be successfully treated and cured with breathing retraining, exercise and lifestyle changes which improve body oxygenation. In his introduction, he discusses how he has recently been consuming a lot of media including videos, podcasts and forum posts from different diet movements including ketogenic, zero carb, carnivorous, P.K.D. and their experiences with coffee consumption. He talks about how Zsofia Clemens of Paleomedicina who works with the PKD diet, had previously endorsed some coffee consumption in the past but has now made changes and no longer recommends the beverage as it may lead to possible health problems/consequences due to possible increased permeability of the gut and intolerances or reactions some people may have to plant foods/drinks as coffee is derived from plants. Many students have had questions related to coffee consumption and Dr. Artour has had his own observations for years regarding coffee use and it’s relation to breathing retraining and the Buteyko table of health zones. Most modern people currently have a Control pause of around 20 seconds or less and many studies have shown that coffee can help and has very positive effects for this group of people. These effects include improved concentration, short term memory, reaction time. From a breathing retraining viewpoint and his observations, he often noticed that people that start with a CP of 20 seconds often require many cups of coffee a day to function better were able to significantly reduce their consumption or even stop altogether once they achieved a higher CP/level of health in correspondence with the Buteyko table of health zones. He also noticed once they had improved there CP and achieved better levels of health the same person with the same cup of coffee often began to dislike consuming it as it gave them negative side effects such as being jittery, agitated, racing heart, etc. Finally, to conclude the topic of the video, should you use coffee or not? If you have a low cp/ health level coffee may be beneficial for you, if you don’t react negatively to it and if you have or can achieve a high cp/ health level coffee is seldom needed. So if we're able to improve our body oxygen content with time and persistence using breathing retraining and physical exercise, coffee/caffeine addiction can be overcome.

Related pages: Addiction to Caffeine: Causes and Treatment Coffee Addiction: Causes and Treatment Our YouTube Channel: The YouTube URL of this video is: The video features Dr. Artour Rakhimov, health educator, writer, breathing teacher and trainer, and the author of the website The video editing and original description for this video were created by Euan Forsyth.

Saturday, February 15, 2020

How to Fix Intestinal Permeability (Leaky Gut) PKD vs. Buteyko Method

In this video Dr. Artour Rakhimov will address a question asked by one of his students, the question is- Will following a PKD style diet used by Paleomedicina restore intestinal permeability and is it the only way to fix the problem? and will applying the Buteyko method and achieving the gold standard of 60 seconds for your morning CP (health level 7 in the Buteyko Table of Health zones) also be able to restore intestinal permeability. In terms of professional medical literature there are no published studies by Soviet/Russian doctors that show intestinal permeability can be solved using the Buteyko method so doctors at Paleomedicina are correct that they are the only people to have published information/research that shows intestinal permeability can be solved using a PKD style diet but from experience and observations of these soviet/Russian doctors that used the Buteyko method many of them claim Intestinal Permeability can be solved by achieving 40 seconds for your morning CP (health level 5 in the Buteyko table of health zones) and above. He then talks about how people in the past (around 100 years ago) were not as sick as around 70% of our population in the modern world will suffer from over 200 diseases of civilization as people 100+ years ago on average had around 40 seconds for there morning CP (Health Level 5 in the Buteyko Table of Health Zones). So if the idea put forward by doctors at Paleomedicina is true, that PKD is the key and the only cause of chronic disease then people who consumed foods that were not within PKD in the past would have become sick and developed various health conditions but if we look at the Buteyko table of health zones we know this is not the case as people in the past had around 40 seconds for there morning CP so they were able to have a relatively poor diet while remaining healthy. So to conclude the video once people began eating poorly many thousands of years ago due to the development of agriculture etc. coupled with big lifestyle changes that negatively impacted our breathing parameters within the last 100 or so years in Dr. Artour Rakhimov’s view these 2 factors have ultimately caused the explosion of chronic diseases in our modern world today. Fix leaky Gut (Intestinal Permeability): No Soiling, No Toilet Paper - Our YouTube Channel: The YouTube URL of this video is: The video features Dr. Artour Rakhimov, health educator, writer, breathing teacher and trainer, and the author of the website

Paleomedicina PKD Review: Diet for Autoimmune/Inflammatory Conditions, Zsófia Clemens, Csaba Toth

Autoimmunity and autoimmune conditions successfully treated with low carb (ketogenic) diet or PKD (paleolithic ketogenic diet) by Hungarian doctors Zsofia Clemens and Csaba Toth from Paleomedicina Hungary to restore normal intestinal permeability and repair tight junctions in the small and large intestines. They use PEG400 test for measuring intestinal permeability. Paleomedicina’s PKD Review: Diet for Autoimmune/Inflammatory Conditions, Zsófia Clemens, Csaba Toth - You can find PDFs of their medical studies here - The English version of the website of Paleomedicina Hungary is Intestinal permeability and Breathing Retraining, Buteyko Health Level 5/6 (Buteyko morning CP 40-60 s) normalizes intestinal permeability and heals the leaky gut naturally. - Overbreathing (hyperventilation) or abnormal diet as the key cause of modern diseases or diseases of civilization. Our YouTube Channel: The YouTube URL of this PKD Diet Review video is /. The video features Dr. Artour Rakhimov, health educator, writer, breathing teacher and trainer, and the author of the website